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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Yeah, you can change the alpha to 0 using: setElementAlpha
  2. That code will make the 'vehicle' variable local, which means it only exists inside that 'if'. You could also use 'elseif' instead of using separated 'if'. Or you can also do it this way: function enterVehicle ( theVehicle, seat, jacked ) local vType = getVehicleType ( source ) local vehicle = "textures/".. ( vType == "Automobile" and "car" or vType == "Plane" and "plane" or vType == "Bike" and "bike" or vType == "Helicopter" and "heli" or vType == "Boat" and "boat" ) ..".png" end
  3. The minigun created by createWeapon has a rotation problem, if you change it to be correctly in place, it'll fire in the wrong position. What you could do is, create two weapons, one will be just visual, and the other will be the actual firing weapon. P.S: You don't need to use fireWeapon every render, you can use setWeaponState.
  4. You can use the map editor to get the position, etc.
  5. Where are you storing the weapon elements?
  6. Castillo

    Ayuda script

    Queres que vaya cambiando como si fuese una animacion?
  7. To make it, you must use: setTimer math.random setVehicleColor
  8. Castillo

    GUI help

    Use setTimer and removeEventHandler.
  9. if getPlayerTeam ( thePlayer ) == Reporteros de CNN then Esta mal. Pone: if ( getPlayerTeam ( thePlayer ) and getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( thePlayer ) ) == "Reporteros de CNN" ) then
  10. local getPlayerTeam ( thePlayer ) == teamcnn then Cambia 'local' por 'if'.
  11. safecol = createColCuboid ( 2488.6518554688,-1665.5822753906,13.34375, 100, 100, 120 ) safeZoneRadar = createRadarArea ( 2478.0112304688,-1717.16015625, 100, 100, 255, 0, 0, 255, getRootElement() ) setElementData ( safeZoneRadar, "zombieProof", false ) setRadarAreaFlashing ( safeZoneRadar, true ) local Blip = createBlip(2527.2856445313,-1668.0825195313,15.169182777405,41,2) function enterZone ( hitPlayer ) if ( getElementType ( hitPlayer ) == "ped" ) and getElementData ( hitPlayer, "zombie" ) then killPed ( hitPlayer ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", safecol, enterZone )
  12. Animation: setPedAnimation Fighting: setPedControlState
  13. triggerClientEvent + playSound.
  14. Play the sound depending on current door state.
  15. Castillo

    won't work

    That's because you are using a event which already exists, so, it must be playing the sound when the player spawns.
  16. Castillo

    won't work

    You have a problem in the client side, you put "onPlayerLogin" on addEvent, and "onClientPlayerSpawn" on addEventHandler.
  17. He didn't define how much times the timer will repeat itself. Change: setTimer(closemyWindow,seconds*1000) to: setTimer ( closemyWindow, ( seconds * 1000 ), 1 )
  18. No, that has nothing to do with what I said. This: triggerServerEvent ( "lockCar", getLocalPlayer() ) And this: function doLockVehicle ( )
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