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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. A more in depth look at this post..... Sounds like your VPS needs to be reinstalled Tried that. enable windows firewall Ha... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHA. Yeah..... like that will do anything.... well, it did somthing... it blocked EVERYTHING. install a anti virus. Lets see.... allready has one. The MTA Server will never send out DOS attacks, or enough data to totally render a internet connection useless. Wrong. it is. you have a virus on the server Wrong. I hope this helps you. Wrong. Wanna see what its doing for yourself? I have activated the server its IP is The DoS attack will commence on you when it gets to Veryfying Client. Have Fun. Post back after it has DoS attacked you, then tell me that "The MTA Server will never send out DOS attacks, or enough data to totally render a internet connection useless."
  2. This is a fresh install of the VPS, as it was installed about..... 14 hours ago, This is the SECOND Unique Windows VPS that has had this same DoS attacking problem. The Previous one was in London, and it wouldent DoS players on join, but about 10 mins after a few players were in the server, it would hit them all. The Problem howver is the same, the second the MTA Server Process is stopped, the DoS attack that it is sending out stops. And just to show how much.... Bandwidth the server has..... In other words..... if this DoS attacks anything.... it will eat all of whatever its DoS'ing's bandwidth
  3. Yeah, at the moment the boats are useless and the choppers are overpowered..... But IF DM is ever released, we will script the Hydra's to have Lock On, and the SAM Sites to work. Which will give people more of a reason to use the boats, to make it a little more even. but untill then... it is pretty useless. im still working on ship intoriers, i have 2 ships allmost fully done, the other 2 just have empty rooms. so its still be ing worked on.
  4. Cool, Thanks. Cos i reacon it would be cool if a server could have Costom Handling that Everyone Gets when they join, Much like the Carcols file in MTASA Race.
  5. Anyways.... that isnt awnsering my main question of "Does / Will MTA DM Have a Server side Handling file?"
  6. But changing the Handling file, theres things like "Collision Damage Multiplier" Set that to 0 and rour car dosent take damage, Then theres Grip, Mass, Speed, Acceleration, all can be use as Cheats. Which is why im hoping the Server has the ability to override it. And as for changing it on the fly, thas not really nessacary, as with MTA Race the Carcols file requires a Reboot of the server for the changes to work, thats fine.
  7. Heres what i want to know, IF DM ever gets released, Will there be a Server-Side handling file, Like the Server-Side Carcols file, That would have the ability to be changed, and effects how everyones car drives in Said server? And another thing, a Server-Side handling file that overrides the users Local file would be good for all them noobs who dont realise that Modding your Handling file is classed as cheating. Thaughts / Ideas / Is it possible?
  8. And the tunnel would go Both directions correct? And if so, is there an application that does this on Linux? aswell as windows? (im talking Command Line Based Linux, No GUI)
  9. Good point, cos translates into OMG in my book.... so a sentance looks like this when i read it.... Guys, i just found the coolest OMG trick to do, and oys so OMG easy. just kinda reads retarded, where as Guys, i just found the coolest [Censored] trick to do, and oys so [Censored] easy. looks and reads a lot better. So would you atleast concider making that change if we cant turn it of then? so a lot of posts readabilitu goes up 10 points?
  10. So.... basically... only Tunneling the Admin port?
  11. Wow, it has a name. cos people have told me that idea cant be done... but cos it has a name.. im starting to think they are wrong.
  12. Well at the moment im Beta Testing a Fix for the issue and i must say.. 99.99% Success rate so far. its a complete Prick to set up for Linux Servers.... but it works. --------------------------------------------------------- But in the mean time... How is this for a Retarded sounding idea.... An application that rund on Both the Server and the Scripts maching, That how it works is it captures anything sent on the Admin Port of MTA, and Resends it across TCP to the scripts, Which then converts it back.
  13. So far so good...... works fine if you rin a Windows Based server... as the windows based server gives out the map id number in Alphabeticall order BUT because the Linux based servers hand out the Mpa ID number in "Date Modified" order instead of AlphaBetical., it dosent work too well on our server.... but theres an update being made. I will post back when it works 100%
  14. Hrmmm.... Im about to get some sleep now.... but i will test this app tomorow when i get upp... it gets the maplist from a folder on yer local HDD..... so i just have to keep the same maps in 2 places at once
  15. I thaught this was supposed to send the maplist via TCP instead of dealing with the broken UDP system that the server comes with... which is what causes the "unknown" maps in the first place.... Well, if that dosent work then i will have to wait for Toady to get back to me about the FTP maplist retrival idea he had.
  16. Which would completley interfere with PRS cos theres allreadt a !map command that is used to change map..... and now im even more confused... as i have just realised that there is no brackets or anything in them commands or whatever in the scripting part of the readme.... all i want it to do is to retrive the map list shortly after MTAMA connects, and also after a new map is uploaded / removed from the server.
  17. But i dont know what to change and where to change it, all i have is What to add / change stuff too. Auctually, could i put all them bits of code into thier own script?
  18. Well, i have asked scooby in MSN and linked him to this thread, but hes AFK, so when he comes back (Hopefully soon) i will chat to him. Thanks anyway Cygnus
  19. How come? like, im 22.... and GTA san andreas has lots of swearing in it anyway..... so it dosent make much sence to completly disable the option to turn censoring off.
  20. ok, the readme has totally fucked me on my part. im up to this part..... 7. Disconnect MTA:mA and load mtaplus.mrc as a script in mIRC. Reconnect MTA:mA. You should see a new line in the log on the MTA:mA dialog that says it is connecting to MTAServer+ and another line if the connection has been successfully made. You can now use the MTAServer+ mIRC identifiers, commands and events (see below). Other mIRC scripts probably need some adjustments to make them work with the MTAServer+ identifiers/events instead of the MTA:mA ones. *** Scripting *** Identifiers $mtaplus.connected(Server) Returns $true if the script is connected to MTAServer+ for the specified server, and $false otherwise. $mtaplus.currentrace(Server) Returns the name of the current race of the server. Note that if not connected to MTAServer+, it is equivalent to using $mta.race(Server). Commands /mtaplus.connect <Server> Connect to MTAServer+ for the specified server. Connecting will only work if the MTAServer+ Ruby script is running on the server's machine. /mtaplus.disconnect <Server> Disconnect from MTAServer+ for the specified server. Events on *:SIGNAL:mtaplus.connect:command This event is triggered after a connection with MTAServer+ has been made. Parameters: $1 = Server on *:SIGNAL:mtaplus.disconnect:command This event is triggered after a connection with MTAServer+ has been closed. Parameters: $1 = Server on *:SIGNAL:mtaplus.startrace:command This event is triggered when MTAServer+ sends a map started-notification, or when MTA:mA triggers the mta.startrace-event if there is no connection with MTAServer+ at the moment for the server. Parameters: $1 = Server, $2- = Race name But i have No bloody clue in what files and where to add / replace whatever. im running PRS 1.3 (Customised for us By Scooby) But yeah..... im not no Scripting god or nothing. im auctually a Scripting Nub. So where do i add all the commands?
  21. ok dude, Ben in installing Ruby on to our games server.... then we will test it for a few days, then i will report back with how well it workd..... Should be good tho.
  22. Ah screw it, Too much to break down, Here is a link to the rest. http://files.potholestudios.com/log.txt
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