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Everything posted by Towncivilian

  1. This should not be necessary on a computer as well equipped as 'parasight's. Do FPS drops occur on all servers? Do the freezes occur after MTA has been running for a little while, i.e. are there fewer freezes when first joining a server?
  2. Okay, I just assumed since your computer seemed to be a pre-built OEM boxed computer it had an anemic power supply. Can you remove a drive bay or something to gain the required length?
  3. Your computer's power supply probably can't even power that graphics card.
  4. This belongs on Mantis, please report it there.
  5. The drivers installed properly. Are you still having FPS issues?
  6. Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted) Chipset drivers Provide another MTADiag log after installing.
  7. Press n after that prompt, then. It will generate a log file and automatically upload it to Pastebin for you.
  8. OK, DirectX is fixed now. See if your performance has improved.
  9. Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions.
  10. Delete C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9d.dll and provide another dxdiag log.
  11. Run it, it will ask for a directory to extract the files. After extracting, run DXSETUP.exe and follow the instructions.
  12. Huh? Download this: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... px?id=8109
  13. Towncivilian

    Sound drops

    Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver 1 Audio driver 2 Ethernet driver Storage driver 1 Storage driver 2 Provide another MTADiag log after installing.
  14. OK, the drivers (except chipset drivers) seemed to update fine. Ignore the chipset drivers. It's strange that you have a debug version of d3d9.dll. Try installing the entire redistributable package here.
  15. Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Chipset drivers Provide another MTADiag log after installing.
  16. And Wojjie isn't in the game-monitor IRC channel. Only thing to do is wait.
  17. Game-Monitor's login database is down currently, so it's impossible to add a server manually even.
  18. Try the latest nightly, some of the crashes have been fixed.
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