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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. You must use: playSound but the thing is, it's a client side only function, so you must do a server side script which will trigger to all players using: triggerClientEvent
  2. He said that he wants it to open when you get near it, so he has to use colshapes: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Se ... _functions onColShapeHit onColShapeLeave
  3. You must use a GUI scroll pane: Functions: guiCreateScrollPane guiCreateLabel getElementsByType Events: onClientPlayerJoin onClientPlayerQuit onClientPlayerChangeNick
  4. @Threule: It doesn't say anywhere that it'll be a script which supports server side GUI. @Cadu12: Good luck with it.
  5. guiGetText setClipboard
  6. Estas seguro de que no lo tenes abierto? probaste con la ultima version del MTA?
  7. Castillo

    help gate

    If you made "gateOpen", why can't you also create "gateClose"? Edit: Now I get it, this code isn't yours, you are using a leaked CSG script which was scripted by Dennis. Topic locked.
  8. Castillo

    help gate

    That's because you only created the "gateOpen" function, you forgot about "gateClose".
  9. Castillo

    help gate

    Post the new code.
  10. function spawnWasted ( player, skin ) repeat until spawnPlayer ( player, -2491.459, 2363.191, 10.272, 270, skin, 0, 0 ) fadeCamera ( player, true ) setCameraTarget ( player, player ) setPlayerTeam ( player, nil ) takePlayerMoney ( player, 150 ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, function ( ) setTimer ( spawnWasted, 1800, 1, source, getElementModel ( source ) ) end )
  11. Castillo

    help gate

    Just put it all on the same file.
  12. Castillo

    help gate

    That's strange, it should work. Question: Why don't you just put it all in the same file?
  13. Try at: "models/gta_int.img".
  14. Cual era el problema?
  15. How can we help you if you don't post the line numbers from which you get errors.
  16. Castillo

    help gate

    Same error? post the meta.xml.
  17. function checkClanSpawn(ClanName) outputChatBOx ( ClanName ) local x, y, z = getClanSpawnInfo(ClanName) triggerClientEvent("onClientClanSpawn", getRootElement(), x, y ,z) end addEvent("onAdminCheckClanSpawn", true) addEventHandler("onAdminCheckClanSpawn ", getRootElement(), checkClanSpawn) Fijate que dice en el chat.
  18. Castillo

    help gate

    Replace: local theGateColID = {} local gateMarkers = getGatesTable () with: addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) theGateColID = { } gateMarkers = getGatesTable ( ) end )
  19. Eso no esta en ninguna parte del script que posteaste.
  20. Entonces la otra unica manera seria detectar cuando el boss te pega, y quitarle mas vida al jugador. Usa: onPlayerDamage setElementHealth
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