Please install the following:
Graphics driver 1
Graphics driver 2
Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted)
Storage driver
Chipset drivers
MEI driver
Provide another MTADiag log after installing.
If that doesn't work, please install the following:
Audio driver
Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted)
USB3 driver
Latest patch of MTA:SA
Latest DirectX runtimes
Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
Please install the following:
Audio driver
Latest patch of MTA:SA
I changed MTADiag to ignore those missing icons; please re-download and run it again; enter 'n' when asked if MTA works and paste the link to the log file here.
Please install the following:
Audio driver
Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted)
Provide another MTADiag log after installing.
Does this load?
If it does, some process is blocking net access to gta_sa.exe.
Some more out of date drivers:
Chipset drivers
Storage driver
Wireless driver
Ethernet driver
Intel MEI driver
BIOS 1.31
Provide another MTADiag log after installing.
MTADiag is for MTA:SA 1.1 and newer only. MTA 0.5r2 has a very small (possibly nonexistent) player base currently. I would suggest either of these alternatives if you wish to play VC or GTA3 multiplayer:
Vice City Multiplayer
Liberty Unleashed
Please install the following:
Graphics driver
Audio driver
Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted)
Provide another MTADiag log after installing.