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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN, sorry, I'm mad, I thought about this and I thought it would be a great idea, but now Anyways, is there anyway around this? I know I can't insert the radar areas and the colshapes in a table through a loop.
  2. oh, ok, lets forget about that right now, Is it possible to set ra for the radar global in-script?
  3. I'm still having the same problem... Anyways, forget that for now... Is it possible to get that ra to work in another function?
  4. ya, it's not working for me: addEventHandler("onClientVehicleStartExit",root,function() if(isVehicleLocked(source))then cancelEvent() end end) you can try it on my 1.4 server: mtasa://
  5. Jaysds1


    he added the end at the end of the function @Yukazi What's this tonumber(rank[1]["rank"]) ??? you didn't made a table... try this: addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() exports.Scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("Rank",root,4,0,04) end) addEventHandler ("onPlayerSpawn",root,function() local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) local DDAttempts = executeSQLSelect ( "DDDM", "DDAttempts","serial = '"..serial.."'") local DDWins = executeSQLSelect ( "DDDM", "DDWins","serial = '"..serial.."'") rank = (tonumber(DDWins)/tonumber(DDAttempts))*100 setElementData( source, "Rank",rank) end)
  6. Thanks, I've been having problems with this for the paste couple of days sorry, to bother you again, for some reason this event isn't cancelling: addEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit",root,function(plr) if(isVehicleLocked(source))then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("The vehicle is still locked, please unlock to get out.",plr,100,0,0) end end)
  7. Jaysds1


    try this: addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() call(getResourceFromame("Scoreboard"),"addScoreboardColumn","Rank",root,4,0,04) end)
  8. oh, ok, here: addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() local radarXML = xmlLoadFile("radars.xml") if radarXML then for index,child in pairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(radarXML))do name = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"name") px = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"posX") py = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"posY") sx = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"sizeX") sy = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"sizeY") clr = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"color") dim = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"dimension") team = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"team") ra = createRadarArea(px,py,sx,sy,clr,100) setElementData(ra,"team",team) setElementData(ra,"turfName",name) cX = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"colX") cY = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"coY") cW = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"colW") cH = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"colH") colR = createColRectangle(cX,cY,40,40) col = createColPolygon(cX,cY,40,40) end end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit",colR,turf) xmlUnloadFile(radarXML) end) here's the radar.xml file <radars> <areas name="Grove Street" posX="-2183.5678710938" posY="705.67950439453" sizeX="40" sizeY="-40" color="#33CC00" dimension="0" col="Rec" colX="-2171.0678710938" colY="678.17950439453" colW="15" colH="15" team="Grove Street Famillies"/> </radars> Last log: [2012-05-02 18:26:11] WARNING: [JWR]\turfs\server.lua:28: Bad argument @ 'createColPolygon' [2012-05-02 18:26:11] WARNING: [JWR]\turfs\server.lua:29: Bad argument @ 'createColRectangle' [2012-05-02 18:26:11] WARNING: [JWR]\turfs\server.lua:32: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected element at argument 2, got nil]
  9. ya, you have to upload every file from your server folder. EDIT: Skype: Jaysds1
  10. here's my votemanager meta.xml: <meta> <info author="jbeta" description="Vote manager resource" type="script" version="1.1.0" /> <include resource="helpmanager" /> <script src="votemanager_errorcodes.lua" type="server"/> <script src="votemanager_server.lua" type="server"/> <export function="startPoll"/> <export function="stopPoll"/> <export function="finishPoll"/> <script src="votemanager_polls.lua" type="server"/> <export function="voteMap"/> <export function="voteKick"/> <export function="voteBan"/> <export function="voteBetweenMaps"/> <export function="voteBetweenModes"/> <script src="votemanager_client.lua" type="client"/> <config src="help.xml" type="client" /> <settings> <setting name="*color" value="#DF6464" /> <setting name="*log_votes" value="[true]" /> <setting name="*default_timeout" value="[15]"/> <setting name="*default_allowchange" value="[false]"/> <setting name="*default_percentage" value="[65]"/> <setting name="*default_maxnominations" value="[3]"/> <setting name="*votemap_enabled" value="[true]"/> <setting name="*votemap_timeout" value="[15]"/> <setting name="*votemap_locktime" value="[120]"/> <setting name="*votemap_percentage" value="[70]"/> <setting name="*votemap_allowchange" value="[true]"/> <setting name="*votemode_enabled" value="[true]"/> <setting name="*votemode_timeout" value="[15]"/> <setting name="*votemode_locktime" value="[120]"/> <setting name="*votemode_percentage" value="[70]"/> <setting name="*votemode_allowchange" value="[true]"/> <setting name="*votekick_enabled" value="[true]"/> <setting name="*votekick_timeout" value="[15]"/> <setting name="*votekick_locktime" value="[120]"/> <setting name="*votekick_percentage" value="[70]"/> <setting name="*votekick_allowchange" value="[true]"/> <setting name="*voteban_enabled" value="[false]"/> <setting name="*voteban_timeout" value="[15]"/> <setting name="*voteban_locktime" value="[120]"/> <setting name="*voteban_percentage" value="[75]"/> <setting name="*voteban_allowchange" value="[true]"/> <setting name="*votekill_enabled" value="[false]"/> <setting name="*votekill_timeout" value="[15]"/> <setting name="*votekill_locktime" value="[120]"/> <setting name="*votekill_percentage" value="[70]"/> <setting name="*votekill_allowchange" value="[true]"/> </settings> </meta>
  11. nah, if you uploaded every file on the host then you should be fine... Unless it wasn't working on your computer before you uploaded it, was it?
  12. twitch91, Who's your host? and do you have access to starting/stopping your server? If you do, type in "start admin" in the console, if it's already started then you host might be messed
  13. Hi all, I didn't know whether to put this as Scripting or Server, but I think this is a server problem... Anyways, I'm using radars.xml for my turf script/resource, and when I start it, I get errors like these: Image Line number On/Off | Expand/Contract | Select all 2012-04-30 09:43:29] WARNING: [JWR]\turfs\server.lua:24: Bad argument @ 'createColPolygon' I want to use createColRectangle, and it tells me to use createColPolygon, I don't know why... Any reason why? If you need anymore info, let me know.
  14. setElementData(ra,"team",team) setElementData(ra,"turfName",name)
  15. +1 , but nice Job, I kinda like how the nitrous looks.
  16. Oh, tht's y, u need Service packs
  17. MTA could work on any windows PC. If you downgrade you have to install it again, if you upgrade, you have to reinstall it again.
  18. Jaysds1

    Server doesnt work ..

    Are you signed in as admin on ur computer? If not, try running it as admin
  19. Why don't you guyz have different type of offline copies? (like one Russion, another English, next one is Spanish, etc...)
  20. Jaysds1

    Lag and FPS Drops

    Got a Crash while playing: http://pastebin.com/HXyrcbvs
  21. Jaysds1


    actually, he said Xampp is PhpMyAdmin and has Apache...
  22. Jaysds1


    Sorry, but blazy is right, Xammp has PhpMyAdmin, Apache, and something else, but I forgot... If don't want it then here: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/downloads.php
  23. If you didn't, try uninstalling MTA making sure there's no files left over(unless you have resources) then install it again. if it continues, then try installing the Latest patch. If non of those work, I would like you to download and run this [http://files.mtasa.com/apps/tools/MTADiag.zip]MTADiag[/url] then post the generated log at PasteBin.
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