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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. What do you mean safest? They're both SQL so they're both vulnerable to SQL injection.
  2. If you want to use shared exported function the script defining the function has to be on both sides (client & server, ie. shared). If a script is shared you can make an export for either client or server side only. It's logical, really. Does that answer your question? I didn't fully understand.
  3. Those are called dimensions, use setElementDimension to change any element's dimension. To forbid chatting between players in different dimensions use onPlayerChat with getElementDimension.
  4. MIKI785

    Logging in

    So? He just uses logIn instead of command which is the same thing.
  5. So many years and still being actively updated, hope this will keep up for another few years =D>
  6. No need for this.. just write it above the [lua] code.
  7. MIKI785

    Mutiple skins

    What do you mean by skin? Texture? Yes, using shaders.
  8. Send it to server using triggerServerEvent and save it to file using fileWrite, there's nothing difficult about it.
  9. MIKI785


    Simple answer: no. You're probably talking about this: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=167&t=73773.
  10. MIKI785

    [HELP] Please

    Using setWeather?
  11. MIKI785

    [HELP] Please

    There actually are few weather IDs that cause the render distance to increase significantly (SA map only) and it may cause lags on slower PCs. You can change this only through Lua, there's no way for a client to change this.
  12. Just check the syntax (dxDrawText)... it's the 14th argument.
  13. Do you even know basics of scripting? That's rotation of the whole element, not parts of it. (The whole ped/player in this case)
  14. setFarClipDistance is for the original world. It won't have any effect on custom objects, try copying the same objects as Low LOD ones. Then try using engineSetModelLODDistance to change the distance. It should increase it a little. It's possible to increase it dramatically only in MTA:Eir.
  15. You can't change animations or individual bone positions or anything like that afaik. Even if that was possible i doubt it would be possible to script anything like that.
  16. MIKI785

    Help fileIsEOF

    It's not a function.. it's an event. Of course it won't work.. it gets triggered for each file separately. Use something like this: local filesDownloaded = {} function onDownloadFinish ( file, success ) if ( success ) then filesDownloaded[file] = true if ( filesDownloaded["solider.txd"] and filesDownloaded["solider.dff"] ) then engineImportTXD(engineLoadTXD("solider.txd"), 16) engineReplaceModel(engineLoadDFF("solider.dff", 0), 16) outputChatBox("soliderload") end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientFileDownloadComplete", resourceRoot, onDownloadFinish )
  17. I resolved it through settings in AMD's tray icon few days after posting this topic. There's a choice of 3D settings to be either best performance or best quality, it somehow changed itself to best performance so i changed it to balanced and everything looks beautiful again Never saw that setting before.
  18. MIKI785

    Help fileIsEOF

    Using OnClientFileDownloadComplete is the best way.
  19. Don't delete resources manually then.. use deleteResource and you won't have to check for anything.
  20. MIKI785


    Individual bullets are not elements, so no. Why do you even need it?
  21. MIKI785

    Help fileIsEOF

    You're supposed to use file element not the name as string.. It wouldn't work anyway as it only checks if the position inside the file used in file functions is at the end of the file. That's not what you want.
  22. Try using the 'config' comand in race.
  23. The next parameter after "image" is actually the rotation.. Check dxDrawImage.
  24. String to variable? What the hell? String is a type of variable.
  25. I don't understand what you're trying to say here, i barely got the first part that you want to show some text over someone, right? Well use dx functions... getScreenFromWorldPosition --To get X,Y where the text will show on screen dxDrawText --Draw it The second part of your post i don't understand at all.
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