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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Client addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function() outputChatBox("This happens whenever the res is started") end) This happens whenever the resourse is started. You may put a GUI there or w/e u want.
  2. hoped you had fun doing that. i cant wait karlis =)
  3. Tank07, if you are talking about the community download, that is EXTREMELY OUTDATED. If you have not, i have no idea what you are talking about.
  4. ffs spunkyme it is not neccessary. it is already synced. what i posted is perfecly fine! (god ppls these days dont even understand code and then they try teach others -.-) TAPL but that will conflict throughouut.Bad idea.
  5. wtf was taht. take out the server side and keep the client side i posted. thats it. it works.
  6. qaisjp

    Building mods

    use the engine functions
  7. it doesnt work with npc/peds. lol
  8. so you totally ignored my post.
  9. No need for server side, players are synced automatically. function damageCheck(attacker, weapon) if(weapon == 5)then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) setElementPosition(getLocalPlayer(), x + 20, y + 50, z + 80) end end addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer ( ), damageCheck )
  10. Try only putting the cosmetic stuff only clientside.
  11. "PS: the handling is too plain imo...its good for a freecam, but not a psyhical object, even tough its hightech. you should probably a bit influence it by wind velocity, and add a bit of gravity, inertia, rotation inertia, stuff like that." I really don't understand what you mean by making the UFO interact with gravity, intertia, rotinertia and 'stuff like that' - I'm clueless. Thanks, i will try the code later =)
  12. |Yeah. ## function blockPM(msg,r) cancelEvent() -- Then cancel it outputChatBox("Use /pm.",source,255,0,0) -- And output it was cancelled. end addEventHandler("onPlayerPrivateMessage",getRootElement(),blockPM) add the pm-system res by nextreme
  13. yeah i do its the one which is on pastebin right now
  14. Try some edits with basic resources from the community.Once you get a hang of it, you will find it fun and keep exploring.
  15. Well it happened with awesomeufo for a while, but it's back now and it seems like F+ is dead but im working on awesomeufo ( a feature for F+ ) anyway orange what can you do for f+ lol
  16. transparency if you dont mind the trouble. otherwise opaque. may you send us the new gtaiv resource?
  17. well kay, until then deevlopment is halted (not to put a weight on you anyway)
  18. Client sided scripts, only exist for the client. They run on each and every player connected to the server's CLIENT. Server is done on the server, globally. The changes are generally seen by everyone on the server. Client sided commands can be done to execute stuff only for that one player, on that one players computer. Server sided are done by the server.
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