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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. You could take a look at these settings: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Server_mtaserver.conf#bandwidth_reduction But I'm not sure if that's gonna help.
  2. It's not a bug, icons other than 0 have no size. It's as simple as that.
  3. I can see that you use player and then source, but neither is defined, so they should both be nil.
  4. It's not working because it's not supposed to work. The size is only applicable to the marker icon (id 0), so using getBlipSize on any other icon type makes no sense and I guess it always returns 2.
  5. The script tag is misspelled in the meta.xml, so no scripts get loaded. Also, your givePlayerMoney is missing the player argument.
  6. That indentation didn't help all that much.. Anyway, what is the issue now? You should learn how to debug properly.. see this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Debugging.
  7. Well, you have to use the wiki.. what NeXuS posted is pure Lua, so sure, start there. But you'll still need to consult the wiki to see how MTA works, because knowing only pure Lua would be useless.
  8. The file names are lower case. exports.a:addScoreboardColumn('Home') function showcountry() local flag = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) if flag then setElementData(source,"Home", {type = "image", src = ":admin/client/images/flags/"..string.lower(flag)..".png"}) else flag = "N/A" --What's this for? It's never used. end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),showcountry)
  9. Well you don't. The debug says that it's nil, meaning it doesn't exist. Do you have the module defined in the server config? Another way of starting the module is to use the loadmodule command, so loadmodule mta_mysql in this case.
  10. It really doesn't work that way, the scoreboard doesn't magically know that it's supposed to draw an image. Do something like this instead: exports.a:addScoreboardColumn('Home') function showcountry() local flag = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) if flag then setElementData(source,"Home", {type = "image", src = ":admin/client/images/flags/"..flag..".png"}) else flag = "N/A" --What's this for? It's never used. end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),showcountry)
  11. You have to add the MTA MySQL module into your server.
  12. Get the latest resources here: https://mirror.multitheftauto.com/mtasa/resources/mtasa-resources-latest.zip and just copy them into your resources (especially mapmanager and race).
  13. I don't understand what do you mean by 'get the button'. Try to explain a bit more. Also, there is no need to inject the mouse clicks as you are using a GUI browser. You have to inject clicks when you use the regular DX browser (createBrowser).
  14. Well, first of all you want that in a separate resource that downloads and starts before the others do, this can be achieved by simply using <download_priority_group> in meta.xml. The resource will contain a script that simply creates a browser (createBrowser/guiCreateBrowser) and loads a youtube video (loadBrowserURL), that's it.
  15. I guess it depends on what does _QuerySingle look like Send us that code.
  16. MIKI785


    It depends on the script, I guess there is an attachElements in there somewhere, post the code or we can't help you.
  17. I don't really understand what you want.. but I suppose you want to get rid of votemap? That can be done rather simply by changing some race resource's setting, take a look at the settings and you'll see it.
  18. If it's server-sided then simply use hasObjectPermissionTo or isObjectInACLGroup.
  19. You don't get it either.. the server returns HTTP error 417, it has nothing to do with the code.
  20. That repeat loop makes no sense, you're not repeating anything and it will always pass the first time.. so It's like it's not even there. I don't see anything wrong the the spawn function, so just use this instead: function FreeroamRespawn(player) if not isElement(player) then return end local element = getElementParent(player) if getElementData(player, "state") ~= "Waiting" then return end spawn(player) fadeCamera(player, true) setCameraTarget(player, player) showChat(player, true) toggleAllControls(player, true, true, true) end
  21. MIKI785

    UI in CEF

    I don't understand what you mean.. you can load any files in the resource directory (let it be HTML, CSS, JS, Images...) as long as they are in there (<file> in meta) and the browser is set to be local. Refer to this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Local_Scheme_Handler
  22. There's nothing wrong with those functions, you're binding it to a command, not a function.
  23. Hello, I've got a problem, when I'm trying to use the mta's lua compiler (the luac_mta.exe one) it gives me this error: luac: ERROR Problem contacting verification server (The requested URL returned error: 417 Expectation failed) i've no idea what to do.
  24. It doesn't matter which one I use, they're all awful like this.
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