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Everything posted by Vinyard

  1. Hi, welcome to the forums! As per the Famous crash offsets and their meaning wiki page: This is an excerpt from the Resolving out-of-memory crashes section from the page mentioned above. Please give that section a thorough read and if you'd like to gather even more insights about this, consider reading this explanation posted on our Discord: https://discord.com/channels/278474088903606273/278474088903606273/687290321385947173 This kind of crash is usually due to the server(s) you're playing being too heavy modded/unoptimized for your (low) device specs. Reinstalling the game will, unfortunately, not solve this issue. What will solve this issue would be either to upgrade your device specs and/or avoid playing on servers that use numerous high-poly mods/unoptimized scripts.
  2. Vinyard

    SD problem

    Hi, welcome to the forums! Please follow the steps provided here: If nothing works, your final solution as stated in the topic linked above is to reinstall Windows.
  3. Hi, welcome to the forums! Glad you managed to find a solution and thank you for sharing the solution with others. I'll be closing this topic as solved.
  4. Hi. I believe you should inform yourself better as to why we decided to restrict the use of reshade before making those statements. Hint: it's because of security-related issues. This is explained by our AC representatives on our Discord here, here & here. AFAIK, even those attempting to use reshade will get kicked by the anticheat to remove the associated files (not a straight up ban), therefore you shouldn't face problems for trying to run SweetFX and/or GemFX. Make sure to backup your game, though.
  5. Vinyard

    dropping fps and lag

    Hi, welcome to the forums! Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you. Also, please let us know whether you're facing this issue on a specific server or on any server you're connecting to/playing on.
  6. Please follow the advice from the topic linked in the post above.
  7. Hi, welcome to the forums. Please make sure you're searching for potential answers before creating a support topic. There's already a topic on this subject which should be able to answer your question, consider taking a look: You can also find the mtaserver.conf's settings and its accepted values here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Server_mtaserver.conf#allow_gta3_img_mods
  8. Hi, welcome to the forums! Please reach out to your server hosting provider and/or the 'UA-GTA' fork creators as we do not provide support for forks-related issues. Also, it might be worth making sure the loading of your resource(s) (those handling your maps) is successful.
  9. Hiring/recruiting helping hands is done through the Looking for staff section, therefore this topic has been moved there.
  10. As this is no longer maintained by OP (i.e. images no longer available), we will close it. OP, if you'd like this to be reopened, please send me a PM.
  11. Hi, welcome to the forums! Please make sure you're always searching around our forums, Discord & wiki for the errors you receive before posting a support topic in this section. You can find additional info about the error you're facing by reading a previous answer from our AC team that has been posted some time ago: The advice provided there is still valid to current day.
  12. Hi, welcome to the forums! Please make sure you're always searching around our forums, Discord & wiki for the errors you receive before posting a support topic in this section. You can find additional info about the error you're facing by reading a previous answer from our AC team that has been posted some time ago: The advice provided there is still valid to current day.
  13. Vinyard

    Multiple errors

    Hi, welcome to the forums! Please provide some screenshots with the errors you're receiving and the context in which they appear: perhaps you're trying to connect to a certain server? Also, please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you. LE: Closing this due to inactivity. OP, if you'd like to receive further help, please let me know and I'll reopen this for you.
  14. If this is the case, perhaps you can take a look at our community resources: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ Otherwise, you should consider posting in the Looking for staff section for paid/non-paid developers that could help your project out with this.
  15. Vinyard

    I Can't Get In Car !

    Hi, welcome to the forums! Please provide us with additional information so we can better understand your problem. Are you playing on a specific server? Are you working on a certain script for your server?
  16. Hi! Your topic has been moved to the Portuguese scripting section so you can get better assistance in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section.
  17. Hi, welcome to the forums! I believe what you're trying to ask is whether or not players will have to download your server resources each time they connect to your server. In most cases, the answer is no, because the caching you're talking about is enabled by default. This means that once a player has connected to your server and downloaded all the necessary client files, they won't be prompted to download them again in the future. Take note that this applies to client files that you didn't change (add/modify). If you modify existing client files and/or add new client files to your resources, players will have to download said files next time they connect to your server.
  18. Hi, welcome to the forums! Your topic has been moved to the Portuguese scripting section so you can get better assistance in your native language. In the future, always make sure you're using English when posting outside this language-specific section.
  19. Hi, welcome to the forums! Please make sure to never post blank messages, even if your title is already explicit enough for us to understand your problem. When posting a support request, it's best for you to provide additional context such as the error message/number, the solutions you've tried in order to solve this by yourself etc. Please keep this in mind for the future. If your error only happens on the TOP-GTA server, then you should reach out to their server administration about this. There's nothing else we can assist you with as it's a problem with their server in relation to, most likely, your device specs. Their server might be either too resource heavy or not properly optimized for your device. We have reached numerous support requests on this issue in the past, in regards to this specific server, so you're not the only one that had errors and troubles with that particular server. If their server administration are not interested in your problem, then you should seek other servers to play on or upgrade your specs if you believe they might be a bottleneck.
  20. Vreau să vă mulțumesc tuturor pentru implicare și pentru răspunsuri! A trecut ceva timp de la ultimul mesaj, așa că dați-mi voie să încerc să adresez comentariile voastre în raport cu propriile păreri și impresii în baza cărora, de ce nu, să continuăm discuțiile! Înainte de acestea, însă, vreau să vă întreb ce considerați oportun de făcut pentru remedierea lucrurilor pe care le-ați semnalat, cât și pentru creșterea popularității/vizibilității platformei și eventuala atragere a jucătorilor în cadrul comunității românești? Sunt de acord cu tine legat de faptul că avem, din păcate, un deficit la capitolul diversitate în rândul comunităților. Există o sumedenie de moduri de joc care ar putea fi abordate cu puțin interes (atât din partea jucătorilor, cât și celor care își asumă dezvoltarea unui mod de joc), de la lucruri relativ simple precum Hay, până la variantele de multi-gamemode despre care ai menționat. În ceea ce privește comunitățile de roleplay, cred că lucrurile au început să se accentueze odată ce deschiderea unui astfel de server a devenit un lucru facil chiar și pentru cei mai neexperimentați dintre jucători (atât prin faptul că au avut acces ușor la un gamemode gata făcut, cât și prin faptul că au fost învățați pas cu pas ce și cum să facă astfel încât să pună respectivul gamemode în funcțiune, ca mai apoi să nu mai fie nevoiți neapărat să umble la el pentru altceva decât, așa cum bine spui, să îl încarce cu GBs de moduri de tot felul). Totuși, tind să cred că deși sunt numeroase, aceste servere nu reprezintă neapărat oglinda comunității românești, ci doar o anumită parte din aceasta (pe care nu putem decât să o acceptăm ca parte din specificul autohton) și că peak-ul stă în diferite proiecte (curente sau anterioare) precum SA:MW, UndeadZ, RPP, vR, Apollo, lsrp și altele asemenea. Fiecare dintre acestea fie sunt/au fost inovative, cunoscute, serioase pe segmentul lor. Sigur, părerile pot să difere, dar cel puțin așa văd lucrurile în acest caz. Cred că declinul popularității anumitor tipuri de gamemode a fost influențată, în timp, și de alternativele existente pe piață în materie de jocuri. În prezent, dacă vrei să joci ceva cu zombie, găsești o grămadă de jocuri de tot felul pe această tematică. La fel și pentru race, shooters sau alte asemenea. Nu spun că nu există și reversul medaliei (de ex. cunoscutul server cu gamemode tip PUBG a fost preferat de mulți față de jocul propriu-zis), dar și acest aspect trebuie luat într-o anumită măsură în calcul. Poate acesta este și unul dintre motivele pentru care comunitățile de roleplay și-au păstrat popularitatea, nu doar la noi în România, ci la nivel internațional - fiindcă nu prea găsești alternative în alte jocuri care să îți ofere mediul și posibilitățile pe care un gamemode de genul le oferă. Acest lucru se vede și în scena de GTA V, cât și aici pe SA. Deși la prima vedere FiveM pare o alegere bună pentru cei care caută o similaritate cu MTA (în sensul că se poate folosi limbajul Lua pentru programare), nici acolo lucrurile nu sunt întocmai roz. Lăsând la o parte anumite practici ale respectivei platforme, per total trebuie luat în calcul faptul că GTA V nu oferă neapărat aceeași atmosferă de joc, dezvoltarea unei comunități necesită mai multe resurse și există multe semne de întrebare cu privire la politicile R* asupra acestor tipuri de comunități, atunci când ele devin monetizate (ceea ce, într-un fel sau altul, devine inevitabil fiindcă costurile sunt semnificative în raport cu ceva pe MTA, de exemplu). A sosit vara, așteptăm cu interes!
  21. Hi, welcome to the forums and sorry for the late reply! Are you still facing issue? If so, please: update to the latest version of MTA: click here for the win10+ version | click here for the win7/8/8.1 version; download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions - post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you; update the image links as they are currently not available; let us know what you've already tried in order to fix the issues. LE: Closing this based on inactivity. OP, if you're still facing issues, please let me know via PM and I'll reopen this topic for you.
  22. Well, if this is the case, I will close this. Make sure you use the client support section for problems regarding your client: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/83-client/
  23. For this particular case, given the previous responses, it might be reasonable to ping @Tut aswell
  24. Hi, Please create a proper topic explaining what exactly you're looking for in terms of help and at least provide some code you've tried to run. If you're looking for someone to create scripts for you from scratch, it's best to post in this section stating you're looking for volunteers/paid collaborators: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/149-looking-for-staff/
  25. Vinyard

    mta problem

    Hi, sorry for the late reply! Are you still facing issues? If yes, then please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you. LE: Closing this based on inactivity. OP, if you're still facing issues, please let me know via PM and I'll reopen this topic for you.
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