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Everything posted by SugarD-x

  1. Please stop bumping old topics just to raise your post count. If it continues, moderators will step in and deal with it.
  2. Please don't bump 4 year old topics without a reason. The link appears to be down. Anyone else that has this, that can re-upload it?
  3. It's basically a backdoor-style virus. It's easy to hide, easy to send, and easy to bypass older Anti-Virus programs that are not equipped to handle it, such as users using Norton Internet Security 2005 still lol... As for the MTA 0.5 Installer, due to how it works, Anti-Virus programs flag it as a trojan virus because it injects memory into GTA in a similar way that a trojan does to Windows programs and OS files. This is a known false positive, but to be sure, only download it from the MTA website or one of it's authorized, official mirrors.
  4. the rar seems fine to me, i downloaded it and it unrared ok. Download by clicking >HERE< and save to a location. I didn't test the other one, but your's in that post seems to work fine.
  5. Just a bit curious, but could it have anything to do with MTA's unpublished security in the network part of the source code to prevent hackers from joining legit servers with modified clients?
  6. "Most active topic: /cash /cash other (15 Posts / 6.85% of user’s posts)" Nice...this dude has more posts than me, and his are all spam. I've been here for years, he hasn't, so it really shows that he's pushing for that count lol...
  7. SugarD-x

    Passing by...

    Hmm...you sure you didn't change your name for a short period of time? Maybe it's just me being weird because it's been so long since I've seen you lol.
  8. SugarD-x

    Passing by...

    Heh, you may have changed your name, but your avatar gives you away! Of course we remember you man. Glad to see you again. It's been too long...
  9. Quit pretending I change my posts (l2recognize "Last edited by.." lines) when you just screwed up because you can't read! Anyway, I thought it was already pretty clearly stated that there wouldn't be any MTA:IV? lol you and I both know you edited it, and first edits aren't always logged with that notation As for MTA: IV...they always say it will never happen until they are ready to announce it
  10. Quit changing your posts to make your arguments valid Robhol... You're cheating Anyway, any new information regarding Orange?
  11. Kye has nothing to do with IV:MP. Way to play the fanboy card ><
  12. I wasn't referring to disabling animations, but to a certain point I do know that you can disable flash BB code, which would prevent some of it, but obviously not plain animated images. As for file sizes, there are settings for that. I'm a little fuzzy on whether PHPBB3 has them specifically or not for signatures, but they do for avatars.
  13. do you really think you are smarter than others? That has nothing to do with this topic? Sorry man, but I've used, installed, modded, and administrated multiple forum software's for years. I know that you guys use a modified PHPBB3 board. The settings are in there, just look. Just to clarify, there's no reason to add a mod when the setting for that same feature already exists in the same, exact form in the core of the software.
  14. You don't need any mods, it's built into the settings...
  15. Lol he edited his post, but ya, it used to ask if R* knew about MTA Edit: Fail on my part. Didn't realize Towncivilian linked his statement to that topic...unless of course he is being a smartass again to one-up me.
  16. Add it to the forum rules what the designated limits are, set the forum settings to limit signatures and avatars to a specific size and below, and then have administrators and moderators handle anyone that doesn't follow that forum rule. Simple as that. Why not load a mobile-friendly version of the forum?
  17. I'm sorry, but that was hilarious. Way to read stickied topics!
  18. Nice job! I can't wait until it's released! By the way: Should be Portland and Staunton*.
  19. *Bump* I would really like to see the EULA on the site that the installer/client claims is there...
  20. Hahaha hey Lance! W00t! I think I see a comeback of The Sky Pirates/Lance's Army!
  21. I have one good reason: FireFox has horrible memory leaks, Chrome is too basic for some heavier/more complex websites to correctly work or load, and all the others just suck in general in my personal opinion. IE may have it's issues, but FireFox and all the others aren't much without it's existence.
  22. SugarD-x

    The White Rabbit

    Just like they say: "The internet is for porn!" lol
  23. Please read his original post, or his signature... ><
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