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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. The selElementData is stored either in a Sqlite Database or MTA it self. To check your Database, use this Sqlitebrowser
  2. Sorry for posting late, Do the following: Go to -> My Network Places -> View Network Connections *Now right click on the LAN Connection that provides your internet access and select Properties: ---------------------------------------------- Click Advanced -> Settings ------------------------------------------------- Now click Advanced -> Highlight your internet Connection -> Click settings A window should open similar to the one below but would more than likely have existing ports open on your system listed. -------------------------------------------------- Click add and you will see this set settings windows appear ----------------------------------------------------- *Description of Service: Usually the program name (abbr.) and/or the port number being opened * Name or IP address: Just what is says. If you don’t know your PC’s name just put the IP address. Note: If you don’t have a Static IP address on your PC then everything you’re doing can and will be ineffective if and when your IP address changes. Set a Static IP for your system *External Port/Internal Port number for this service: Unless you know exactly what having two different ports here consist of, keep them the same. *TCP: TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data. *UDP: provides very few error recovery services, offering instead a direct way to send and receive datagram’s over an IP network. NOTE: Between TCP & UDP make sure you set the port for the type you need. If one port needs both types then you’ll have to the go through these settings twice. -------------------------------------------------------
  3. ok, Run this: Automatic Driver Updater/Detector GPU Driver Detector Mouse
  4. Here's a topic: viewtopic.php?f=104&t=37037
  5. ok, Copy the current GTA San Andreas Folder and paste it in the same folder and delete mods in the other GTA San Andreas Folder(not the one you just pasted).
  6. Try making another GTA folder and putting the mods in there. MTA Doesn't support some mods, unless it's being add server-sided.
  7. oh, it looks like a bot Well, nice video @Z3RB1AN, I never knew you had PS1
  8. When you finish recording the video, put it on Youtube as private and post the link here using (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CODE > CODE )
  9. Jaysds1

    MTA jobs.

    Sorry about him... Ya, you do have to script what you want... unless you just want to be a mapper. If you want to script: viewtopic.php?f=148&t=40809 If you want to map: viewforum.php?f=92
  10. Jaysds1

    Client crashes

    @Both of you, Reinstall GTA then MTA and see if you get crashes... If you do, download and run this MTADiag and after post the generated log either here using or at PasteBin. MOD, MOVE THIS TO CLIENT SUPPORT
  11. Reinstall your GTA and MTA(GTA First), try playing Sp first then try playing MTA again... If it doesn't work or you get a crash error, Download this MTADiag and after your done, post the generated log either here using or at PasteBin.
  12. If you have a router here's a topic: viewtopic.php?f=114&t=33722&hilit=+Port+Problems
  13. I've never seen that function in MTA before... and it was last modified in 2008
  14. A:Nope, We're just 11miles away, Damn Cylinder Warp... Q: Should we walk before we get into anymore shit?
  15. Did you try the Wiki? if not: setElementData() getElementData() EDIT: You beat me
  16. Nice skins... ^SAME VIDEO^
  17. Nice, When your vehicle gets on fire, do you automatically eject? ^SAME VIDEO^
  18. Nice 3D Worms, Were you facing others or bot? ^SAME VIDEO^
  19. Jaysds1

    random vehicles

    So, you've been talking about race mode the whole time?
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