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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. I must say, Some gamespeed IN GTA SA is affected by Framerate, but the same affect happens More often with the frame limiter ON. The frame limiter uses more recources to keep on, and also, because of the way SA is built, if it drops Below 25FPS, the game itself slows down because it Does not drop frames, But when the frame limiter is Off, it is able to drop frames, and keep a more stable speed. My conclusion. Frame limiter On = More slowdown on older PC's and its worse for your eyes. Frame Limiter Off = More chance that Slower PC's can keep up. Hell i decided to give SAMP a go, and i must say, With frame limiter off, i was able to keep a stable 120FPS+ on full graphics settings. But in MTA, it struggles to keep the 25FPS limit.
  2. once over 25FPS the game speed isnt any faster than when you are at 25FPS, there are just more frames being drawn. And the people who cant make it to 25FPS have a PC that is WAY slower than they need to run the game anyway.
  3. Ever played Halo 2 on a Pal60 TV (30FPS) then switched back to a Pal50 tv (25FPS) You can see every single frame and its so disorientating to play ANY shooting game at less that 60 FPS. A high framerate in GTA does not make the game run Super Fast. the game still runs at the same speed, it just looks smoother because it is drawing more frames per second. and since when is a High framerate unrealistic? Real life dosent even have a frame rate. all a high framerate gives you is Smooth visual.... much like real life.... real life is only jerky when you have epilepsy mate.
  4. You can disable the Frame Limiter in SAMP with no ill affects. i figured they would have tried to go for the same system. or atleast lift it to 30FPS.
  5. Thats not what i asked. i asked Will MTA DM allow the ability to turn the frame limiter off. as i allready know its locked on in MTA race.
  6. oo, i have another question. MTA race has the frame limiter on. and it is not possable to disable it. Will DM be the same, or will i be able to turn the pesky frame limiter off? ------------------------------ also, we could just Advertise shoutcast the same was as my race server advertise's its Teamspeak and IRC. in the form of Timed random Messages.
  7. I got bored, and when i get bored, i Photoshop. and every now and then, somthing worth releasing gets created. Some of you may be familier with the Skins of the Sultan when you take it to Trans Fender. Mainly this one: well, i decided to Reskin that Transfender Texture. and this is the result: If you want it, Click the following link:
  8. Wow, thanks for the amazingly quick reply! so glad to hear that i can designate my "Default - Admin" car. Sad about the Shoutcast tho. Oh well. cant win them all.
  9. I have been told that a LOT of things are able to be done in DM with Scripting. What im wanting to check is 2 things. 1. Will it be possable to Script so Whenever an admin Gets into the Drivers seat of a car, the car Automatically Switches to any car of Preset Admin choice. So say if i got into an Infernus, but my set car was a Sultan. the Infernus would change to an Sultan as i get in. (also with set bodykits, like this....) 2. Will it be possable to Script in another Radio Station that connects to a set Shoutcast channel? (so like the Pothole Studios MTA DM server could have an extra radio station known as "Pothole Radio" which is Shoutcast)
  10. Oh my god. now this is censoring gone too far. Apparently i cant say F/\ggio because it has F/\g in it. This is a friggin GTA Website FFS, and it censors out the name of a GTA Vehicle? Whoever thought of that was a Genius. What if some poor sap was going to tell us about a map he was desiging..... with the F/\ggio.... See, you have no idea what he would be on about. FIX IT.
  11. JoneF has gone about releasing a New verson of PRS Web Stats! V1.3 Its Faster than ever! and has a Linux Webserver Verson! Generation times for 400 Maps with top3 times have been reduced from 1 Minute 30 Seconds, all the way down to just under 2 Seconds! In other words, it is 45 Times Faster than the previous version! You can see it in action at this page http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=35.html (just select races from the drop down box and click OK! it will show you the times on the Pothole Studios Pro Race server!) You can download it for your website here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Downloads ... id=54.html I guess id better list all the readme's, as there is 3 parts of the app. Linux Webserver, Windows Webserver and PRS Stats Frame (Pothole Studios uses Linux Webserver ver With the Stats Frame) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. I have just gotten around to releasing V2.1 of my Real Car Names mod for San Andreas! With a few more corrections. its more accurate than ever! Lots of time and Effort has gone into this mod. but being australian, we don't have many American cars here, so i got help from a lot of different community's to create this. If you find any errors in the list, Either comment here, or Preferably at my forums: http://www.potholestudios.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=366.html I dare say some people want Screenshots.... Here's one in Normal Game: and one in MTA (if your wondering about the Real Time clock above the MTA Race Times in the Lower Left hand corner, Click Here) (or if your wondering about the Speedometer, Click Here) Anyway, getting back on topic.... Here is most of the Read me:
  13. Looks good man, keep up the good work.
  14. i am the leader. and after all that, i seriously cant be stuffed anymore.
  15. Dont worry about it anymore, it turns out my team are a bunch of jerks. [PHS] is closed.
  16. well guys, im sorry to say, its not happening. turns out my clan suck ass, and have all decided to split off behind my back and form a new clan, and so on. well, its been called off.
  17. i dare say i should tell you about this. 2 days in the making, my friend has made a program that reads the PRS stats files, and generates a cgi webpage.... Not sure on the basics. but we can't use it for our server. (like im gonna run a webpage on 128k upload) but other people will prolly get some good use from it. from what i understand it has customisable colours in the form of a stylesheet or some crap. but i dont understand it. Sorry Scooby, JoneF beat you too it. and some screeniees... http://files.potholestudios.com/mods/gt ... nshot1.png http://files.potholestudios.com/mods/gt ... nshot2.png JoneF's readme
  18. Yo, we are up to the 12th Pothole Studios Championship. its been going fairly well, and average of 9 people a championship.... (not as well as we would like) so im here to see if we can get anyone else to come along. Here is the next championship date / times Saturday-1-December-2007 @ 5:00 PM US Central Time (-6) Saturday-1-December-2007 @ 6:00 PM US Eastern Time (-5) Saturday-1-December-2007 @ 10:00 PM UK (+0) Sunday-2-December-2007 @ 9:00 AM Australia (+10) Sorry to the aussies.... the times were a lot better before Daylight savings hapend. Note: thay are all the same time, just different countrys. As for the car that will be used in the championship this time.... Click the image and Place your vote! Points will be awarded ONLY to people who make it to the Finish Line, The points will be Set up like this: Stage Respawn time is set to 20 seconds, So a Death will more than likely result in a DNF. Stage 1 thru to Stage 6: 1st: 500 2nd: 350 3rd: 200 4th: 100 5th: 50 Extra Stage will have 150% Point value... And NO RESPAWN!... So..... For Extra Stage the points will be... 1st: 750 2nd: 525 3rd: 300 4th: 150 5th: 75 Note: In the Event of a Draw, a winner will be determined by Secondary Scoring Measures. (Click images for larger image) Anyone is welcome in the championship.... (anyone other than cheaters that is)... the Quick Connect info is mta.potholestudios.com 22003 And now, on to our server's rules. this section is very simple, so simple in fact that you would have to be completely fucking retarded not to be able to abide by them. 1. NO CHEATING! This is a very simple and easy to understand rule, Cheating is something that gives the player an unfair advantage over other players, these are things such as "Flying hack" "Speed Hack" "Ram Hack" and anything else that gives a player an unfair advantage over others. and anyone with Cheats will receive an immediate IP ban & kick from the server. 2. No Arseholes. The beginners guide to not being an arsehole: Do not flame any other player. Do not abuse any other player. Do not Threaten any other player. Do not be a racist fuck. And do not go out of your way to be an arsehole. Simple. 3. Be Original Do NOT join with your Nickname as either "Player" or as a Name of ANY of the Games Characters, Such as CJ, Big_Smoke, Sweet, Ryder and So on, Also don't call yourself "007" or"006" Or any 3 digit name, (As too many people use these names, it screws around with the stats.) Anyone using Names such as these will be Immediately Kicked from the server. 4. Do NOT Dis-respect ANYONE. This is a good one, anyone who disrespects Others will receive an immediate Warning. If it continues you will be Kicked from the server. if you return and continue to be Disrespectful, you will be banned. 5. Have fun! We expect that you do try to have as much fun as possible, keeping in mind that this is a game, and that you maintain a respectful relationship with all other players regardless as to race, creed, colour, origin, or attitude. Tip: Lead by example, if others see that you are having fun, they will want to be part of that fun too. Click here if you wanna see any of our other cool recources . server stuff! Click the images below to see the results from the previous Championships that we have held! See you at the championship!
  19. well scooby, if you can some spare time, could you do that plz?
  20. k, all good, i will get a revised ver at a later date that removes the maps in the order and time after they were locked.
  21. Cool, it seems to be working well... just one question, when it reenables the maps, does it reenable every disabled map in one hit? or does it Reenable the maps one at a time?
  22. well, i changed them 2 parts from iff to iif and now it dosent do that random map thing, it just does thothing.
  23. but yeah, seeing as how your around at the moment.. any idea on whats not right in Racer's script?
  24. Oh, hello scooby, i would have asked you, but you werent on MSN at the time i started this thread and i figured that id annoy somone else, cos i dare say your getting sick of helping me
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