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Everything posted by Towncivilian

  1. Please download and run MTADiag, follow the instructions, paste its generated log file at PasteBin, then link to that paste here.
  2. Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted) Provide another MTADiag log after installing. Also, disable compatibility mode for MTA:SA.
  3. Towncivilian

    lag as hell

    Please install the following: Graphics driver Latest patch of MTA:SA Latest DirectX runtimes Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
  4. Damn my archaic primary hard drive.
  5. Towncivilian

    Big Lag spikes

    OK, the drivers installed properly. Are you still having the lag?
  6. Please download and run MTADiag, follow the instructions, paste its generated log file at PasteBin, then link to that paste here.
  7. Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted) Latest patch of MTA:SA Latest DirectX runtimes Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
  8. Next time your issue happens, try the console command test tidy1 and see if that stops the lag for a little while.
  9. Towncivilian

    Big Lag spikes

    Please install the following: Graphics driver Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted) BIOS A06 Provide another MTADiag log after installing.
  10. Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Latest patch of MTA:SA Latest DirectX runtimes Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
  11. Towncivilian

    Big Lag spikes

    Please download and run MTADiag, follow the instructions, paste its generated log file at PasteBin, then link to that paste here.
  12. What are the current settings in Settings -> Advanced? A screenshot will be fine.
  13. It would really be helpful to have a video of your specific issue.
  14. Every single time, without fail? Can you try to record a video of this issue?
  15. How long do you play before getting lag spikes?
  16. Does this issue happen on all servers? How long do you play before getting lag spikes? Does it always happen?
  17. When you get these lag spikes, could you enter showcpustat all into MTA's console, take a screenshot, and post it here?
  18. Please install the following: Touchpad driver Card reader driver Optical drive firmware Also, please download and run MTADiag, follow the instructions, paste its generated log file at PasteBin, then link to that paste here.
  19. Please download and run MTADiag, follow the instructions, paste its generated log file at PasteBin, then link to that paste here.
  20. Towncivilian

    Cannot open MTA

    You're quite welcome! Enjoy playing MTA. Topic moved to Client support section.
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