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Everything posted by Bonsai

  1. Bonsai


    No you can't. But depending on what you are trying to do, there are probably other ways.
  2. Did you try to start the normal mta server, not the map editor, to see what happens?
  3. Bonsai

    Sorting JSON

    I'm sure the order stays the same if you do it in this way: E.g. table = {"a", "b", "c"} instead of table = {a = "a", b = "b", c = "c"}
  4. Bonsai

    Mta Cinematic?

    There is a freecam resource included in MTA. Used in Map Editor.
  5. I think someone once posted a Minecraft script that was abandoned because of the object limit that doesn't let you have that many objects visible at the same time. If this object limit would be gone or at least increased, it could probably be continued.
  6. I think there is a comma in the way at "weapstats=?, ". You should probably also insert the account the same way as the other arguments.
  7. Yeah, and if I someone knows one of that players, and he uses the same password for his Google Account, this won't help him much. Also it doesn't make sense to bind the account to the serial at all. What if they change their computer.
  8. Ehm, whatever it does, the default behavior with readOnly as false causes this problem now which was not happening before the update.
  9. Well that only works within a resource, not globally for all resources. If you do something like this: _createObject = createObject function createObject() --now whenever a scriptfile within that resource calls createObject this function will be used instead so you can handle things end If you still want to create the object you have to use _createObject inside there too.
  10. Did you just post passwords of players from your server? That doesn't really look hashed
  11. Don't you have control about the part where these things are created? Then you can simply overwrite the functions so your function will be called every time when e.g. createObject is called.
  12. Hey, with MTA 1.5.3, the fileOpen function got a new "readOnly" argument. The default value is "false", as it always was. But for some reason, something is different now. I have a script that worked fine for month, but now it throws an error when opening a file that has been in use before. I noticed this on an mp3 file that is played by playSound, and later destroyed again. If I set the "readOnly" argument to "true", it works as it used to, except that I cannot modify the files anymore. (Which in this case I don't need) Nothing in my script changed except clients were updated to 1.5.3. Is this possibly a bug? Bonsai
  13. If the MTA devs, or anyone else who works for free in his own time on a community project, would think in the same way, that would be pretty bad. Of course people can make stuff exclusivly for their own communities or servers, but thats not a behaviour that should be encouraged or seen as anything else than "selfish" (not meant in a bad way, but after all its done for themselfs and their own profit). With the success of DayZ, MTA could have been famous for having a DayZ mod long ago, if it would have been open source (not sure when it became that). Same for Rocket League and CarBall in MTA. Lost potential for MTA as a whole because some people put themselfs above everything else.
  14. You really should release this so we can have some Vice City servers in out there. Having this project discontinued after such big progress doesn't make much sense. If it ends up being open source other people can use it for their servers which might give MTA a little boost. I'm not a fan of "closed" source projects that are only used by a few people on one single server while MTA itself is open source.
  15. My MTA never crashes. Maybe its you? Also, if you still use Windows XP and no anti virus software, get off the Internet immediately. Actually, don't even turn on your computer anymore.
  16. Did anyone ever try to find out how that big screen in the LS Stadium works? It shows the player from a different position, so there maybe is some actual second camera stuff going on.
  17. You can edit your messages after you sent them? I don't think so.
  18. The weather and time is not loaded from maps meta file. You can try to add this in the mapmanager files. Server: elseif metaXMLName == "settings" then for i, node in pairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(m)) do MapTable.mapData.settings[xmlNodeGetAttribute(node, "name")] = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node, "value") end end Client: if mapTable.settings["#time"] then local hour = string.match(mapTable.settings["#time"], "%d+") mapTable.settings["#time"] = string.reverse(mapTable.settings["#time"]) local minute = string.match(mapTable.settings["#time"], "%d+") if hour and minute then setTime(hour, minute) end end if mapTable.settings["#weather"] then local weather = string.match(mapTable.settings["#weather"], "%d+") if weather then setWeather(weather) end end
  19. I don't think you can get the current progress when using downloadFile function. If you see servers with a custom downloadbar, they mostly use triggerLatentClientEvent to send data to the client. And since you can get the state of a latent event handle, you always know how much % of the download is done.
  20. You could make people appear as "timed out" by crashing their MTA on purpose.
  21. Too many people have editted their original post in the scripting section after they got the solution, which makes it impossible for other people with a similar problem to understand the conversation in that topic. Hope this won't be possible again.
  22. Usually that means there is already something using that port. In this case probably another mta server.
  23. I'm talking about this: " Available client side from 1.3.1 (It will only work with client side vehicles and peds) " A player element (not a ped) is a serverside element. Therefore I need to create the vehicles serverside to be able to warp a player into it. And that is unnecessary since the vehicle doesn't need to exist on the server.
  24. Yes, but thats okay. Thats actually what I want. There is no need to sync it between players, and make sure it doesn't keep existing on the server forever. Only the local player needs it.
  25. Hey, I want to move some parts of my script to be completly clientside as it doesn't need to be serverside. So instead of creating a vehicle on the server, I thought about creating it on the client. But warpPedIntoVehicle does not allow to warp the player, who is a serverside element, into the clientside vehicle. Therefore I need to trigger a server event just to create the vehicle and warp the player into it, even though the server has nothing much to do with it. Since its a race gamemode, the player cannot just enter the vehicle manually. Does anyone know a workaround for this problem? Bonsai
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