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Everything posted by RobZGod

  1. There should be ammo for it, maybe take off the machine gun and heavy weapons slots in your weapons? Or how about giving the hunter an ammo menu of its very own?
  2. If cops get a 'special move' then so should any team/class. Some ideas: Cops: Busting Robbers: Maybe the ability to rob stores when money is avaliable and nessecary, or able to steal locked cars etc; Sailors: Simple, some kind of boat advantage Mexicans: No ideas, sorry. VCC: No ideas again
  3. T3h ub3r l33t faggio, i can see it now, rofl...
  4. Ill join only if I get the pink golfcart. Its such a manly color... Seriously though it would be pretty funny. Gimme a message if you want some help .
  5. MTA is whatever you want it to be. If you want a team game, you can have it. You want a race, you can have it. You want a 'letseewhocandothebeststunt', you can. Its up to you; and thats the beauty of Multi Theft Auto
  6. Ok children break it up I think a golf cart gang sounds like a hilarious idea, give it a shot
  7. Cheesey wedge of doom? Now this sounds good. Just got back into GTA, gotta check out all the new stuff . Not been here for a while, place has really improved . Rating coming up later
  8. Heh im a right noob with Fraps. Cant work it Anyway about the action in the videos: I havent watched it (Sacrelige! ) but from what you say it sounds pretty boring. Action is what the people want. Never be afraid to ask the people here for ideas though
  9. Maybe you should browse the forums for active people (not me then, I keep leaving the forums ) and ask them to judge. Also I've thought of a stunt, would this be allowed? Ram the bike into walls until its on fire, jump over a building, and jump off to watch it explode. Would stunts like this be eligable for future stunt matches?
  10. Thats not the question...
  11. Maybe its because you feel version 4 must be perfect so your gonna take your time with each release? Nah its not the name that counts. You could call it squidgydilleribo and id still enjoy it. Its the game underneath we care about not the name Squidgydilleribo would make a great mod name...
  12. Ah I see. So i was being too impatient
  13. Nice place We need a server though And im still figuring out how to actually get ona bloody server So i managed to get a good IP from the ase. I went on GTA3 launcher, and clicked the MTA button. Then GTA3 auto-started and so I went on start MTA. It was a little movie thingy. So I figured it was because I didnt have the chance to put the IP in and connect of course. So I went off, back on and back to the GTA3 launcher. I clicked MTA again, and it auto-started . So I exited GTA3 and put in the ip and clicked connect and waited. I looked and it gave me the names of the people there and stuff, then it said 'you are dead' or something along those lines.
  14. Yes 0.3b is here! so shall we begin the initiation?
  15. Thats a good point.. I say either the Airport or...hmm I say the airport
  16. Just you wait and see...
  17. Ah Id better be careful with the language then... Nah only kidding I dont judge peeps by age.
  18. I made sure not to go into deep detail. Besides arent you supposed to be 18 to buy this game, therefore you cant really be offended by talks of a sexual content unless your one of those strange people in the sewer
  19. Dude get your priorities right
  20. Phew noob freindly is what I need.
  21. I like it that way. Then theres less lag from synching, and also its better for gang wars since theres no other cars
  22. FAQ thingy... 1. May I ask how long until the next update? a. No. That would save so much hassle
  23. Im part of the RMO so i cant fully join; but id like to help with stunt videos and stuff.
  24. Id love to have servers with different conditions. Id go on either a daytime sunny one or a stormy night-time one
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