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Everything posted by Vinyard

  1. Hi, Your thread has been moved to the Portuguese section so you can get better assistance in your native language. Make sure you use English when posting outside this language-specific section.
  2. Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here:
  3. Hi, welcome to the forums and sorry for the late reply ? Reach out to the server administration and ask them to update your information so you can get access to your account. You might need to provide additional information so they can identify you as the real owner of that account. You can read more about serials here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Serial
  4. Vinyard


    Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  5. Vinyard


    Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: Wait for the ban to expire and make sure you remove any malicious/suspicious programs from your device. There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your friend's ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  6. Hi, welcome to the forums! ? Don't worry about it, there's nothing harmful that could happen to you based only on your MTA serial. They are usually used by server owners to ban people from their server. You can read more about MTA serials here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Serial
  7. Vinyard


    Hi, welcome to the forums. Global ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: Since this is not a global ban appeal, your friend will have to reach out to that server's staff and sort his ban out. We can't do anything about it. There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your friend's ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  8. Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: If your ban is temporary (there's an expiration date on the ban prompt) then wait for it to expire and make sure you remove any malicious/suspicious programs from your device. If your ban is permanent, then please read the topic I've linked above. There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  9. Vinyard

    help please

    Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: Wait for the ban to expire and make sure you stop doing what you did that got you into the situation of violating AC terms. There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  10. Obișnuiam să pățesc același lucru în trecut, în special când aveam foarte mult timp liber pe care îl puteam dedica în totalitate dezvoltării de sisteme și îmi doream să implementez cât mai multe într-un timp cât mai scurt. Totuși cu timpul, de voie sau nevoie, ajungi la concluzia că esența stă în modul cum îți compartimentezi obiectivele în așa fel încât să nu ajungi la burnout rapid. Din punctul meu de vedere, e mai bine să abordezi situația ca un maraton (pași mici pe un orizont de timp mai îndelungat) decât ca un sprint (salturi mari într-un timp foarte scurt). Aici, bineînțeles, depinde de fiecare! ? Cred însă că e mai ușor să revii la treabă dacă faci zilnic pauze scurte și încerci să păstrezi un program/ritm, decât să iei o pauză mai lungă și să fie nevoie să te pui în temă cu progresul la care ai ajuns înainte de respectiva pauză. Cel mai important, indiferent de cum alegi să abordezi situația, este să duci treaba la capăt, așa cum spune și @Hydra
  11. Closing this as inactive. OP, if you still need help, let me know and I'll reopen this for you.
  12. Hi, welcome to the forums! ? Your thread has been moved to the Portuguese scripting section so you can get better assistance in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section!
  13. Vinyard

    Permanent Ban

    Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  14. Vinyard

    Ban Appeal

    Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: Wait for the ban to expire and make sure you remove any cheating programs from your device. There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  15. Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  16. Vinyard

    Permanent Ban

    Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: It's not clear from your message whether you got banned by the staff of that server or this is a MTA global ban. If you got banned by a particular server's staff, you should appeal the ban with them - we can't do anything about it. If you got a global MTA ban, then please read the topic I've linked above. There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  17. Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: Wait for the ban to expire and make sure to remove any malicious/sketchy/cheating programs you might've installed on your device. Also make sure to perform a full antivirus scan. Once the ban expires and you're sure your device is clean, you should be good to play again. There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  18. Hi, welcome to the forums! ? Your thread has been moved to the Portuguese section so you can get better help in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section!
  19. Vinyard

    Low FPS only in MTA

    Hi, this can be caused by the server you're playing on. It's known that poorly optimized & heavy modded servers (for example, using lots of mods with high poly count) are prone to impact performance and cause FPS drops. If this is the case, I'd recommend you to seek other servers or reach out to the server's owner(s) to improve their services. ?
  20. Hi! ? Glad you we're able to sort it out all by yourself and props to you for providing context of the solution that fixed your problem! I'll be closing this as there's no need for further support on this matter.
  21. Hi, welcome to the forums. Ban appeals and ban-related questions/issues are no longer being handled as of 25th January. You can read more about the changes affecting this here: There's nothing to debate upon so please take my (short) explanation into account and cease asking about your ban as it may attract administrative punishments like it says in the topic linked above. ?
  22. Multă baftă! Din nou, este ceva nou în comunitatea românească de care avem nevoie! ?
  23. Hi ? Your thread has been moved to the Arabic section as it's a better suited location for this tutorial. Make sure to always post in English when using the forums outside this language-specific section.
  24. Closing this based on inactivity. OP, if you still need help, please let me know and I'll reopen this for you.
  25. Vinyard

    Help eror cl22

    Closing this based on inactivity. OP, if you still need help, please let me know and I'll reopen this for you.
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