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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. I'm not sure about the shamal. you can see it the way CJ steps in the vehicle, if he directly hit's the seat he sits down, but in other vehicles like the train bus at400 etc he walks out of sight, so if this is true the shamall is allso a bus-like vehicle
  2. It works with the bus, so I think it allso will work with the AT400 and some other bus-like vehicles.. Nevada? Cool... massive parachute jumps! with 20 peeps jump out of a plane and do some sky divers artwork! It's nice some screenshots I think...
  3. you like my new signature? I hope R* comes with a patch soon.
  4. "raping career"? damned.. It allmost is like GTA
  5. Leviathan

    my GTA SA

    A friend of me, has a really crappy card, some SIS brand or something, he get's rid of it when he has enoegh money to buy a Geforce FX 6600
  6. About the amount of people in a bus, It is infinite! and I've tested it, I've recruited a whole bunch of gang members and we'd all got into the bus and after a fancy joy-ride all came out, all of them. I recruited 7 members (respect is full so I think this is the max amount?(see signature)) They all walked over to the same place, and all sat on the same seat, but they all came out, so it has to work in mta, lol with 20 peeps in a bus, cruising through SA
  7. I don't move the camera for sightseeing, I'd rather keep my eyes on the road...
  8. yeah http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=12811
  9. Then I'll wish y'all good luck with making the SDK
  10. example: YAY MTA:SA has finally been realeased! let's play it!!!! (going crazy) oh no... we first have to mod it before we can play. can't the MTA-team include a basic deathmatch mod?
  11. Changing his skin color didn't make him look better, it only got worse.
  12. Leviathan

    my GTA SA

    not all cards are Nvidia or ATI you use windows XP? windows flag button (between CTRL and ALT)+pause break then hardware and check in the list what's your card, then search for the official site (google as example) and update your driver.
  13. Yeah I thought it would be something like that, but wasn't sure. I'll try it
  14. ok that eliminates all my questions...
  15. and how will it be in non-mod servers? just the basic MTA:BLUE, the "train your skills" system?
  16. would you gain skills faster than in SP? otherwise it will take a long time since there are no peds in mp to shoot at. And if you disconnect you'll lose your skills hehe gr8...
  17. so there IS coming a final release? when do you plan to do it, after blue or some releases later?
  18. =AA= and [uLK] both use Blue, isn't that confusing?
  19. How will the MTA-team do the weapon skill system? All on hitman? all on poor, or gangster? or let the player choose (spend skill points) or each gang has it's own hitman weapons (like in mta:vc the sailor with m4, police with shotgun etc) or balance out the weapons, giving the strong weapons gangster skill and the weaker weapons hitman skill... So how do you guy's work the weapon system out?
  20. lol how do you make the hydraulics stay like they are if you get out of the car, it's like a slope...
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