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Everything posted by bandi94

  1. So how the title say's , i am working on a custom textbox like guiEdit. All good until i finished the writing function. I hit a big problem , when you tipe in a normal guiEdit all binkey's are turned off , like t - chat , p - admin panel . I am stuck to imitate this , i just can't disable the "t" , "p" , and other key's and after to re-enable them. It is possible to make it or i am f**** up ?
  2. yes it's seem's that only the GTA drawed texture is created , the GUI's are ignored
  3. Yes it's a MTA bug , if you try to run MTA window'ed you will notice that it's working great. In full screen mode, MTA is hooking up the main windows d3d engine , duet NvidiaOptimus is changing the GPU from HD to Nvidia , MTA lose the engine, all this problem is on graphical MTA engine level.
  4. Make shure that the new driver not low locked the VRam of the GPU. The intel HD's are using your RAM as VRam you can set it up in BIOS the max Ram that the GPU can take , there is a manufacture lock on 1.8GB .
  5. Works now, yeah, but I get like 10-25 FPS... All the objects load slowly: this is nothing like 1.3.2 on Nvidia. I just want to play like I played 1.3.2... ofc it's not as on Nvidia , HD GPU's are low end GPU's and you have an older one the HD3000. The HD GPU is useing your RAM as VRAM make sure it's not locke'd on small memory (You can check in Intel properties how much is in use , and how much can max been taked from your RAM my HD4000 has a manufacture limit of 1.8GB , i can't give more RAM , so i set it up for 1.8GB of Ram ) this may help on your fps , in case is low locked to 256-512mb of VRAM.
  6. yep that make'd the work THX.
  7. That's not what i want. Let me say it short. I have Resource GUI and Resource X. Resource GUI have a lot of exported function's. Then in resource X i make "exports.GUI:function1(). This will trigger the function1() inside the GUI resource. Now in function1() i wanna a function that will return string "X" (the name of the resource witch called this function) "resource" will just return "GUI" not "X" bk the function was executed inside "GUI" resource but i wanna the caller resource name witch is "X"
  8. I am working on a costum GUI resource. I have a lot of exported function , now i wanna destroy all element's when the creator resource is stoped. (like resource "X" called the costum GUI resource to create 4 element's , now when resource "X" is stoped i wanna destroy that 4 created element's) Now the way how i would make it that set on every Element the creator resource name.Now is any way to get the export calling resource name ?? Costum GUI function CreateElement(blabla,blalla) --then here something like local calling_resource = .... getCallingResource() or something like this ?? then getResourceName Resource X exports.GUI:]CreateElement(blla,bla) Or every time i export the function i need to pass the Resource Name a bit of work in + ?
  9. Well i fixed the problem and thx.I switched the power plan to performance from balanced , and now working. BTW : I have latest Nvidia Driver, i have the driver updater instaled he is checking every day for new update. I am using the ethernet so =>> i have already instaled wireless driver , i am using the touchpad driver already =>>instaled. What i am meaning that i know you are trying to help but some drivers on your list are ridiculous (USB3 have no job whit the game ,touchpad , wireless , ethernet , .... They have nothing to do with the Direct 3D engine ..) The main problem is with the MTA D3D engine hook . He fail to hook the engine after Nvidia Optimus switch the GPU.
  10. I had some problem , i tryed it whit the HD4000 worked but i had 30-40 fps so he with the HD3000 prity suck fps.
  11. Did you changed the power option to "Performance" ??
  12. I had same problem and now i think i solved it. Go to Nvidia control panel =>>Select a PhysX processor and check if the display is on the HD or on Nvidia. If is on the HD change the power setting's to performance , this atleast on my laptop forced the display to switch from the HD to Nvidia. So when i start MTA Nvidia GPU is already running and don't need to change it from HD to Nvidia, so Nvidia Optimus dose not make change's/confict with MTA. So the game should start normaly atleast on my lenovo does.
  13. downloaded MTADiag 2.7.8 , it instaled a new version of MTA now i have 8 option's from where to chose but again non of them work. Here is the pastebin Log : http://pastebin.mtasa.com/161331376 THX again EDIT: Changed power setting's to Performance =>> desktop switched to Nvidia GPU =>> GPU not chnageing while game is starting =>> game start's perfectly. But the minimize , maximize (drop it to desktop with window's key) the secound time it's giving error. I noticed that in windowed mode it dosen't so i think i will stick to windowed mode when i am scripting/testing and need to minimize it many time's. And after i switch it to fullscreen when i am playing. I don't see any other solution, maybe Nvidia / MTA will solve in the future this conflict between the two engine's.
  14. I bought now 2 week's ago a Lenovo G580 laptop. It have a HD4000 and Nvidia GT635M 2gb video card. I have latest Nvidia driver instaled. When i try to run MTA i get a window saying that Nvidia Optimus was detected and i need to chose a running plan (A,B,C or D). No mather what i chose i press OK after my screen start's ficking on/off and after 10s i get that "Direct3D Reset device" error. If i try to run the game 6-7 time's somehow finaly start's but after that if i minimize the game (to fix something in a script) when i wanna maximize it to go back i got that error and the game crash. I tried to run it in the HD4000 / Nvidia GPU selected from Nvidia control panel for gtasa.exe and mtasa.exe (after for gtasa-proxy.exe to) but the same problem no mather what GPU i chose i get this problem anyway. Can this error to be fixed somehow, bk i can't make anything if i need to start the game 10 time's every time i make a small bug/error fix in a script. THX
  15. i can start it on the integrated HD4000 but not on the Nvidia GPU EDIT : my MTA started on 16 bit , i changed it to 32 bit and now even on the HD4000 don't start LOL this game has some serious problem's EDIT2: Some time's it'sstarts onther time not so i need to try it 3-4 time's and afterit goes in. This bug should be fiexed in the future.
  16. I just bought a new lenovo laptop with a : HD4000 and GT635M 2gb video chip's. I selected the Nvidia GPU from the Nvidia Control Panel (selected it for : MTA.exe , GTA:SA.exe , proxy_sa.exe). When i start GTA it say's Nvidia Optimus detected please chose a startup methode. It dosen't matter what methode i chose , it show's the rockstars GTA:SA image after that the display start flicking on/off and after 5-10s it exit's whit the message "direct3D restart error" or something like that. I have win7 Home Premium 64bit. What i can do to start the game????? THX
  17. bandi94


    Far as i know MTA dosent suport sound replace (i have race server so i am not 100% shure with weapon's) but if you learn some scripting you can rebuild the sound system.
  18. if( getElementHealth ( player ) < 1000 ) then --give HP end
  19. is everything 'ok' in meta.xml ? defined as server/client side'd script ?
  20. it look's fine you added it , server side right. look in /debugscript 3 see if there is a error ?
  21. Then try it simpel. function design () local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawText ( "Ahoj",x/2,y/2,x/2,y/2,tocolor(0,255,255,255),1.0,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,true) end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, design ) P.S it should work the first one to : first "test" command = show it , secound "test" command hide it
  22. Let's try it with ElementData it offers more work space something like. local ElementTable={} for i=1, carhouses, 1 do local carhouse = createElement("car_house") ElementTable[i]=carhouse end Then something like for i=1, carhouses, 1 do for car=1, cars, 1 do local name = "car"..i.."" setElementData( ElementTable[i],name,car_name_table[j]) end end
  23. function design () local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawText ( "Ahoj",x/2,y/2,x/2,y/2,tocolor(0,255,255,255),1.0,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,true) end local on=false function toggle() if not on then addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, design ) on=true else removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, design ) on=false end end addCommandHandler ("test", toggle ) P.S DxFunction's need "addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, function)" and not CommandHandler or other event's
  24. Ok and after do you want to store the carhouses position in tabel's or what to do with them bk i dont get it.
  25. IF you don't remove the "OnClientRender" then must show of not to disapear. Make shure "local x,y = guiGetScreenSize()" is outside of the function. Or post the code then i can help you.
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