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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. I don't see why it shouldn't work, that line checks if 'data' is a table.
  2. local message = "" addEvent ( "onUpgradeText", true ) addEventHandler ( "onUpgradeText", root, function ( msg ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, weaponBar ) message = msg addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, weaponBar ) end ) function weaponBar ( ) dxDrawRectangle (posX*2+300,posY,250,100, tocolor (0,0,0,150)) dxDrawRectangle (posX*2+300,posY,250,Hvis, tocolor (255,255,255,150)) dxDrawText ("Upgrade",posX*2+300,-(vis)+50-(Hvis),sX,sY,tocolor (255,255,255,255),1.5,"default-bold", "center", "center") dxDrawText (message,posX*2+300,-(vis)+100-(Hvis),sX,sY,tocolor (255,255,255,255),2,"default-bold", "center", "center") end I'm assuming that you have 'posX', 'posY', 'Hvis', 'vis' variables defined already?
  3. Post both client and server side scripts.
  4. local aTable = { } function test ( ) local obj = createObject ( ) -- Create an object. local col = createColTube ( ) -- Create a colshape. local blip = createBlipAttachedTo ( obj, 0 ) -- Create a blip attached to the object. attachElements ( col, obj ) -- Attach the colshape to the object. aTable [ col ] = { } -- Create a sub table inside 'aTable' using the colshape as index. aTable [ col ].object = obj -- Store the object element in this subtable. aTable [ col ].blip = blip -- Store the blip element in this subtable. addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeHit", col, test2 ) end function test2 ( element ) if ( element == localPlayer ) then local data = aTable [ source ] if ( type ( data ) == "table" ) then destroyElement ( source ) destroyElement ( data.blip ) destroyElement ( data.object ) aTable [ source ] = nil end end end
  5. Lemme get it right: you created an object, and you want to attach to this object a blip and a colshape, and when you hit this colshape, you want all the three things destroyed?
  6. Store everything in a table, then when you the colshape is hit, destroy them?
  7. That'll trigger to everyone, not just to 'source'.
  8. Race game mode removes the HEX color codes, instead of using getPlayerName, use _getPlayerName. dxDrawText ( _getPlayerName(player), sx, sy - offset, sx, sy - offset, tocolor(0,0,0,255), textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE, "default", "center", "bottom", true, true, true, true) dxDrawText ( _getPlayerName(player), sx, sy - offset, sx, sy - offset, tocolor(r,g,b,textalpha), textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE, "default", "center", "bottom", true, true, true, true)
  9. createBlipAttachedTo With that function, you can attach a blip directly to another element.
  10. triggerClientEvent ( source, "onUpgradeText", source, message )
  11. The problem is that you forgot to set the 'getPropagated' argument from addEventHandlet to 'false'. addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", botonComprarPistola, darPistola ) change it to: addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", botonComprarPistola, darPistola, false ) Do the same with your other 'onClientGUIClick' events.
  12. addCommandHandler getPlayerAccount getAccountName aclGetGroup aclGroupRemoveObject
  13. See how the current ones are made, and then do the same.
  14. dxDrawText ( getPlayerName(player), sx, sy - offset, sx, sy - offset, tocolor(r,g,b,textalpha), textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE, "default", "center", "bottom", true, true, true, true)
  15. One thing is replacing textures ( TXD ) and another thing is replacing models ( DFF ), there are functions to replace textures and models.
  16. Castillo


    function Funcion1 ( hitElement ) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( hitElement ) ) if ( accName == "DelaHoz" ) then moveObject ( objeto1, 2000, -1186.099609375, -157.3994140625, 22, 0, 0, 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Bienvenido", hitElement, 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "Tu no eres el Dueño!", hitElement, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", Zona1, Funcion1 ) function Funcion2 ( leaveElement ) if ( getElementType ( leaveElement ) == "player" ) then moveObject ( objeto1, 2000, -1186.099609375, -157.3994140625, 15.89999961853, 0, 0, 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Abandonando Base!".. Zona1, leaveElement, 0, 255, 0, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", Zona1, Funcion2 )
  17. Castillo


    Si, eso si se puede.
  18. Castillo


    No, no se pueden rotar que yo sepa.
  19. dxDrawText(self.strText, l + offsetX, t + offsetY, r + offsetX, b + offsetY, tocolor(att2, att3, att4, att5), self.fScale, self.strFont, self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign, self.bClip, self.bWordWrap, self.bPostGUI, true ) end end end end elseif type == "shadow" then local shadowDist = att1 att2 = att2 or 0 att3 = att3 or 0 att4 = att4 or 0 att5 = att5 or self.tColor[4] dxDrawText(self.strText, l + shadowDist, t + shadowDist, r + shadowDist, b + shadowDist, tocolor(att2, att3, att4, att5), self.fScale, self.strFont, self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign, self.bClip, self.bWordWrap, self.bPostGUI, true ) end dxDrawText ( self.strText, l, t, r, b, tocolor(unpack(self.tColor)), self.fScale, self.strFont, self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign, self.bClip, self.bWordWrap, self.bPostGUI, true ) Try it.
  20. Go to "race/textlib.lua" and search for dxDrawText, then you must enable the colorCoded argument of the function.
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