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Everything posted by Ren_712

  1. You can update mirror matrix for every frame, so technically yeah. Problem would be that objects outside the viewport get culled - try creating a mirror in a spawnarea and you'll see what i mean.
  2. You can update mirror matrix for every frame, so technically yeah. Problem would be that objects outside the viewport get culled - try creating a mirror in a spawnarea and you'll see what i mean.
  3. Camera2RenderTarget: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=12927
  4. Camera2RenderTarget: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=12927
  5. You can create a timer and change the shader values depending on the in game time.
  6. If the texture is dark then you might want t replace it (use the shader i posted before)
  7. so you have a variable float4 sLightColor. You can set all 4 color components (red - green - blue - alpha). Have in mind that unlike in MTA - the maximum value for the color is 1. For example: setShaderValue(myShader,"sLightCoor",1,0,0,1) - only red and alpha components are passed. Which will make the white texture appear red. setShaderValue(myShader,"sLightCoor",1,1,0,1) - will make it look yellow.
  8. My bad. I thought you wanted to replace the texture as well. If so, then you'll need set shader value for "sTex0". If you don't set it - the texture will appear black. Otherwise you could use this : http://pastebin.com/8ySMWAVq This doesn't require you to set anything.
  9. http://pastebin.com/BbvqBHPr variables: texture sTex0, float4 sLightColor
  10. Ren_712

    Help me please

    engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( shaderElement, "*", object)
  11. PedWall: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=7615
  12. I've taken time to rewrite the object and ped effects. I have no idea why it didn't work - but after some tests with other people - the ped and object shaders work properly now.
  13. the basic way would be dxDrawLine3D.Should get position of the surface (can't remember the function) along with it's normals. Seems quite tricky.
  14. Ren_712

    solved shader

    You can apply shader to an element (ped,vehicle,etc..). You create a ped (an element) and then: bool engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( element shader, string textureName [, element targetElement = nil, bool appendLayers = true ] )
  15. Ren_712

    solved shader

    I replaced the complete skin, suppose id 114. Now I want to replace the texture of the .txd file, using the shader. Which responsible parametr for this? wiki says: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxCreateShader dxCreateShader ( string filepath [, float priority = 0, float maxDistance = 0, bool layered = false, string elementTypes = "world,vehicle,object,other" ] ) For backward compatibility (MTA 1.1) you don't need to set anything else than filepath. However - after introducing ability to apply to ped models - it's a MUST to specify that you want to apply shader to "ped". Look at shader examples on wiki: like Ped morph.
  16. Ren_712

    solved shader

    Is that a ped model You have replaced ? You will need to specify that in DxShader.
  17. I do respect that you want to learn how to script. But seriously ... dxSetShaderValue - that's what you need, it's like with any other function. Just read the wiki page, not just copy and paste stuff. Think and learn - you will gain something by that. Unless you want a ready solution. But i need to be a little bit more motivated to do so.
  18. your shader has only 2 variables: texture texture0; -- here goes screen float factor; -- here goes value (0 - 1) this instead of showCheese, and other weird stuff you set.
  19. you can use this script: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=10163 there are some exported functions that let you create blur boxes But if You want to apply your shader to a screen space, then you'll find a good amount of help on wiki: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxCreateShader https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxSetShaderValue Your texture0 should be the screenSource https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dx ... reenSource don't forget to update it. your 'blurfactor' should be set as well. (0 - 1) i guess
  20. shameless bump: If the graphics card does not support MRT in shaders then i'd suggest using the nonMRT option. createPreview(...,false) instead of default 'true'. I have released a new version - for those that have issues with weapons - that might solve the problem. setPositionOffsets and setRotationOffsets might fix the object not fitting the projection box. http://s8.postimg.org/sbx46ni9x/mta_scr ... _16_24.jpg
  21. If the graphics card does not support MRT in shaders then i'd suggest using the nonMRT option. createPreview(...,false) instead of default 'true'. I have released a new version - for those that have issues with weapons - that might solve the problem. setPositionOffsets and setRotationOffsets might fix the object not fitting the projection box.
  22. Well ... it works for me. http://s11.postimg.org/3w2quu2ir/mta_sc ... _35_24.jpg The effects for peds are quite simple ( much simpler than of a vehicle) and should work just fine. I guess the default render states might be the problem. I'll try to focus on the bugs i've been informed on.
  23. I don't even know which version was that ? Bump mapped roadshine mixed with detail textures ? There is so much unfinished stuff. Kind of good that it was put to any use. Looks like it needs some tweaking, but is already impressive.
  24. Thanks for feedback. Indeed i didn't think much about the collisions. Maybe applied multiRes modifier to lower the number of polygons. I don't have much experience in modeling so i just left it as it is.
  25. I have released a working version. I'm not fully happy about it. But it is a proof that things can be done: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=12151
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