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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Obviamente que no, ya que es del sistema de gangs. El unico argumento es la gang, y source es el jugador que se unio.
  2. You must use: triggerClientEvent then on the client side: addEvent addEventHandler It has an example on the wki.
  3. Usa el evento: "onPlayerJoinGang".
  4. Si, usa: setTeamFriendlyFire
  5. Pusiste el script como client side?
  6. Si, usa: stopResource y para reiniciarlo: restartResource
  7. He already has that, please read the topic before reply Billy.
  8. That's because you are setting visible the gridlist element only, not the whole window "shopwindows".
  9. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementData https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementData
  10. shopwindows = guiCreateWindow(352, 156, 510, 519, "Tienda de autos por MultiKiller", false) guiWindowSetMovable(shopwindows, false) guiWindowSetSizable(shopwindows, false) guiSetVisible ( shopwindows, false ) -- That's what I meant.
  11. Just hide the GUI after you create it.
  12. It's obviously with a different script, since with that one is not required. addCommandHandler ( "money", function ( thePlayer, _, amount ) if ( getPlayerMoney ( thePlayer ) >= amount ) then -- Here it'll cause an error because 'amount' is a string and not a number. takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, amount ) end end ) Read the comment, there you must use tonumber to convert 'amount' which is a string to a number.
  13. Use dzek's mass map mover online tool: http://mta.dzek.eu/mmove/
  14. 6000 is already a number, use logic, why would you need to convert it to a number?
  15. No, use this one: local myShader local startTickCount = 0 local lastEffectTic = 0 addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) -- Version check if getVersion ().sortable < "1.3.1-9.04939" then return end -- Create shader myShader, tec = dxCreateShader ( "fx/ped_shell_layer.fx", 0, 0, true, "ped" ) if not myShader then else -- Apply shader to local player engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( myShader, "*", localPlayer ) -- Hack to make GTA render the ped last, so our shell effect appears on top of the background setElementAlpha( localPlayer, 254 ) end end ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Start effect here ---------------------------------------------------------------- function startEffect ( ) startTickCount = getTickCount ( ) lastEffectTic = getTickCount ( ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderEffect ) end addCommandHandler ( "droga", startEffect ) function stopEffect ( ) startTickCount = 0 lastEffectTic = 0 removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderEffect ) end addCommandHandler ( "parar", stopEffect ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Update effect here ---------------------------------------------------------------- function renderEffect ( ) if ( not myShader ) then return end local timeElapsed = ( getTickCount ( ) - startTickCount ) local f = ( timeElapsed / 750 ) local f = math.min ( f, 1 ) local alpha = math.lerp ( 1.0, 0.0, f ) local size = math.lerp ( 0, 0.3, f ) -- Expand shell dxSetShaderValue ( myShader, "sMorphSize", size, size, size ) -- Fade out shell dxSetShaderValue ( myShader, "sMorphColor", 1, 0, 0, alpha ) if ( startTickCount ~= 0 and getTickCount ( ) - lastEffectTic >= 1000 ) then startTickCount = getTickCount ( ) lastEffectTic = getTickCount ( ) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Math helper functions ---------------------------------------------------------------- function math.lerp(from,to,alpha) return from + (to-from) * alpha end
  16. We don't accept requests here, you must make it by yourself or pay someone to do it for you.
  17. There's no need to convert a number to a number.
  18. You could start by designing the interface, but then, I really doubt you've got enough scripting knowledge to do the rest, no offense.
  19. But with MTA paradise game mode running?
  20. Just hide the GUI's when the resource starts.
  21. Maybe it would be easier for you to go to the hungarian section and speak on your native language: viewforum.php?f=168
  22. That'll make a window to be (non)movable, you can also disable the GUI with: guiSetEnabled
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