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Everything posted by bandi94

  1. No it's not. You can olny rotate the image in 2D plane , not 3D.
  2. Inveti ceva Hardware/Software si iti shimbi key -ul 'serial' despre care modelatorii MTA spun ca este imposibil dar credema este posibil si nici nu este prea greu .
  3. On the end who care's , in this world the boss is the money. Why to pay 300$ for a legit script when you can get is for 25$..... P.S MTA is not a perfect game , atleast on the security side. There are many stuff's that are downloaded by your PC and they are not saved. One exampel are the map's they are downloaded by each clien't but they are not saved on HDD they are saved in the RAM to prevent stealing. But if you know some ,internet protocol , _asm , reversing enginering , you can make prity easy and fast an TCP/UDP/ISP data filter , and you can filter difren't data's like map's. So nothing is imposible to get stealed.
  4. function lobby(system, player) -- Effects local bg = playSound("sound/sea.mp3", true) setSoundVolume(bg, 1.0) -- Design local background = { ["lobby"] = guiCreateStaticImage(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, "images/lobbyBG.png", true, arenas), ["arenas"] = guiCreateStaticImage(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, "images/arenas.png", true, dm, dd, trial), } guiSetEnabled(background["lobby"],false) guiSetEnabled(background["arenas"],false) -- Closed local closedArenas = { } -- local guiTable local guiTable = { ["dm"]= guiCreateStaticImage(0.157, 0.19, 0.17, 0.305, "images/areny/dm.png", true, arenas, lobby), ["dd"]= guiCreateStaticImage(0.331, 0.19, 0.17, 0.305, "images/areny/dd.png", true, arenas, lobby), ["trial"]= guiCreateStaticImage(0.506, 0.19, 0.17, 0.305, "images/areny/trials.png", true, arenas, lobby) } guiSetAlpha ( guiTable["dm"], 0.75 ) guiSetAlpha ( guiTable["dd"], 0.75 ) guiSetAlpha ( guiTable["trial"], 0.75 ) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter", root, function(aX, aY) for key,gui in pairs (guiTable) do if gui == source then guiSetAlpha ( source, 1 ) playSound("sound/btn.mp3") return end end end ) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseLeave", root, function(aX, aY) for key,gui in pairs (guiTable) do if gui == source then guiSetAlpha ( source, 0.75 ) return end end end ) -- Texts local caa = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.14, "Choose an Arena", true) guiSetFont ( caa,guiCreateFont("fonts/font.ttf", 40 ) ) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(caa, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(caa, "center") -- local players = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.85, 1.00, 0.14, "Players: ".. tostring( #getElementsByType( "player" ) ), true) guiSetFont ( players,guiCreateFont("fonts/font.ttf", 40 ) ) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(players, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(players, "center") end addCommandHandler ("system", lobby)
  5. bandi94

    Vehicle Help

    Here is a part from my first RPM it is public on communit you can download it and see how it's working. shifting up is around 6000-7000 rpm , and shifting down is around 1000-1500 RPM. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=2490 local rpm local rp local gear function rpmgear() if(speed2==0) then gear = "N" gear2= "N" return 0 elseif (speed2 <= 40) then gear = 1 gear2=1 rp = speed2 return rp*162 elseif (speed2 <=80 ) then gear = 2 gear2=2 rp = speed2-30 return rp* 132 elseif (speed2 <=120 ) then gear = 3 gear2=3 rp = speed2-65 return rp* 118 elseif (speed2 <=160 ) then gear = 4 gear2=4 rp =speed2-110 return rp* 125 elseif (speed2 <=200 ) then gear = 5 gear2=5 rp =speed2-130 return rp* 92 elseif (speed2 >=200 ) then gear = 6 gear2=6 rp =speed2-130 if ( speed2>=250) then return 6000 else return rp* 50 end end end
  6. bandi94

    Money Saver

    And it's not easy'er to force usser for registration that make an sql database when you don't know sql. Ofc if you know sql then it's not a problem or if you wanna learn it but if you are beginer in LUA + MTA ...... Ehhh this is my opinion but everyone has one
  7. bandi94

    Money Saver

    why to use SQL when you can make it more easy with AccountData ??
  8. there is a "firing_speed" but it's say's that is "Get only" Value. Maybe there is another property that can do that idk.
  9. For buymap you can use the function "SetNextMap" from admin panel. Only the function need to be edited a bit bk he is checking if the player is admin or not but it's not to hard to edit it.
  10. You need to unpack the original TXD of the skin , photoshop them. Replace the original image with your's in the TXD. And load the TXD with script.
  11. bandi94

    Help script

    I think he mean: When somebody reach the hunter from then in one minute kill all player's so the next map can start (votemap). But he added a timer 60000 , so if the map end's in less that a minute(last player die) then the timer it's not killed so the player's are killed in the next map (after a minute). So there should be added a check if map end's kill the timer. I leave this part for you @Solidsnake14 bk i need to recap LUA. (i made my last script long time ago)
  12. If you were at math hour's in class 7-8 then you know that in 3D world rotation between two 3D point's can be calculated with triangel methode and some atan2f. So in one word you don't need any function from MTA to get the angel between the two 3D point's. Here is my first aimbot done in C++ in some FPS game. It used 3D world math to get the yaw/pitch for the camera (this can be very easy converted to get the rotation for the Ped) I release this bk i don't need it anymore bk ATM i am using 2D world math angel (converting x,y,z to screen x,y and from there i can get the yaw/pitch for the camera) I done it in 2D math bk it's more precis like 3D math. D3DXVECTOR3 NewVector; NewVector.x = pClientInfo->g_pLocal->Pos.x - g_pESP.pPlayers[AimAt].Aimcords.x; NewVector.y = pClientInfo->g_pLocal->Pos.y - g_pESP.pPlayers[AimAt].Aimcords.y; NewVector.z = pClientInfo->g_pLocal->Pos.z - g_pESP.pPlayers[AimAt].Aimcords.z; float CamYaw = (float)atanf(NewVector.x/NewVector.z); if(NewVector.z > 0.0f && NewVector.x < 0.0f && CamYaw < 0.0f) CamYaw += D3DX_PI; else if(NewVector.z > 0.0f && NewVector.x > 0.0f) CamYaw += D3DX_PI; DWORD tempKey = 0; switch(AimbotKey) { default: tempKey = VK_LBUTTON; break; case 1: tempKey = VK_RBUTTON; break; case 2: tempKey = VK_SHIFT; break; } if((GetAsyncKeyState(tempKey) && !Aimbotkeyon) || (Aimbotkeyon)) { pClientInfo->g_pLocal->pitch = (float)atan2f(NewVector.y,(float)sqrt(pow(NewVector.z,2) + pow(NewVector.x,2))); pClientInfo->g_pLocal->yaw = CamYaw;
  13. Totaly wrong. Using it on Client side it will hide the nameTag only for that local Player. So on Client side OnResourceStart hide it. On server side check login's and if that account is admin call Client Side for that player and make it visible. Prity easy ....
  14. I left MTA 4-5 month ago but i am planning to come back in 2-3 week's. But if i remember well you can't use Account Data with "onPlayerQuit" it will return NULL (it's to late when the function is called the player already left the server so you can't get his account). If i am wrong then somebody corect me how i told it was long time ago
  15. if you check " dxDrawText" on wiki there is a bool value. If is "true" then the text will be draw'd on top of image , if is "false" it will be under image. You don't set that bool value so the game draw it under image.
  16. report to police what That i have a game server called MTA:SA and somebody it over pinging it ?? HAHAHAHA you think they will do something yah they will laught a big one and tell you "get lost kid". You think they will start reversing ISP to get the source ? If are some 13 year old kid's ehh it's not so hard. But if it's somebody older who know some PC be shure he is behind 10 proxy's , 5 server detour's , and most probably using a wifi connection from a FastFood. But noo need for all this bk nobody can touch that person for the reason that he is pinging your litel f**** up MTA:SA server .....
  17. Check wiki there is a bool value just for this.... "postGUI: A bool representing whether the text should be drawn on top of or behind any ingame GUI (rendered by CEGUI)."
  18. OK, ok i am done whit this discussion , i can tell that you look at MTA like a perfect game engine without defects. P.S For what i would need "readMyMindAndDoWhatIWantAutomatically()" when i told him relative position "0.2,0.05" relative size "0.4,0.2" and after change'd the resolution it look's like position "0.4,0.1" ?? So i think i need to use "readMyMindAndDoWhatIWantAutomatically(keep_that_F***_png_at_15cm_from_left_on_all_resolutions_and_dont_move_it_to_right!!)"
  19. I am not speaking about math. I am talking about relative system of MTA. LOL read before you post something...... OK i will be back after my exam's and i will show you how good is. (What to mess up i draw'd a simpel png image in relative pos and with relative pos to draw'd a text on it on 1024 all good but if i changed to a bigger screen size the text moved down 0.5cm on same monitor so it's not bk the aspect ration...... )
  20. Yes it's prity bad. Who faild ? Who made the GUI system ? What you mean prity good ? My whole server used relative position (0-1) and there was not on the same position . To don't speak about monitors . On my PC on 800x600 the logo was 10cm from left if i changed to 1024x... fail the logo was 15cm from left ... So you mean this prity good? And 5 cm is prity much it's not the same if you see the full pic or you have 5cm missing. And many player's sayd this thing i made the whole thing on 1024x and some of the player ussed bigger resolution and there was prity bigg problem's the text was out from the pic. And other stuff's.
  21. Hy so after a long time i am planning to play again MTA:SA after many player's from my server asked me to start my server again bk they miss it. And after all i am missing MTA to. ATM i don't have GTA/MTA on my PC bk i don't have time for it bk i need to learn for big exam's at school they are in 2 week's. So i am planning to rescript my whole server from 0. First thing i remember is the disastrous "relative" scaling of the game. They tryed to make a system to keep thing's on the same position and the same size on different screen size's but they prity much faild. I remember that the logo move's 4-5cm between two screen size's(following each other). So my question would be if they made some change's on relative position or is the same bad system. If is the same then i think a personal absolute to relative system would be much better ? After all if i start from 0 i don't wanna use that bad system again. Then I had no choice bk i started my whole menu with relative position but now starting again from 0 i can choice (If i remember correctly it was MTA 1.1 when i stoped my server) THX
  22. bandi94

    I'm a tease.

    look's very nice i can't wait the release no more wiki.mtasa for function's keep it up
  23. edit the admin panel setNextMap there is a check if the player who caled it is admin delet that and whit your buy map just triggerServerEvent the admin panel setnext map so it will be like tiggerServerEvent("nextMap",getLocalPlayer(),"map name ")
  24. @ AMARANT i know how it's working but think a bit "onClientCursorMove" it's changing on evry mouse move on every FPS so if i make triggerEvent i will flood 30times/s the server that is not so good may be slow and lag BTW i will try now my theory to create server side and roatate on client side Yes it's working a server sided object i rotate it on client side and for all player's was rotated
  25. the best way for country and city is html for country you can use the script from admin but most of time is showing another country . My script is calling a html page and send the player ip the html page get the country and the city and return it for the server and is most of time 90% it's returning the good data's now about html page i make a free web host page i scripted the html for MTA and my html is using a free ip tracer website .
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