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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. For those who are wondering: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/br229516 It's a GTA problem, some how GTA is not finding your audio card. Reinstall GTA.
  2. Yay, i'm in your signature. I love Smallville. SOMEBODY SAAAAAAAVEEEE MEEEEE
  3. Yes there is a way. First you make your animation file, then you import it using some animation function.
  4. If this was a cutscene generator then I would have these kinds of exports: actorElement stageCreateActor(int skin) stageGetActorElement(actorElement actor) stageSetScene() stageCreateScene() stageToggleAction() stageDestroy() ^ BASIC ONES. stageMonitorElement(element, boolean) - Monitors an element for use in recording. stageRecord(boolean) stageImport() stageGUIEnabled() stageAddAudio() stageElementActivate() etc.etc...or am I going mad D;
  5. Yes there is a way, but there are tutorials on modding sites.
  6. "Slow-mo" won't work, since then it would look extremely weird on all other players and it would be immensely unfair.
  7. a. i asked you, why would i ask you if i could. q. CAN YOUSHOW ME THE BEST MULTI THEFT AUTO SERVER ON EARTH?
  8. qaisjp


    You forgot your commas. freeroam way is the easier way.
  9. qaisjp

    Matrix cams

    CapY it looks like you are making us make the script for you, we just showed you how to do this, can't you apply what you just learnt? Use guiSetVisible
  10. A. BLA BLA BLA BLA Q. can you show me an image of a windows operating system, running mac os x in virtual box, and inside teh mac it is running windows?
  11. qaisjp

    Matrix cams

    Can you explain what the function unpack does? I am not sure
  12. qaisjp

    Matrix cams

    Use toursa from the community and put in your own coordinates. Give credits to owners (John_Michael and qaisjp) too.
  13. and what about the actual files..?
  14. a. www.code.google.com/p/mta-freeroamplus q. Did you know that the google code page still needs to be updated. It's not updated often.. I will update it today.
  15. As far as I remember, MTA uses SQL for accounts unless it's changed again but I doubt. So, no need to create another table for that. it does, but using sql functions is better than acctn data. sometimes.
  16. 99999 bytes (prepare to see pr0n)
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