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MTA Anti-Cheat Team
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Everything posted by Dutchman101

  1. The reason for your ban is that we found out who you are.. Is your second PC (besides serial F9776D3C1B798479A2786C2EB0452E44) that you started using after receiving a ban (on 07A2681B473628E33B69A294BAE861F3) for trying to use an exploit on the 28th of December. That exploit means you were trying to develop cheats and it got detected. Appeal denied, your other serials have the same ban expiration date as your main PC now. Wait it out. @kreizi
  2. No Don't try to cheat on NextRP.. wait until the ban expires. Temporary bans can't be appealed.
  3. Appeal denied. Besides cheat development that got you guys originally banned, you did far more serious (and even illegal) things afterwards and you're well aware of it.
  4. That's because there is a very limited, although somewhat functional basic anti-cheat in netc.dll for forks and custom clients. Even though it offers a really weak security (it's not secure at all) and still requires you to supplement it with your own anti-cheat. Because of popular demand for information regarding this, I added this wiki page: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_support_for_custom_builds I hope it helps.
  5. If you're creating a fork of MTA, will you respect the MTA license (unlike all of those russian projects)? I think people that may be able to help find this important. You can also visit the MTA discord and ask your questions in the #development channel.
  6. Hi WillSmoka (yes we know who you really are), Please stop trying to act like a different person and try your luck to get unbanned after changing your serial. It no longer works because your method of serial changing has been blocked. You can't fool us, have a good day! @sonka
  7. There is no reason for us to believe these kind of claims, as anyone can say that.. if you're ready to substantiate it, feel free to PM me evidence that you're either the server owner or having their permission (you 'helping them'.. e.g have them contact us and confirm it). In that case ill discuss it with the staff member that banned you and review the ban. But for now, the appeal is denied. If you can't show me that in a PM, then there's nothing you can do but wait.
  8. So take my advise and go for trial & error, if you start with a powerful dedicated server then less so.
  9. It's a common question, but there is no answer for it, because it depends on your plans with the server. For example: 1) The amount of players 2) If you'll have heavy mods (and if so, the level of their optimization) 3) If you have sufficient scripting experience so that you can optimize all of your scripts Obviously, if nothing is optimized - mods are bloated and scripts do what they do inefficiently, causing your resources to ask more from your server's CPU and RAM memory, you will start hitting the limits of your server's specs much quicker. On top of these unpredictable things standing in the way of giving good advise, a large gamemode just requires a server or PC with decent specs. It's trial and error, you will just have to estimate the type of machine required based on what you're planning to do, and see if it's running smoothly and continues doing so as the player count (popularity) grows. If not, start with optimizing your gamemode, and otherwise selecting a better host. * Note: the reason we can't give you a proper estimate on what kind of server specs you need even if you tell us about your plans, is because we don't know the level of optimization in your gamemode and obviously can't reliably take the word of its creator for it. @Hugos
  10. The official DayZ gamemode can be found at https://github.com/NullSystemWorks/mtadayz/ and the default database files also in that repository, here: https://github.com/NullSystemWorks/mtadayz/tree/master/DayZ/database If you have a customized DayZ gamemode that requires more, or extended databases, you would need to reconstruct it based on your scripts. Then either do that (Bilal135's post can help) or otherwise fall back on a clean DayZ gamemode such as the one I linked. @Sandiiis
  11. I think you mean this: local x, y, z = getElementPosition(element) I think you want to replace element with thePlayer or localPlayer I guess you understand it now, but just in case: Example on how to use the position stored in the x, y, z local local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) -- get player's location createVehicle(551, x, y, z) -- spawn a vehicle at player's location That code would do exactly the same as this: createVehicle(551, getElementPosition(thePlayer)) The reason that above code (single line) also works, is because createVehicle requires 3 float functions (x, y, z position) to spawn a vehicle, and getElementPosition returns exactly these 3 float values that it wants. Note to others reading this in the future: you can't use a local like this (a, b, c) for all functions - the reason it fits getElementPosition is because it returns 3 float values, as the wiki page for this function reads: However, you can store return values from plenty of functions in a local with the appropiate amount of values (not just local a, b, c) and the reason I am turning this reply into some kind of tutorial is because I've seen the prevalence of scripts that can be easily cleaned up by doing things like this. @X.Liyones.X
  12. Nice excuse.. I don't believe it. You got banned after trying your bypass on the regular MTA release, not a custom build. You did something similar in the past (e.g August), and not succeeding didn't stop you from doing it again. Appeal denied / Edit: accepted and unbanned on last chance.
  13. Doesn't the damage encourage realistic driving, which is especially a concern on roleplay servers? Also, just wondering: does it apply to (nearly) all sidewalks and curbs, or just those near the center of LS (as in your screenshot)?
  14. I think the PUBG servers do it with setCameraFieldOfView and then drawing a fake scope image. At least, to produce results like this: Iron sights like in your picture might be a little different
  15. No, you won't be unbanned yet. I think you know why. You came back ban evading last week and tried to do more bad things of the sort that originally got you banned. @AlexCode
  16. You tried to use an old, detected cheat and this resulted in a ban. If you don't want to be banned, then don't try to cheat in MTA. Temporary bans are non-negotiable and cannot be appealed. Wait until the ban expires, @Sandiiis
  17. If you meant damage model, then yes it's inside the DFF. Looking at http://hotmist.ddo.jp/id/vnode.html you can see _dam variants for damagable parts. Example: "bonnet_ok" is the regular bonnet (not damaged), and "bonnet_dam" is the damaged one. That's the damage model for said part. So by creating a mesh for and renaming it to _dam (if your vehicle has no damage model yet), you can add a damage model. I would advise just copying the _ok mesh, as then it's the right proportions and you can easily deform the mesh (like, twist the steel of the regular bonnet, so it's a damaged variant). But as you're not very clear, if you were talking about collision, then just follow Tut's link.
  18. Appeal accepted, you've done your time. Even though the actions of you and "CHRS" combined are far more severe than what has been posted in your previous appeal topic (https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/115929-xsimas-unban-req/), I believe that nearly everyone deserves another chance. Both you and CHRS will be unbanned, you can bring him this news. If you engage in malicious activity that targets MTA users or servers again in the future, you will be banned and the ban will not be indefinite, but definately permanent. Note: many serials were used by you guys to avoid bans. Serials that resulted from abuse won't be unbanned, only what looks like your main PC's. I will leave this topic open for a while in case there's any issues like these ain't your main PC. In that case, please post the correct serial. @xSimas
  19. Please read https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/94790-guidelines-and-formatting-for-this-section-read-before-posting/ first
  20. Temporary bans are not negotiable. But let me explain: this ban is a result of you constantly messing with MTA and trying to develop cheats/bypass anti-cheat. Even though these are amateuristic and failed attempts, we don't like people that mess with MTA and try to abuse. You have received multiple short bans recently that should have been warnings for you to stop messing around. But you didn't stop. So your current ban is a bit longer, please wait for it to expire. @Zerdo
  21. You keep evading forum and discord bans in order to make appeals and contact staff about your ban and so far you have: 1) Acted like a russian person 2) Copied an appeal from someone else. This appeal that you are posting now. You copied the entire appeal text from https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/120346-unban-request/ and you are not banned for DDoS. That person is. Future topics will be deleted just like your recently spammed ones. I just couldn't let it to respond to this particular one, to point out how dumb these methods are that you're trying to use for looking like an entirely different person than you're are. You know that you're banned for infecting MTA players with RAT viruses (handled for example in https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/120489-mtasa-ban/ and https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/119144-mta-sa-ban-rat/), and that you're not going to get unbanned.
  22. This is a good improvement over your previous appeals (https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/120535-cd-47-ddos/ and https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/121134-despacito/) and you clearly meant it this time. Appeal accepted, ban removed
  23. Your PC can't handle the unoptimized mods that server loads. - Upgrade your RAM memory (you have 4gb) - Use the link that ccw posted, upgrade to a 64-bit version of Windows so that all of your RAM memory (even without increasing it) is usable, making you less likely to crash. - If you can't do either, play on different servers with less heavy mods. Besides that, there is an update (newer version of MTA than what you're running) with some experimental tweaks that can reduce the chance to get this type of crash. You can give it a try, get it here: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/?mtasa-1.5-latest
  24. Dutchman101

    MTA Crash

    Please start with re-installing MTA, because something failed in a process to guarantee compatibility with your Rockstar launcher version of GTA. That process only occurs when you are (re)installing MTA. Also re-download it from https://mtasa.com/ to make sure you'll get the update that adds compatibility. @komadachi
  25. Unfortunately, resources being compressed (.zip or .rar) won't affect the total size players will download. The server will extract resources to then place it in the cache and send it. The possibility of using archived resources besides folders exists for other reasons, not to decrease download size. There are other possibilities for that, like optimizing textures, images, sound files, and mods (custom models). @Vitaum
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