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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. good bump but no they shouldn't. it would be awesome but what about sa? they cant spend all that time and effort to leave their baby to gather dust.
  2. ixjf, touchpad scrolling is very very inconvenient. The only touchpads I've seen with good scrolling capabilities are (dare I say it) the ones on Macbooks. ProGear, I think there is already a way to do this (without touching code), I'll get back to you.
  3. For example, instead of addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", loginbutton, doLogin) you need to do addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", loginbutton, doLogin,false)
  4. qaisjp

    MAC OS X

    It's okay I know how you feel! I feel really rushed to tell you that YOU CAN PLAY MTA ON MAC because I felt a rush of epicness when I found out I could play MTA on my mac. Try this tutorial, it looks shit and I wouldn't usually follow these kinds of tutorials but here you go: viewtopic.php?f=98&t=62023 Trust me, IT WORKS! Oh no the video is private I'll tell you what, today or tomorrow I will do my best to make a video tutorial for you.
  5. All it would do is hurt your eyes. It isn't helpful and it is distracting. You people need to find a different way to advertise your server instead of "crying for attention" (dare I say it) with colours.
  6. You can do this already loadMapData
  7. Theft City Auto great stuff!
  8. what are stats like? is it any faster using mono than lua? this is only server side, right? looks cool but sophisticated servers would only use this, and they would only use something fast. good job! just stats/benchmarks are needed A better description would be bringing C#* to MTA (not .net )
  9. Since it looks like it's not a serious server, I advise that you just ask him to give you the maps and scripts instead of going through the hassle, but if you want to allow him to upload maps/scripts whenever he wants I advise you to go for the FileZilla Server option.
  10. Go to simple machines forum, we are MTA not SMF.
  11. sane is word, not a person. "not experienced in XML/sql databases, but yes in functions and handler" I wouldn't be too harsh if it was just SQL databases, but XML is dead easy. Leonard, we're being nice to you by telling you you're not experienced enough. But don't take this to your heart, you are not good enough.
  12. Leonard. DC - you may want to consider indenting your code. No sane server owner will accept or buy code that isn't indented.
  13. abdalbeset. Where is your server located? Do you run your own on a dedicated server, on a VPS or on a hosting solution? For the first two, you may want to check how to set up FTP or Git (Git is much better than SVN, but they both do the same things) for your specific operating system. For that matter, you should tell us what OS your dedi or vps has - if you have one. If you host your server through a hosting solution, there should be options in the userpanel to set up FTP (but version control features like Git or SVN may not be provided). Good luck.
  14. I'm sorry, Leonardo.DC but you may have to learn more about Lua as there are many scripting issues in your code. Thanks four your interest in providing a service to the community but your skills are not pronounced enough. I look forward to seeing you in the future, though!
  15. giveWeapon to give the ped a weapon SetPedWeaponSlot to change the slot (from fist to the slot the weapon is in, should automatically be done iirc)
  16. 1. this is not a script request forum 2. its easy, learn lua 3. its easy, more monies
  17. open notpad add admen check to part where window open isObjectInACLGroup Nope Jesse you're wrong. https://code.google.com/p/hedit/source/detail?r=185 Read log message
  18. Hmm, I've been thinking of that but by doing this causes a conflict on the vehicle log.
  19. spamattack. implement a command limit
  20. first: on line 8, change "sendTo" to: `tonumber(sendTo)` then remove line 3
  21. 1. Bikes, Boats, Helicopters, Planes: if I recall correctly, applying handling modifications to some of these vehicles are yet to be released in MTA http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6094 2. Importing handlings from other GTA's will be fixed sometime soon, thanks for the report. 3. Handling editor just sets the handling values, unless values are not being set as expected, the outcome of the settings are not a priority unless they cause significant damage. 4. IIRC, certain flags uncheck other flags (such as, you may not be able to have IS_HELI and IS_BOAT set at the same time) 5. Thanks for your interest in providing a translation but translations are only required during a release candidate stream. Thanks
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