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wouldnt this be cool if it was possible in mta blue?
Leviathan replied to VCRB>Eagle's topic in General Blue discussion
glueing is way too cool and must be in blue, like sitting in the back of a bobcat with a m4 or something, and the other team allso does. whew, shooting while driving, coool! And glueing with vehicles must be in bleu too, becouse you can park a smal car or a motorcycle in the BARRACKS OL and drive it elsewhere. the players on the motorcycle/in the little car, can "jump"out of the barracks ol, that would be cool for team play -
nah, I don't like it, I only use pause as I have to go to the toilet or something, if you die it won't be fun. (and you'll get soaking wet) Why don't you some kind of sign when the player is paused, just like star wars jedi Acadamy. like some sort of glow or anything other as a sign, or maybe (if it is possible) the surrender animation.
Nope, nothing worked, so I reïnstalled mta, and it worked!
Now I've played online a few minutes ago I discovered the ingame chat, show status and hide/show chat bar, functions don't work at all. even online. and ALL of my mta files are "read only"disabled . I'm hopeless, what can I do?
When read only on config.cfg is off, I still have problems, and this problem is only with my own server, so may something be wrong with my mta server config file?
in 3 weeks we (my friends and I) are seting up a lan party - 8 pc's at home we have 2 pc's with LAN (can't play mta becouse my dad doesn't want vice city on his pc) so I've allreade created the server for the lan party (saves time when the pc's are all connected) and I tested it (since we have lan, I have an IP adress) but the ingame chat (T) and status (F11) don't work, wat can be wrong? is there something wrong with my config.cfg? read only is enabled, and the file is in archive (I posted this allso in support forum, but I didn't get answer)
Let's stay in vice city style and make a variation on team CTF CTC (capture the coke) http://www.forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=3300&highlight=coke the gangs can be used as they're now in mta like the sailors with the ship as their base mexicans and ariport robbers and phill's place etc. just place the cok somewhere in that base (not too difficult)
Yeah, I hate people running faster as me, with their stubby. Mostly I disable random weather on my own server. Or maybe a good option for the host of the game, when he can set up the fps rate. based on alle the people's fps in the game
Crouching must be synchronised too.
And what about the glueing in the helicopters with an open door, this rocks.
New cars in MTA:blue, lets hear it.
Leviathan replied to -i.Tanner's topic in General Blue discussion
Caddy!! -
When playing mta I've discovered someting annoying: chrouching isn't synchronised. so if I crouch, in the enemy's game nothing happenes, the only thing is that my shooting will be improved, my evasivness doens't rise, so i someone shoots at my head, he shoots miss becouse I crouch, but I do get damage. I hope this problem is solved in blue.
Would'nt it be great if blue supports audio taunts, like in many other games. It save's a lot of typing (useful in combat) and sounds great. Like this: "Die devil, die!!!!!, Florida doesn't want you!" (pastor Richards, Vice City Public Radio) or anything else wich would be great as taunt. and, ohter taunts, as: get in the vehicle, or get out (the taunts will be great if they're from the single player mode, or radio stations (like the one above)) and then add a quick button to it: like in chat screen: "!taunt1" (and "!taunt2" for the next etcetera) but I think It's too much typing, especcially when you are in combat. so we have to add a quick key, like: "CapsLock+1" or any else button combination. or another shorter way: Taunting with the F-key's, all F-key's except F1, F2, F3, and any F-key else wich is in use, like F12. like this: you only have to push, let's pick a button, the F5 key, and then you'll shout: "DIE DEVIL, DIE!!!!! FLORIDA DOESN'T WANT YOU!"
Nah, I don't like the idea, then weapons become too powerfull.
Maybe this is a good suggestion for more variation in blue: There are hidden top fun vans, wich contains one of the three rc vehicles (heli ,car & plane). These rc vehicles can be controlled by the player and blow up if you push the attack button. (in someone's face), or you can kill him with the rotor blades. I think it's well balanced becouse: the rc vehicles have a small range (just like in singleplayer minigames with helicopter and race car), and blow up wen they are out of range. the rc vehicles are easy to destroy (just shooting them would be enough) the player inside the top fun van (wich is controlling the rc vehicle) is VEARY vulnerable becouse he can't move himself wich is making him a sitting duck, (you can kill him easily)
There is no need to program a glue that the 2nd player can shoot from the car, he just can sit in the back of the car if it is an pick up. But I think it is possible to glue the 1st person view from the helicopter
I played the Diaz mission again today, and I caught an Idea! In the diaz missons you have to work togheter with lance vance. like in the helicopter and the boat. so one operates the buisness (shooting) and the other does the flying, like the missons of diaz you have to fly with the helicopter with lance against "the gang". with an open door and, you can shoot. Maybe the mta team is able to rip this function from the missions. and with te car or boat, is much easier: car: with a pickup: one drives, the other crouches in the back. boat: type of boat doesn't matter: one farez and the other is standing in the back (where the couches are). so the mta team only has to program the helicopter controls I hope very much this is hopefully will be included in blue
We have a LAN with 2 computers, but my father allways says: no games on his computer computer. so I have to play online (we don't have broadband), bet my father allways says: do not use the internet to long. Damned. "but I wanna play MTA!" I am so sad...
When I was playing MTA:VC V 4.0.1 I noticed that the bomb garage and the pay 'n spray were closed Pay 'n spray doesn't matter that much (unless you have a shit car color) But the Bomb garage in the docks. Why isn't it enabled, it doubles the fun if you have triggered a car with a bomb and see someone step into the car and explodes, so I think ít's a good suggestion for MTA:Blue. > <
I have allso a problem, in the top right of the screen "game information" there is no game selected and I can't select one when I push "reset game path" an error popups "you will need to restart MTA before the changes take effect", but I cant change anything and when I push "config.cfg" this comes" MTV:VC config.cfg could not be set becouse your game path is not set" but allso this time, I cant set my game path, so what must I do?
yeah, you're right It's weird if the car takes damage, ande the driver doesn't, tommy vercetty allways survives a huge car crash, when is smacks into a wall, but in real, not everybody survives a huge crash
Yeah, I've posted some kind of idea like this before, and I still like the idea, peeps can subscribe themselves in a stunt contest, and other are judges and give points to the stunts. That 'll be cool!
I think it's better you can only preform a driveby with light automatic weapens, such as uzi or submachine. If you want to use heavy weapons, your mate jumps in a bobcat (or other car with some loadspace in the back) and you jump in the loadspace and crouch. I'ts a lot of fun with an m4 crouching in first person mode shooting at your enemy (wich also has a friend in the back of his car)
I've read it in a game magazine, whew, long time ago since I played vice city, but since I and my friends are planning to do a LAN-party, were checking up for the newest MTA version.