Moving this to ban appeals section since this is not a Discord ban.
Temp bans should not be appealed, but if you're still banned and/or believe this was a mistake, reply as soon as possible with your game serial.
You can grab your game serial by launching MTA, opening up the console (F8 key by default) and typing 'serial' without any quotes.
Hi, welcome to the forums!
Your thread has been moved to the Portuguese section so you can get better assistance in your native language.
Make sure to always use English when posting outside this section!
Hi, welcome to the forums!
Your thread has been moved to the Portuguese scripting section so you can get better assistance in your native language.
Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section!
Hi, welcome to the forums!
Your topic has been moved to the Spanish section as it's better suited here.
If you'd like to sell your gamemode in the international space, make sure you post a new thread in English.
Temporary bans cannot be appealed but if youstill feel like there's been a mistake please create a new topic in which you also mention your game serial.
This is needed so the anticheat team can further investigate your case.
You can grab your game serial by launching MTA, opening up the console (F8 key by default) and typing 'serial' without any quotes.
Hi, welcome to the forums and sorry for the delay!
This looks more like a client problem then a server one, therefore I'll move it there.
Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.
Hi, welcome to the forums!
Make sure you enter the right IP and port into the "server IP" and "server port" input boxes before hitting the "find server" button on
From your screenshot it looks like you left both of those boxes blank.
Moving this to Scripting as it's better suited.
You can check the community resources and find yourself plenty of HUD options and other resources for free:
Hi, please avoid bumping (very) old topics. If you need help, you can create a separate topic explaining your problems.
If you'd like to get help in your native language, consider creating a topic in your language-specific section.
Your thread has been moved to the Portuguese scripting section so you can get better assistance in your native language.
Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section!
I've moved your thread to the Portuguese section so you can get better assistance in your native language.
Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section!
As previously advised, please wait for your ban appeal to be handled by the anticheat team.
Currently there are delays in the response times, which you can learn more about here:
Hi, welcome to the forums!
I've moved your thread to a better suited section so you can get help in your native language.
Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section!
Hi, welcome to the forums!
As stated above, keep on checking for the availability in the top list. As of right now, this is the only thing to do about this.