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Everything posted by SugarD-x

  1. You will some day if I have anything to do with it
  2. This is a bad situation that could effect me and one of the 12 of your lives forever. I know it wasn't hankey or coke just because of whatever the hell they were doing, but someone has to face up!
  4. hey guyzz, it was good competition and I liked the openended/RP mode best. after that game ended some of the guys at our table decided to continue acting out the game in real life! LOL also i agree about hankey but thought it wuz kinda wierd. i like animals so i thought it was a little cruel? btw, does anyone else feel bloated after the event or is it only me
  5. How many numbers are you using for the port?
  6. The MTA 0.5 Client does not run natively in Linux or Ubuntu. If you mean using Wine to run it, yes, this same method works. The website contains listings the same way the server browser in the client did.
  7. For the original post, it is not yet possible to do that, although it may be in the future when another release is made. At this time, GTA3:MTA and MTA:VC only support mIRC scripting. As for using San Andreas cars in Vice City, yes, this is possible if you downgrade the car to Vice City's graphics and configuration, and then mod an existing car in Vice City with that one's model [and handling], but there is no way to straight up add an additional vehicle without tearing apart the executable. Unfortunately that is not something we can help you with here.
  8. Amazing post man. You gained my respect with that single reply. Yes, it is true, the MTA devs didn't hold up on their past promises as expected back in the day, and as things progress on the SA end, 3/VC are left to rot and die in closed-source hell. I'm absolutely sick of it. I'm calling for reform. Anyone who wishes to join may do so. I'm looking for C++ coders that understand the MTA:SA source. Anyone who possesses that skill and wants to see this torturing finally end, contact me. I will not stand back and watch this happen anymore.
  9. There actually was a version made for MTA:SA if I remember correctly.
  10. Those were common, and the GTA: State Of Liberty guy, X-Seti, is still around. I already mentioned this idea to him, but he chose to stick with his current project.
  11. There were quite a few mods that existed that required C++/programming experience. Don't forget Myriad Islands, and GTA: State Of Liberty, for starters.
  12. There might be a few that have yet to be found though. Remember, there was a time when GTA 3 and VC were being modded to all hell by regular users. That is how MTA was created in the first place. I'm sure there's a few of them still hanging around somewhere that would be interested in this.
  13. Which is why people should be found so such exposure can be made with a release. I'm sure that if a release was made, users would use it.
  14. lol that happened to me randomly a few months back too. The MTA-domain-based IRC worked fine, though.
  15. That doesn't mean give up all hope though. If good developers can be found, things can be done. I've been personally bugging the MTA devs for awhile on this as well, and so far I've been told that if someone feels up to the job of rewriting it all, it can be done, but people need to be found for that.
  16. Just curious, but do you know C++ or how MTA works in any way? If so, I would like to speak with you over MSN. As for what you are asking about the source, we've been trying for a very long time to get the MTA team to release it. They just won't give in.
  17. That doesn't mean give up, though!
  18. Don't let that discourage you though! Be optimistic and maybe it'll happen one day. We can only hope.
  19. Well it could've been. It's been so long that I can't remember the entire story behind it.
  20. Now I know the MTA Center was bugged to hell and not used very often, but when the new site was redesigned, it was removed completely. Instead, all past links for it redirect to the new home page of the MTA website. This doesn't seem very efficient as it leaves very many broken links across the forums and internet. Why not take an old backup of it and make it into an information archive using the original links? You could even note that it's an archive for these reasons. This way old information could still be accessed without the actual MTA Center being active.
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