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Everything posted by bandi94

  1. ohhhhhhhhh. Then must be an object itself. But this kind of stuff's most of time are done by shader , bk that i was thinking it's shader.
  2. search in the script something like : "dxSetShaderValue" there must be a pass trought form the script to the shader where it is sending the X,Y,Z
  3. before = getVehicleHandling ( theVehicle, "maxVelocity" ) setVehicleHandling ( theVehicle, "maxVelocity", value ) -- setting it back setVehicleHandling ( theVehicle, "maxVelocity", before )
  4. fetchRemote ( "http://www.example.com/image.jpg", myCallback, "", false) function myCallback( responseData ) myTexture = dxCreateTexture(responseData ) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() if myTexture then local w,h = dxGetMaterialSize( myTexture ) dxDrawImage( 200, 100, w, h, myTexture ) end end )
  5. Read the wiki .. it's say's very nice : 'Video' tab draw distance slider is 0% =>> 100 units 'Video' tab draw distance slider is 100% =>> 200 units also say's that "engineSetModelLODDistance" has a limit of 300 units , so your 1000 units in the script will be foreced down to 300 units ............
  6. bandi94

    Need help, SKIN

    As you can see there are not to much scripter's / modeler's who make thing's on request , even is pay'd. They have own projects for they server.
  7. getElementData(player,"state") it will return : "alive" , "dead" , "waiting" , etc. ....
  8. createMarker getElementsByType attachElements
  9. bandi94


    Effects in the working of the function , nope. But the biggest problem is the restarting , if the script is restarted all your list is gone. Now if you wanna use it to mute player's for 5-10 min , it's ok using it in the script . But if you are going to mute 2 or more day's then it could be a problem.
  10. bandi94


    when i was forced to use a database , i told myself thats it , again i will need to learn how to use it , etc ..... Well after i started making my first thing with the database , then wow , it's very easy , to add , remove , update . More easy like XML way. Take a look here. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f ... SQLite+TUT
  11. that look's like a "corona" type marker attached to the rocket.
  12. function getPlayerNameFromNamePart(name) if name then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if string.find(getPlayerName(player):lower(), tostring(name):lower(), 1, true) then return getPlayerName(player) end end end return false end local fullname = getPlayerNameFromNamePart("name part")
  13. Ok, now i understand, thank you Have last question, if model will be on server must change .dff? I mean model will with new .txd and old .dff... Hmmmm. i don't know for shure , but if the model (dff) is the original ingame one , and you only wanna change the txd (like recolor it) , i think it will be enought to upload the txd only. I never tryed to recolor original object's alway's i was using with new dff to
  14. TXD - is mapping file , there you can chage the look of the object. Like the color of a ped or etc. (txd workshop and photoshop) DFF - is 3D model file , there you can change the object's itself, like attach a spoiler to car. (3ds max + kam's script or Zmodeler but it not so good )
  15. bandi94


    cur = 1 if cur == 1 then timerToKill = setTimer(triggerServerEvent, 2000,0 ,"setstat", localPlayer) -- 0 in setTimer = infinite end bindKey("space", "down", stopanimation) function stopanimation () setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false) setPedAnimation (localPlayer, false) if isTimer( timerToKill) then killTimer (timerToKill) cur = 0 end end
  16. post the script . @Ab-47 one look's good maybe you did something wrong when edited it.
  17. 3ds max look'a better than zModeler , i never like'd zModeler
  18. @IIYAMA , work's like a charm , the timer's must be the problem THX
  19. for i=1, 8 do local newX, newY = getPointFromDistanceRotation(x, y, 15, 360 * (i/8)); local marker_round =createMarker(x,y,z,"corona",3,math.random(255),math.random(255),math.random(255),255) local dumy_round = createObject(1235,x,y,z) attachElements(marker_round,dumy_round) moveObject(dumy_round,4000,newX,newY,z-20,0,0,0,"OutQuad") setTimer(destroyElement,4000,1,marker_round) setTimer(destroyElement,4000,1,dumy_round) end object 1235 is a small trash bin , created to can move the marker. The trash bin is created and i can see it moveing but the marker is not created / attached to it
  20. I just wanna ask if the "createMarker" atleast the corona tipe , is bugged ?? I am generating 8 corona type marker inside a "for" loop. But only 6 are created , so i changed the 8 to 6 , then only 4 are generated, alway's 2 are not generated. And i am not hitting the 34 limit. Bk every created corona is destroyed after 4s. Even i made a lopp checking getElementsByType("Marker") , and there are only the marker's generated by me = 8 . Is this happening to other's to ?
  21. bandi94


    Use server side. Server side function died() if getElementType(source)=="Player" then outputChatBox("Player "..getPlayerName(source).. " died!") else outputChatBox("A ped die!") end end addEventHandler("onPedWasted", getRootElement(), died)
  22. I thinnk that's not possbile since , outputChatBox has only "onPlayerChat" , and this will be not triggered when a resource use "outputChatBox".
  23. bandi94

    how use

    local toWait = false function buycar() local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney(localPlayer) if not toWait then if ( playerMoney >= tonumber(9500) ) then triggerServerEvent("onBuycar",localPlayer) toWait = true setTimer(switch,1000*60*60,1) guiSetVisible( w, false ) showCursor( false ) outputChatBox ( "you bought the car", 0, 255, 0 ) else outputChatBox("you dont have 9500",255,0,0) end else outputChatBox("you must wait some time",255,0,0) end end function switch() toWait = false end
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