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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. no 36 player servers in 0.5 26 max for vc, 32 for gta3mta GET IT RIGHT lol, only we know that
  2. because there's no use for this topic anymore.
  3. lol, PM me when you find it
  4. @Solidsnake, He means the file after running the DXDiag... @supermario, Instead of uploading it, open it and hold down "CTRL"+"A", when everything is highlighted then you could either right click and copy or hold down "CTRL"+"C". After all of that, paste it HERE
  5. Jaysds1

    Need help guys !

    If the server is running on a hosted site, then your going to need the site url, the username and password for it. If it's not, then there's no way of get it back up and running for now.
  6. I'm sorry, I never knew he was talking about the checkbox for "Use Customized GTA:SA Files".
  7. Ya, you could customize the checkbox: Here's the theme his friend has: viewtopic.php?f=139&t=36010
  8. It's a skin, the skin changes the way how all the gui's look.
  9. Jaysds1


    It was posed in some earlier thread regarding pretty much the same subject if I'm not mistaken. ya, what he said. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=36407&hilit=+Suggestion#p417411
  10. Try this: viewforum.php?f=139
  11. Jaysds1

    The Sky Is...

    Lol, I'll make one for you
  12. Jaysds1


  13. Download this: Graphic Driver After, try again, If it didn't work... Try setting your fps to low Your usable memory to the middle or low.
  14. Your welcome... What's the next problem?
  15. @spUnKyMe, He meant the brightness... @LietuviX, Your Lighting setting is located in the "Settings", in the "Video" Tab.
  16. A: Find a slut and Bang her Q: Do you think she would get tired after an hour?
  17. This is what I read, from what he wrote. @LietuviX Try reinstalling MTA then try again... if your server is still lagging, post your SpeedTest.
  18. WOW, that was a long one, NIce everything ^SAME VIDEO^
  19. Jaysds1

    DM track 2

    Now this ones bigger than the other one, Nice Video and Map ^SAME VIDEO^
  20. Jaysds1

    DM track 1

    Nice Race map ^SAME VIDEO^
  21. A: We go home Q: What are you going to do at home?
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