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Everything posted by bandi94
local M4Pickup = createPickup(-2812.4370,-849.909,23.22,2,31,300,0) local item_table={"GPS","M4","Toolbox","Map"} function GiveDayZItem(player) setElementData(player,item_table[ math.random(1, #item_table)], 1) end addEventHandler("onPickupHit", M4Pickup, GiveDayZItem)
engineLoadTXD engineImportTXD engineLoadDFF engineReplaceModel
LOL thx man .
I am searching where is called , or where is started the display of "Vote For Next Map Start in ... s" . I need to check something right before the text is display'd (i wanna add a triggerEvent). But i can't find it , i searched race,mapmanager,votemap . And nothing LOL .
if you mean a table then. local factinfo={} factinfo[factnum]={} --then it's ready to use like. for i=1 , 10 do factinfo[factnum][i]="rang"..i end
@ Vector , i wanna to draw them with a 100ms delay , but not one by one (at the end i wanna see all the 30 line's). And my custom label has his own drawing function so i only call a creating function with export after that he is drawed by his own function. (Like export........CreateDxLabel(bla,bla) after that he is auto drawed until it's destroyed or set to false the visible value.) @csiguusz , thx very much your way it's just working great with my custom label's Off topic (En is tudok maggyarul )
So i am making a list , data's are stored in a table . Now i use "for.... in pairs() do " and GuiLabel's (not the MTA one's , custom one from my own dxGui) , and i wanna to make a delay of 100ms between row's. Ex. draw the first line , wait 100ms , draw secound line , wait 100ms , ......... Now i made a simpel loop delay using , "while do" and "getTickCount" , but there is a problem , i have 30 line's so there is 30*100ms = 3s , when i press the button the game freez for 3s and after show's all the 30 line's. Is there any way to delay the "in pairs" with table ??
in "engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture" is a value called "element targetElement" , so let's say it's about a car, when you trigger the client's with the downloaded texture you send over the car element to. And set it as "targetelement" , so the Shader will be applyed only on that car or object.
easy , when you trigger client, use "root" or "getRootElement" on "element sendTo" and "element theElement" . Send the data from fetchRemote to every client and from there every client genrate the texture->shader->apply it
"onClientChatMessage" cancelEvent() outputChatBox. tocolor(r,g,b) getPlayerSerial
whitch timer ?? that on top saying , "time left" ??
No Problem Am vazut ca scria "fereastra", si ma intrebam daca chiar esti roman ca de cand sunt pe aici n-am intalnit pana acuma pe nimeni din Ro . Ma credeam cam singur pe aici dar vad ca sunt si alti care sunt inca activi (ma refer aici pe sectia asta , stiu ca mai sunt uni pe la sectiunea de RO, dar nu prea multi care sa fie activi )
Position the window on your screen with absolute value like : 400,350 . Then check your screen resolution like : 1366x768. then relative_x = 400/1366 --(0.292) relative_y = 350/768 --(0.455) then Gui...... (ScreenW*relative_x, ScreenH*relative_y ) this will stay on the same place on every resolution.
I just tryed it client side. With the command handler , "/testing [email protected]" - return one time match in the chatbox. "/testing asd@yahoo" - return one time no match in the chatbox. so the function work's well maybe the problem is somewhere else ? you tested it aswell with the CommandHandler ??
server side function walk_style() setPedWalkingStyle ( source, 121 ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), walk_style )
From when "onVehicleStartEnter" return as first element the vehicle ?? vehicle is the source. function nowyPojazd ( thePlayer ) local oldVehicle = getElementData ( thePlayer, "vehicle_owner" ) if ( oldVehicle ~= false ) then removeElementData ( oldVehicle, "veh_owner" ) setVehicleLocked ( oldVehicle, false ) end setElementData ( source, "veh_owner", thePlayer ) setElementData ( thePlayer, "vehicle_owner", source ) end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), nowyPojazd )
ofc it's only for you .... x = 1497px are you playing on 5m plasma ? or LOL. Most of player's use 1024 up to 1366 px resolution. Not 1497px + ... Make it relative , or use absolut math then it will be on every resolution (for everybody ). Of topic (Esti cumva roman ?)
yep i think the same thing.
Bk you c+p the line local team1Count = countPlayersInTeam ( team1 ) --team1 local team2Count = countPlayersInTeam ( team1 ) -- and team1 again it think it should be local team1Count = countPlayersInTeam ( team1 ) local team2Count = countPlayersInTeam ( team2 )
fileDelet it's not the best option, in my opinion encrypt+server side check's are better. Why ? It's simpel , file delete is executed when the script is loaded in RAM, if i bug my PC (fps lock it , slow it very down, over charge the RAM) i can exit the server before fileDelet is executed. And there are many way's to delete protect file's / make a copy of them right after they are saved on the HDD. Ofc not everybody can make this , but it is possible.
like the video show's
filedelete it's not he best option bk every time need to re download the script's Encrypt it make it safe , until somebody with programing skill reverse it (geting backthe source code witch is not to hard). Best mode is encrypt + server side script. So he can only steal the client side but if there's a server side scrpt to that he can't steal. It can be used only he remake the server side , less propbably when he is stealing that he can re code it
fps = getElementData(thePlayer , "scoreboard column name" )
i already told you how could work , if you don't like it then make it how you wan't. in usser panel you take player's money and call the set next map command = it will set the buyed map as next map =>> that player buyed his map , and will start after the current one .
function stworzPaliwo ( ) local v = getPedOccupiedVehicle( getLocalPlayer() ) if ( v ) then local fuel = getElementData( v, "fuel" ) if not fuel then setElementData ( v, "fuel", 50 ) fuel = 50 outputChatBox ( "Stan paliwa: "..fuel, 255, 255, 255, false ) -- in case the car is a new one and have no fuel else outputChatBox ( "This car have "..fuel.." left.", 255, 255, 255, false ) -- in case if the car already have fuel (it was used one or more time) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), stworzPaliwo )