SM xenex
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Everything posted by SM xenex
ok first question : no i dont think they can give you a map. I know that atleast one of them that puts some weapons/vehicles sometimes uses a map its probably so he can see that there arent too many cars in one part of the city and none in the other part ,same for weapons.But the map might not always be accurate ,But maps for the releases have come pretty fast after the releases , normally 4/5 days. BTW , i have seen the picture of the server tool, and i think its safe to say that we will all be cappable of changing weapon/vehicle locations , i am however not sure of this but the way it is written seem very easy to be able to do that,and since the blue core will be cappable of supporting mods i surely think this will be one of its cappabilities. Second question : no mta does not change anything of vc because it uses its own .scm and .data files . .scm for the player spawn location,vehicle spawn location, health/weapon pickups etc. And the .data files for some minor changes they have done to be able to use melee weapons and i think also for the stubby.
Before you go try what ^ he said try going to the site of your soundcard manufacturer and see if they have any new drivers for your sound card,try that first, if they dont THEN reinstall . Did you notice this with anything else? Another game maybe?Im not sure but it might be that the voices in the game are a certain format ( mp3 maybe) while the sound effects are another format and that the problem is only happening on that certain format.
LMAO this has to be the funniest thing i ever have gone tru in all my time around mta ( or any game online for that fact ) Major clan ? How come we have never heard of any of these "major" clans , lol seriously this is a very poor attempt at a joke Hmmm... disapearing , that doesnt sound so bad.... */me thinks how much time he will be spending in the girls bathroom knowing nobody can see him*
2 things , 1 .We know about this already it has to do with the bot someone made for mta, you should lsearch for bot on this forum youll get a script that will HELP stop this , there isnt anything much we can do about this at this moment, so use the script and hope it helps. 2. Dont beleive the person saying that he build/made it , its more then likely false.
For the love of god!! these things must be in mta blue!!!
SM xenex replied to -i.Tanner's topic in General Blue discussion
That is why i mentioned client side skins , they are good since you are not obliged to have it in order to enter the server,If it is a thing that the server admin wanted everyone to see some people as soem skin ( like someoen with a leather jacket with the gang tag on the back) then they can add it to downloads on their own site or a central download site ( http://www.mtafilles.com anyone? ) But yes Making it obligatory to download is woud be a pain in the ass and make some people decide to leave that server and just look for another one. So possible ways i see of doing it is : Optional download : All skins would be client side . All skins would be available on a site . Making it autodownload ,but still ask the player if he wants it yes or no. -Only bad thing if you dont download the skins a person might say hey lets kill all the ninjas ( only example) you dont have the skins so you wont see anyone as ninjas so you will not be able to fully enjoy it like the rest, but you would still be able to play. forced download : The skins would be managed by the server. ( if you dont have it you cant play) All the skins would be available on the server itself so you would download before entering the game. Same thing here autodownload , but here you wont get the option of not downloading, you HAVE to download or go on another server. -Bad thing here is that you MUST download that skin before entering the server , this will make the wait time long especially since the server will put a limit on how many people can download at once and at what speed they can download ( to reduce lag for players already in game) Which might mean that you could be downloading a skin ( A SKIN , not even somethign important) at 1kb/s .That woud be annoying -
The Adventures of [VCP]rebel and PlanetGTA
SM xenex replied to d8cam's topic in GTA3 Screens & Movies
I think he meant deathb but yeah like nosgoth said no name calling. -
Try deleteing gta_vc.set file in my documents/gta vc user files folder This is where your saved file and replays and this set file is saved , they dont get deleted when you uninstall <<-- deleting the .set file should help. You mention something about weird colors apearing you might also want to update videocard drivers,this can also be a probem, especially if you have old ati drivers.
Thread locked , from a simple suggestion to a two person discusion.Get a room you guys. LOCKED
No...... cant you notice its mtama based.
I dont think its his server or that he had anythign to do with it. I think he just wanted to share with us.
All SM members that i have their email will be getting and email tonight with some important content please read the mail and reply . Thank you.
For the love of god!! these things must be in mta blue!!!
SM xenex replied to -i.Tanner's topic in General Blue discussion
The skin part would be better if used clieant side anyways, like other games out there , example you can change a weapon skin on your side, but for others it would just be the normal one. What is of course possible ( if doable in blue) is the person running the server has the game different ,examples,other player skin, other weapon skin, a ramp somewher , a bridge somwhere ,but instead of autodownload from the server he would have a site somewhere to download his mod-pack from, this is a way of doing a different skin for everyone , again this is all IF it will be doable in blue. -
For the love of god!! these things must be in mta blue!!!
SM xenex replied to -i.Tanner's topic in General Blue discussion
wow [sacasm] AMazing man, how come nobody has ever tought about this!!!!WOW!!!1111oneone[/sarcasm] wow when i saw this topic i tought it woud be some things that were never suggested before and some way to add a better cheatprevention or some new additions to mta, but no its simply one of those suggestion which we have read thousands of times meh , who was i kidding. -
Hi there zircon,Is the map fully updated?do u just upload the newer(updated) map to the same adress so its automaticly updated here?Im just wondering since i havent seen you ask any mods to update the link for you. Ok anyways SM would like to claim the BoatHanger behind airport ,its also Behind 8Ball shop ITs the one with the little office ,On the map it apreas as the a square next to where the road ends in bottom middle part of the 2nd island ,If you dont know which it is let me know ill get a link to the screen
Big problem with the forum.
SM xenex replied to echo_tyme's topic in Site/Forum/Discord/Mantis/Wiki related
/me looks at mad boy's sig saying : Proud TEA member Official B.L.A.S.T.Addict Proud VCP co-leader Proud DK co-leader Nah he isnt in any gang -
Freeze after Game starts, before choosing a character!
SM xenex replied to a topic in General MTA:VC
Well to my knowledge mta would be cappable of supporrting more languages, only thing that would have to be done is translate some text to whatever lanaguage is needed and voila . The things needing change would be the .gxt's and the client a bit to show the text that apears in it in that specific language and some other small parts, but for the censored version of gta ie australian and german (maybe otherstoo) that woudnt help i think since the problem does not lie in the game text , which could easily be change, but in the .exe , and if mta did offer a working .exe it could be considered illegal as we have no way to know if a person has the game legit. -
MAdMike if your gonna complain i suggest you read my post instead of skipping tru it and picking something to coplain about. First: what do you even care your not a part of this league and im sure you didnt even read the posts in this thread , you just saw mine telling the guys to behave and tought you should complain about ir Secondly: i NEVER said they coudnt use this thread/forum, the only thing i said is for them to take the argument that has been unfolding to the forum they made esspecially for this, and leave this thread for other things.. Face it nobody wants to skip tru 30 posts of to fin out only 2 of them were telling them results of the league and the rest of the 28 were arguments. This thread was locked once before, THAT is the reason i suggested they take the arguments to the leagues forum, dont want to see this thread getting locked again. Now i suggest from now on you inform yourself well enough and read everything instead of only what you think is important before posting again, as i hate peopel that complain or argue with someone and doesnt know all the facts.
One question, wasnt there a forum made by you dark for this thing? If im correct then i ask for the ones argueing in here to stop it and take it to that forum , dark should allow you to discuss any problems you have suffered in this league there without the threat of being banned or censored. Please keep this thread to fight notices,Readjusting the times of fights, congratulations to the teams that played and fight results please guyys.
Not sure what your understanding kunfu but ill explain anyways . When all 3 islands get released you will have the option to either have Portland or Shorside or Stuanton .Hope that clears up the confusion you have , i dunno. BTW. It would be possible to have all 3 islands at once But the main problem was trying to spread out the cars , i dunno what the carlimit in gta3 is, but take vc 's 80, 80 cars spread out over the 3 gta islands would make a lot of people having to run long in order to find a car.
Acctually there is,ill try and get a link to where it says the amount, i dunno what it is but i can say for sure there is a limit.
SM had a clanwar today with VCP, this is the first gangwar for SM after more then 7 months, all sm'rs did however still play and fight ocasionaly , but no cw. Anyways , this match has to be one of the closest i have ever seen, the gangs were evenly powered and rounds went very close,Both gangs behaved themselfs very well, which is no surprise. Clanwar report. The rules of the cw would be normal def/att/ffa , with no glitching and helis werent used as transport to other gangs location.No weapnon pick ups were allowed and every time a round ended everyone had to respawn.And if you crashed you were allowed to respawn.. SM's Headquaters would be the boat hangar behind aiport and behind the 8 bomb shop. VCP's Headquaters would be the (Avery) construction yard, their normal HQ. Round 1 VCP Defending: We got there and found out they were all waiting for us on the second floor of the construcion site, so we took cover at the pillars there and then rushed up the second floorsurprising them cause they didnt expect all of us up there so fast . Taking some hits on the way up .Boss, storm and hazj managed to get on the second floor while i was on the first one shooting at some vcp . Boss quickly got a kill on JHXP. Storm got one on MAD BOY,Boss turned around to kill yet another one with his stubby , killing rebel. Meanwhile i was shooting at Talidan from the lower level Boss came in and finished the kill ( stealing my kill ) The round was over so fast nobody even noticed it -Round 1 went for SM without losing one member Round 2 SM defending: When VCP reached our HQ they found out that we blocked the entrances to our HQ with a carwall,but that didnt stop them as some of them just drove right into the wall and broke a hole for the rest. VCP's got out of their car and the fight began. The first kill would go to Boss that would surprise and kill MAD BOY from behind. Hazj got chainsawed by JHXP.I got a kill on Talidan with my m60. And Storm did the same with Rebel.That left only JHXP alive with a bunch of SM'rs with some hits on their part. Boss went after him trying too kill him but failed in the attempt, then i went to take revenge for boss , but i got killed too.Storm tried to save himself and kill JHXP but also got killed by his m60. Very well done by JHXP in this round -Round 2 went for VCP ,with some amazing shooting by JHXP Round 3 VCP defending. As soon as SM got to the vcp base nades and mollies started flying as vcp were again on the second floor it was very difficult for sm to attack.But no problem we had some long range shooters to keep vcp busy enough for us to make it on the second floor.We got up there and hazj was the first to die on the hands of MAD BOY , i would follow him as i got killed by mad boy without getting a single shot off. Boss got a kill on Talidan with his stubby,and storm got on on JHXP with his m60.All of a sudden MAD BOY got a kill on Boss ,Storm went to fight him and got killed trying by MAD BOY's m60. -Round 3 went for vcp with MAD BOY killing all 4 SM members. Round 4 SM defending. So yet again we decide to make our carwalll to slow vcp down. After it seemed like they were taking a while to get there,me and boss decide to get in the cars to make sure thy were well synced for when vcp arrived, and to our surprise vcp rammed tru the wall running me and boss over lower our health a bit, it seems they were closer then we tought. So we started shooting at vcp's and they started shooting at us. The first to go down would be MAD BOY that got killed by Boss's stubby. JHXP got a kill on Storm with his M60.And boss got yet another kill with his stubby on Rebel.At this point i ran inside of our HQ as i saw someone there and i was being shot outside only to get blown away by JHXP's m60. Hazj killed Talidan with his m60 and then went inside the HQ to finish of JHXP. -Round 4 went to SM with a very close fight . Round 5 Free For All. After grouping up at each gangs HQ we started the round and raced to meet eachother the gangs meet eachother on the bride coming off starfish island in front of the ice cream factory.There the war broke out.I got the first kill with my victim being talidan.At this time rebel crashed with 100 hp so he was allowed to respawn.MAD BOY got killed by Boss's stubby,immediatly after that boss got killed by JHXP's m60. But fear not as Hazj killed JHXP and revenged Boss.Rebel took a while to get back to the bridge but when he got there I got killedby his mp5 because i only had 10 hp.But Rebel's glory woudnt last long as we would be killed by Storm's m60 -Round 5 goes to SM with a nice fight from both gangs. At this time some FMJ's came into the server as we were using their server for the fight, they were getting a bit inpatient because it seemed like the war was taking long Round 6 VCP defend. Hazj would be the first to get a kill in this round his unlucky victim was MAD BOY .I got a bonus kill on a none vcp member That turned out to be [FMJ]Zokz .JHXP would wipe the smile from Hazj face with his m60.But his glory woudn last long either as he would be killed by Boss soon after.Boss would get killed by someone he woudnt expect , me . But i didnt even notice and went on to kill Talidan. At this time i was getting yelled to get rebel which i didnt see anywhere in sight.Rebel killed storm with his stubby. *At this time i got fully desynced from the game as i was seeing 3 ghost driving around in cars , which turned out to be FMJ's and i coudnt see rebel i could only see his car moving, I was down to 5 hp and rebel was down to 70 As i wasnt gonna go down without a fight we decide that we would respawn and lower our healhts back to that amount,I tried killing myself and hoping to get synced that way but didnt help as eachtime i spawned as tommy on the hotel roof at the char select screen.So i had to restart my game to get synced again.and after spawning me and rebel lower our hp to the 6 and 70 ,ebel gave me a bit of help here by slicing me with his katana a few times, then i jump from a few walls to get down to 6.At this point we called a go and started shooting eachother.* Rebel managed to kill me obviously but the game said i killed myself -Round 6 went to VCP with some minor problems. Round 7 Free For All. (Deciding round) Yet again both gangs would meet at the same placeagain , bridge in front of ice cream factory , with some FMJ's also in the area. The firs kill would be given to Boss killing MAD BOY with his stubby . At this time there was confusioin everywhere as neither SM nor VCP could see the difference between gangs unless they got close.Talidan would be killed by a explosion which i think was his on car exploding.Boss would kill Rebel with a M60.And i would get the last kill of the game ,my victim being JHXP. -Round 7 went to SM , with a lott of confusion and some lagg on both sides -Game Won by SM Very good and close fight VCP and SM both teams did very well.
/me wonders how he missed this thread Anyways sounds like fun, any chance of a repeat?
Please search or atleast read the blue page before asking questions. About the 2 passenger in hunter , Cant the hunter is a 1 person vehicle it could be done if the hunter was hacked to carry one passenger but who knows what bugs problems that might bring, not to mention that the passenger would have to be glued somewhere like on top of the hunter,under it or ib the hunter itself, which would look ridicolous. LOCKED
http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t= ... sc&start=0 LOCKED