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  1. Guys... Im just confused, b'cause a man that have similar name tryed to scam me, sry.
  2. I dont see any new changes in your script
  3. You will not found a decent VIP system in the community, and as the people prefer original scripts with support than public scripts, Last month i have tried to search a vip system there, and i only found a BR bugged and ugly Vip system and another bugged compiled and incomplete GUI
  4. Thank you, at the first im ready to sell this script for cheap (8 USD is nothing ) and then i will ready to make more better GUIS and Systems and sell here my work to other people, scripting is my hobbie and if the people pay this job/hobbie i do, i will very happy :3, I hope i will be a exelent scripter, for now i only will sell medium difficulty scripts for nice prices
  5. It still doesn't mark the blip and the marker to delivery the car, and no debugscript errors when attach the car
  6. Do you wish a perfect, economic and wonderfull VIP System without any defect and problem? Do you really want a powerfull system to monetize your server and give the oportunity to people who really like your server and really want to have more benefits? You lucky to read this topic because now i will show you a irresistible VIP system that give the oportunity to the players be more popular and have more fun in your server, It incluide give Armor and Health buttons that blocks when used for 2 minutes to prevent abusing, give the official VIP vehicle (Black Infernus with Nitro), join a team that will pay vip people some money and give some nice weapons every 15-20 minutes (You have all the rights to edit ammount, weapons, and all other contents), chatbox colour texts according to the colours buttons, VIP official Skin (Editable too), And the most important, Give jetpack and remove jetpack buttons, This VIP system is nice for RP/RPG servers It will be all yours for only 8 USD, Send me a PM for more details
  7. function createMiniJobEventMec () local loc = math.random(1,#vehicleslocations) vehicleToGive = createVehicle(vehid, vehicleslocations[loc ][1], vehicleslocations[loc ][2], vehicleslocations[loc ][3]) vehicleToGiveBlip = createBlipAttachedTo(vehicleToGive, 41, localPlayer) addEventHandler("onClientTrailerAttach", vehicleToGive, createMarkerFinalMiniJobMec) setVehicleDamageProof (vehicleToGive, true) setElementHealth (vehicleToGive, 450) setVehicleEngineState ( vehicleToGive, false ) setVehicleLocked ( vehicleToGive, true ) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", root, function () if (source == accept) then guiSetVisible (window, false) showCursor (false) triggerServerEvent ("createMiniJobMecVeh", localPlayer) outputChatBox ("**************", 255, 255, 0) createMiniJobEventMec () playSound ("fail.mp3") elseif (source == close) then guiSetVisible (window, false) showCursor (false) end end) function createMarkerFinalMiniJobMec () marker = createMarker (1669.40234375, -1065.4619140625, 22.8984375, "cylinder", 3, 255, 255, 0, 255, localPlayer) blip = createBlip (1669.40234375, -1065.4619140625, 22.8984375, 60, localPlayer) outputChatBox ("Delivery The Car", 255, 255, 0) addEventHandler("onClientTrailerDetach", vehicleToGive, destroyMarkerAndBlipMiniJob) addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", marker, traervehiculoRecompensa) end function destroyMarkerAndBlipMiniJob () destroyElement (marker) destroyElement (blip) outputChatBox ("Ops Fail xD", 255, 0, 0) end function traervehiculoRecompensa (hitElement) if (hitElement == localPlayer and isPedInVehicle (localPlayer)) then local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if (getElementModel ( veh ) == 525) then triggerServerEvent ("finishJob", localPlayer) playSound ("fail.mp3") destroyElement (vehicleToGive) destroyElement (vehicleToGiveBlip) createMiniJobEventMec () outputChatBox ("Nice Job!", 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox ("Error", 255, 0, 0) end end end Doesn't work using this and onClientTrailerAttach/onClientTrailerDetach , WHY? No debugscript Errors
  8. Srv Side: pickupM1 = createPickup (1058.2626953125, -1032.2587890625, 32.042984008789, 3, 1239, 1) pickupM2 = createPickup (2127.4814453125, -1147.63671875, 24.440776824951, 3, 1239, 1) function openGUIMiniJobMec (hitElement) if (hitElement and getElementType(hitElement) == "player" and not isPedInVehicle (hitElement)) then if getPlayerTeam ( hitElement ) == getTeamFromName ( "Mechanic" ) then triggerClientEvent (hitElement, "openTheGUIMiniMec", hitElement) cancelEvent () else outputChatBox ("*********", hitElement, 255, 0, 0) cancelEvent () end end end addEventHandler ("onPickupHit", pickupM1, openGUIMiniJobMec) addEventHandler ("onPickupHit", pickupM2, openGUIMiniJobMec) function finishMiniJobMecSrv() givePlayerMoney (source, 3000) end addEvent ("finishMiniJobMec", true) addEventHandler("finishMiniJobMec", root, finishMiniJobMecSrv) function creVehMiniJobEvent () local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local theveh = createVehicle (525,x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source, theveh, 0) end addEvent ("createMiniJobMecVeh", true) addEventHandler("createMiniJobMecVeh", root, creVehMiniJobEvent) function AttachTheTrailerSrv () addEventHandler("onTrailerAttach", resourceRoot, aUnamedFunction1) end addEvent ("AttachTheTrailer123", true) addEventHandler("AttachTheTrailer123", root, AttachTheTrailerSrv) function aUnamedFunction1() triggerServerEvent (source, "mechanictriggernow1", source) end function AttachTheTrailerSrv2() addEventHandler("onTrailerDetach", resourceRoot, aUnamedFunction2) end addEvent ("AttachTheTrailer12345", true) addEventHandler("AttachTheTrailer12345", root, AttachTheFuckinTrailerSrv) function aUnamedFunction2() triggerServerEvent (source, "mechanictriggernow2", source) end Cl Side window = guiCreateWindow(434, 321, 420, 398, "Mech Minijob", false) guiWindowSetSizable(window , false) guiSetVisible( window , false ) acceptm = guiCreateButton(10, 292, 180, 96, "Acept", false, window ) guiSetFont(acceptm , "default-bold-small") close = guiCreateButton(230, 292, 180, 96, "NO", false, window ) guiSetFont(cerrarm, "default-bold-small") memom = guiCreateMemo(10, 26, 400, 249, "*******************", false, window ) guiMemoSetReadOnly(memom, true) function openTheGUIMiniMecCl() guiSetVisible (window , true) showCursor (true) end addEvent ("openTheGUIMiniMec", true) addEventHandler("openTheGUIMiniMec", root, openTheGUIMiniMecCl) vehicleslocations = { {2052.7880859375, -1905.509765625, 13.546875}, {2191.0205078125, -2251.978515625, 13.509453773499}, {2370.25, -1938.7373046875, 13.546875}, {835.4384765625, -2051.4296875, 12.8671875}, {384.708984375, -2079.1875, 7.8300905227661}, {405.171875, -1153.5087890625, 77.260643005371}, {2300.0322265625, -1439.8896484375, 24}, {1904.9677734375, -1782.392578125, 13.546875}, {2409.6337890625, -1138.8134765625, 30.617359161377}, {2679.671875, -2531.0771484375, 13.306663513184}, {1560.0185546875, -2313.302734375, 13.544898033142} } idlist = { 602, 410, 545, 436, 551 } vehid = idlist[math.random(#idlist)] function createMiniJobEventMec () local loc = math.random(1,#vehicleslocations) vehicleToGive = createVehicle(vehid, vehicleslocations[loc][1], vehicleslocations[loc][2], vehicleslocations[loc][3]) vehicleToGiveBlip = createBlipAttachedTo(vehicleToGive, 41, localPlayer) triggerServerEvent ("AttachTheTrailer123", localPlayer) setVehicleDamageProof (vehicleToGive, true) setElementHealth (vehicleToGive, 450) setVehicleEngineState ( vehicleToGive, false ) setVehicleLocked ( vehicleToGive, true ) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", root, function () if (source == acceptm) then guiSetVisible (window, false) showCursor (false) triggerServerEvent ("createMiniJobMecVeh", localPlayer) outputChatBox ("Go to the icon", 255, 255, 0) createMiniJobEventMec () playSound ("fail.mp3") elseif (source == close) then guiSetVisible (window, false) showCursor (false) end end) function createMarkerFinalMiniJobMec () marker = createMarker (1669.40234375, -1065.4619140625, 22.8984375, "cylinder", 3, 255, 255, 0, 255, localPlayer) blip = createBlip (1669.40234375, -1065.4619140625, 22.8984375, 60, localPlayer) outputChatBox ("Go and leave the car", 255, 255, 0) addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", marker, rewardMecJob) triggerServerEvent ("AttachTheTrailer12345", localPlayer) end addEvent ("mechanictriggernow1", true) addEventHandler("mechanictriggernow1", root, createMarkerFinalMiniJobMec) function destroyMarkerAndBlipMiniJob () destroyElement (marker ) destroyElement (blip ) outputChatBox ("Ops, Fail xD", 255, 0, 0) end addEvent ("mechanictriggernow2", true) addEventHandler("mechanictriggernow2", root, destroyMarkerAndBlipMiniJob) function rewardMecJob(hitElement) if (hitElement == localPlayer and isPedInVehicle (localPlayer)) then local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if (getElementModel ( veh ) == 525) then triggerServerEvent ("finishMiniJobMec", localPlayer) playSound ("fail.mp3") destroyElement (vehicleToGive) destroyElement (vehicleToGiveBlip) createMiniJobEventMec () outputChatBox ("******************", 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox ("*******************", 255, 0, 0) end end end Problem: when a player attach the vehicle to the Towtruck, it doesn't create any marker and blip to delivery this, i have tested with onClientTrailerAttach but it doesn't work anyway, i have tried all i know and i am very tired, it still doesn't create the marker and the blip, can anyone fix it or say why it doesn't work please I will not pass all to server side because i dont want the car creates up to one and it bug the server, im explain, when a player take the minijob the car spawn, when other player take job, other car spawn up the other car math randomed, and if the server have very mutch people, it will bug and lag with 300 cars created with this jobs for all people, and the clever people know how to abuse with this and break doors and catch its, please i need the vehicles will be created on client side and attached in client side, as i say onClientTrailerAttach doesn't work PD: Any debugscript errors found
  9. addCommandHandler ("novehi", function ( p ) for i, v in pairs ( allVehicles ) do setElementDimension ( v, 33 ) -- Here is it, the error, and it doesn't move the player all vehicles to selected dimension when the player type the command "Bad argument @setelementdimension expected element at argument 1 got string (all the player accounts that are found in the server)" end outputChatBox ("All Vehicles Moved To Dimension 33", p, 255, 255, 0) end)
  10. Bad argument @setelementdimension expected element at argument 1 got string Ale333, and all the player accounts that are found in the server I think there are a mistake but im little newb in pairs and ipairs functions Can you explain why it say me a error or fix it please
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