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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    GUI help

    "SWAT" team? if so use: getPlayerTeam + getTeamName
  2. Maybe because you are never loading it? you aren't setting the style back when they login.
  3. Well, now you have to make an script which will update "newZombieLimit" when a new player joins and when the resource starts depending on the players online.
  4. Se llaman argumentos, no tenes que cambiarlos para que ESE script funcione, ya que el punto es que puedas elegir el modelo que queres para el coche que se va a crear con el comando.
  5. Eso es algo muy obvio, no te ofendas. De nada.
  6. Tenes el firewall activado? si es asi, tenes al MTA server.exe con permisos?
  7. Your client side code isn't yours. Topic locked.
  8. Only possible if you edit the script.
  9. Castillo

    small help

    That'll only create the object if the hour is higher than 7, maybe you wanted to create the object if hour is equal or higher than 7?
  10. No, podes hacer una multiplicacion: local minutes = tonumber ( guiGetText ( editBox ) ) or 1 local milliseconds = ( minutes * 60000 )
  11. Usa un timer: setTimer
  12. Castillo

    small help

    And why it doesn't work? have you got any errors on debug?
  13. if getElementData(k, "EXPEvent250") then elseif getElementData(k, "EXPEvent500") then elseif getElementData(k, "EXPEvent750") then elseif getElementData(k, "EXPEvent1000") then Me parece que lo que queres usar es: if getElementData(k, "EXPEvent250") or getElementData(k, "EXPEvent500") or getElementData(k, "EXPEvent750") or getElementData(k, "EXPEvent1000") then
  14. Podrias mencionar cual era el problema?
  15. If you can speak arabic, then I would suggest you to go to this section: viewforum.php?f=119 So you can understand what you must do.
  16. Castillo

    small help

    Game time you mean?
  17. Es muy facil, tenes que usar el evento: onClientGUIClick y la funcion: setElementPosition ( hace click en ambos para obtener mas informacion ).
  18. function todos ( ) for _, k in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if setElementData ( k, "EXPEvent250", true ) then outputChatBox ( "ELEMENT DATA" ) end end end addEvent ( "onEvent250", true ) addEventHandler ( "onEvent250", getRootElement(), todos ) Fijate a ver que dice.
  19. Y como sabes que no funciona?
  20. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", todos, checkSelected, false) Que es 'todos' ahi?
  21. Como ejecutas "onEvent250"?
  22. You mean that you want to know who's owner is the vehicle that entered on the colshape?
  23. What do you mean by "custom stuff"?
  24. That's because onClientColShapeHit is triggered by all elements ( even remote players ), so you must check if the hit element is the local player, like this: function onColShapeHit ( hitElement ) if ( hitElement == localPlayer ) then -- Your code here end end
  25. Of which event(s) are you talking about? You can attach the event just to the local player instead of to root @ addEventHandler.
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