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Everything posted by Vinyard

  1. Understandable, what you could also try is Haxardous' recommendations from the GitHub issue: https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/issues/1103#issuecomment-638575774 & Dutchman101's comment from here: https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/issues/1103#issuecomment-849308970
  2. Hi, welcome to the forums! There's a known issue regarding tabbing out and getting your game window stuck when trying to get back into the game while in fullscreen mode. For the time being, switch your MTA video settings (Settings -> Video) to Fullscreen mode: Borderless keep res. You can find additional information about this here: https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/issues/1103
  3. Hi, welcome to the forums. Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you. Also, if possible, please attach some screenshots so we can get a better understanding of what kind of characters you're facing. LE: Closing this based on inactivity. OP, if you're still facing issues, please let me know via PM and I'll reopen this for you.
  4. Hi, welcome to the forums! Your topic has been moved to the Portuguese scripting section so you can get better assistance in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section!
  5. Vinyard


    Hi, welcome to the forums! Your topic has been moved to the Arabic section so you can get better assistance in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section!
  6. No worries. If that's the way they treat their players, then you should draw some conclusions about it.
  7. Hi, You've already received feedback on this a few days ago: If your problem only occurs on that server then you should reach out to their administration team so they can find ways to fix this issue within their code. There's nothing more we can do than what we already advised you.
  8. Apart from the points above, I would suggest trying to clean the client scripts cache from C:\Games\MTA\mods\deathmatch\resources Head over to that path and delete the files inside that folder. After that, connect to the server and you'll download the server resources again.
  9. Vinyard


    Please read Tut's reply and if needed, consider opening a new topic for your scripting-related issues.
  10. Hi, welcome to the forums! Your thread has been moved to the Portuguese support section so you can get better help in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section! Please make sure you upload your screenshot on a public image hosting service such as Imgur as we can't access it in the current form.
  11. Hi, welcome to the forums! So you're no longer facing the issues described above due to the recent updates and therefore this thread can be closed?
  12. Closing this as inactive. OP, if you still need help, please reach out via PMs and I'll reopen this for you.
  13. Closing this due to inactivity. OP, if you still need help, please reach out via PMs and I'll reopen this for you.
  14. Closing this as inactive. OP, if you still need help, please reach out via PMs and I'll reopen this for you.
  15. Hi @VortDyn, Have you followed the advice provided above? If so, has your issue been fixed?
  16. Hi, The MTADiag provided returns lots of non-standard game files. Please consider: performing a clean reinstall of MTA with the latest version available: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/mtasa-1.6-rc-21889-20230710.exe performing a clean reinstall of GTA: San Andreas - make sure the version you're using is genuine and bought from trustworthy vendors such as those found here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Where_to_buy_GTASA If the issue happens only on a specific server, please consider reaching out to that server's management team about this.
  17. Vinyard


    Closing this then.
  18. Vinyard


    Hi, welcome to the forums! Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.
  19. Hi, welcome to the forums! Does this happen on a specific server or to any server you're joining?
  20. Hi, welcome to the forums! As stated by the other replies in this topic, this is a memory-related issue that you're experiencing due to the server you're trying to play on using too many of your device's resources. Giving a quick glance at the 'Resolving out of memory crashes' segment on the Famous crash offsets and their meaning wiki page will provide you with plenty of information and ways that you can give a try in order to avoid these kind of crashes in the future. The most straight-forward would be to either upgrade your PC hardware and/or find other, less resource-intensive servers to play on.
  21. Hi, welcome to the forums! Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.
  22. Vinyard

    1.6 Version

    Hi, welcome to the forums! You can grab the latest version of 1.5 from here: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/mtasa-1.5.9-rc-21650-20230614.exe
  23. Hi, welcome to the forums! Your thread has been moved to the Portuguese scripting section so you can get better help in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section!
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