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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. I'm not sure what it is right now because I'm at school, but you could try using the "Map Editor".
  2. Do you mean using the car to shoot or like a driveby? If you mean a driveby, then I think there's a resource in your [gameplay] resource called driveby or smthing like that. If you mean using the car to shoot, then you have to start learning LUA.
  3. try starting your server then type in "start editor", after go to your server via web url: mtasa:// or .
  4. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    try changing your ports to: <serverport>22004</serverport> <httpport>22005</httpport>
  5. He means "Map Editor". If you tried reinstalling MTA, try starting your server and starting editor. CAN A MOD MOVE THIS TO THE CLIENT SUPPORT OR SERVER SUPPORT PLS.
  6. Hi, I would like to tell you that Scripters are willing to do this only for money... I suggest learning LUA then creating what you want.(TRUST ME!)
  7. Try setting it before you start your server/console, then start the server/console and type in "addaccount username password". (ACL.xml is already loaded when the server starts and if you try typing in anything while the server is started, then the server is just going to save over it, basically putting back what it loaded. and type in addaccount lower cased.)
  8. Can you download this MTADiag and post the generated log either here using or at PasteBin.
  9. Jaysds1

    GOD mode

    What do you mean by immortal? Anyways, When you start a server and you don't want to use any of the resources, the first thing you should do is make a script using LUA knowledge(LUA), you should set a random spawn and do what you want to do in the server...
  10. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    It seems like this is your first time starting your server... Try the local server again and tell us what happens...
  11. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    I think this wont matter... Do you still get Timed Out? Did you downloaded the server with your MTA Client?
  12. Nice... This would help us more with Downloading Map Problems Keep up the good work bud EDIT: Why don't you run the Direct-X Runtime update/check before the MTA Program?
  13. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    once you install them, you should be able to run them and make it download the requirements on to your system... after all of that, Run the MTADiag again.
  14. Jaysds1

    MTA V?

    lol, He enjoyed it
  15. I kinda like the older ones.. but the newer ones are more advanced and makes my FPS low... I prefer old. BTW, instead of doing that vote, you could make a poll by editing that post and clicking on "Poll Creation" on the bottom.
  16. Jaysds1

    Gamemonitor error

    This is normal... Gamemonitor some how goes unavailable for some servers... It happens to me most of the time when I start my server. I think it's normal at the very least...
  17. no, go inside of Resources and delete all of the folders/resources. (CTRL+A then delete)
  18. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    Thanks for trusting us, Towncivilian is going to post some drivers for you to download and we'll see if the error continues.
  19. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    The MTADiag only gives out driver information and the MTA Program information... There is no way an hacker can hack using this information... TRUST ME!
  20. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    Try posting it at Pastebin
  21. Here: viewtopic.php?f=148&t=40809 try these.
  22. Go in to your MTA San andreas 1.x\mods\resources\ and delete all the folders/resources in it... (CTRL+A then delete)
  23. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    Can you run this MTADiag and post the generated log either here using or at PasteBin. AND MOD, CAN YOU MOVE THIS TO Client Support Section pls.
  24. Jaysds1

    MTA 1.3 Crashing

    ok, What happened? it can't just stop working... Did you download any newer versions? Did you added any Mods to our SA? ??? More Info pls.
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