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Everything posted by Ren_712

  1. ULTRAMEN - nope. Please read the events description on the wiki. You'll find almost a fitting example there.
  2. here is the official topic, there you will find the current english version: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=67901#p635953
  3. You will need this client-side event: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/On ... ntStreamIn Whenever an element is streamed in (check the ped element name) apply shader to the ped element. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/On ... tStreamOut remove it when the element streame out.
  4. You should look into this: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=140&t=38462 Get the newest version from: https://www.assembla.com/code/green-can ... L_replacer
  5. pa3ck, AboShanab - Well .. it isn't broken. But yeah, it doesn't behave as an element. I'll try to work it out somehow. Meanwhile use getElementPosition(theElement) and 'setCoronaPosition' function.
  6. It's too bad that not many mappers utilize MTA potential.
  7. Priceless awesome memories... great editing and skills
  8. Ren_712

    Light mapping

    What required functionality does MTA:Eir provide ? Is it about engineSetWorldRenderMode ? Or client side floating-point precision ?
  9. Ren_712

    image rotation

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dx ... rTransform This function applies a 3D transformation to a shader element when it is draw with dxDrawImage.
  10. You should try MTA: Eir fork - download it from nightly.multitheftauto.com https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/51741996/samap.png
  11. This would probably solve Your problems https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/MT ... RenderMode But this is MTA:Blue https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineReplaceModel You can try to extract the model from the gta3.img and then replace it with itself - set flag alphaTransparency - then it's supposed to be rendered as the last object. Or use https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dx ... rialLine3D to create your windows. Or maybe set the object alpha to 254. Should work sometimes.
  12. Ren_712

    Green Candy

    Some progress (for those who haven't noticed yet) https://code.google.com/p/mtasa-blue/so ... start=6174
  13. use shader_tex_names resource to determine the texture name of the custom model.
  14. You're also getting a significant amount of FPS loss with this second pass (avoid that as much as You can). I'd suggest sticking with the old night_shader. group the textures you need to remove in a table. Here is an example of the tables i use in my night_fade script local removeList = { "", -- unnamed "basketball2","skybox_tex", "flashlight_*",-- other "muzzle_texture*",-- guns "font*","radar*","sitem16","snipercrosshair",-- hud "siterocket","cameracrosshair",-- hud "fireba*","wjet6",-- flame "vehiclegeneric256","vehicleshatter128",-- vehicles "*shad*",-- shadows "coronastar","coronamoon","coronaringa", "coronaheadlightline",-- coronas "lunar",-- moon "tx*",-- grass effect "cj_w_grad",-- checkpoint texture "*cloud*",-- clouds "*smoke*",-- smoke "sphere_cj",-- nitro heat haze mask "particle*",-- particle skid and maybe others "water*","newaterfal1_256", "boatwake*","splash_up","carsplash_*", -- splash "gensplash","wjet4","bubbles","blood*", -- splash "fist","*icon","headlight*", "unnamed", "sl_dtwinlights*","nitwin01_la","sfnite*","shad_exp", "vgsn_nl_strip","blueshade*", } local reApplyList = { "ws_tunnelwall2smoked", "shadover_law", "greenshade_64", "greenshade2_64", "venshade*", "blueshade2_64", } 1.Apply to all "*" 2.remove the shader from texture in removeList 3.Reapply the shader to texture in reApplyList https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/En ... rldTexture https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/En ... rldTexture
  15. ... renderTarget. you can setShaderTransform the bigmap, which is just a dxDrawImage on the center of renderTarget. This can be done this way.
  16. This proved to be very useful http://tog.acm.org/resources/shaderx/ Tips_and_Tricks_with_DirectX_9 - Advanced Image Processing With DirectX9 PS p.439 (464/729 in pdf) Tips_and_Tricks_with_DirectX_9 - Image Effects With DirectX9 PS p.481 (506/729 in pdf) other stuff worth mentioning: http://digitalerr0r.wordpress.com/tutorials/ http://www.rastertek.com/ http://rbwhitaker.wikidot.com/hlsl-tutorials I don't know if I got this right - you want to add a detail texture for the bigmap texture ? You want to rotate the texture around the Z axis ? Just like https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dx ... rTransform but with the .fx ?
  17. Shouldn't the resource have like ..some mp3 or ogg audio files ? Also the script is compiled. It seems quite risky. By the way ... it's not legal to share copyrighted audiobooks. I don't believe You mr. Trollface.
  18. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Se ... ggleEffect
  19. Well. Find the texture name that you want to apply the effect to (use shader_tex_names for that). Then you will have to rescale the image a bit (that you will find inside the main lua file). Then delete all the textures and replace them with a single one, also delete the cinema loop - you should only apply the texture once. The shader cinema places the effect in the coordinates stated in the resource description so it should be easy to find.
  20. The mod looks quite fun. However, the light source attachment will be a bit tricky to make. I'll just mention that light direction can be a relation of 2 bone positions - the vector is normalized in shader anyway. As a compromise you should see older flashlight shader - that enables alternative attachment to player head. Just take the bone positions plus horizontal rotation and put it in the latest resource. Not the best solution but the easiest. If you think about attaching the light source to chest - you'll have to base that on at least 3 bone positions. Look into bone_attach resource for detail on how to do that. Anyway good luck.
  21. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Shader_examples look at UV scroll.
  22. Use this viewtopic.php?f=140&t=38462&hilit=ipl
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