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Everything posted by Blokker_1999

  1. That's a problem with any cryptographic solution. From the moment the private keys are in the open your security becomes worthless.
  2. Most installers for Win8 drivers include more universal drivers that also work on 7. The driver model between 7 and 8 didn't change that much.
  3. I really would love to see where one could get a master's degree like that. Until then ... locked.
  4. Pro tip: when you buy a new computer with a preinstalled OS from a major company like HP or Dell you usually have a folder on your C drive that contains the installers of all the software and drivers that have been installed on your system. Back this folder up before you start formatting. Win8 is mostly compatible with 7 when it comes down to drivers so finding drivers should not be a problem. Furthermore if all you miss is the startmenu then use an external tool to bring it back like startisback, start8, vistart, ...
  5. Euhm, no, you can't. The net.so file is compiled for the x86 platform and there is no ARM version available. While it may be possible to compile the server itself without any errors you'll never be able to start it up with a net file. And indeed, the RPi would not have enough computational power to run any decent server.
  6. Actually, the problem is not the netc.dll. When executing wine on the command line you get more errors as can be seen on http://jupiter.modpro.be/mta_wine.png . I'm still in the process of examining this error myself. This is wine 1.4.1 as made available by Debian. Unfortunatly due to the multiarch setup of new Debians it has become more difficult to recompile debian from scratch and therefore identify the problem. GTASA itself runs fine under wine. So there should be no need to install or update DX under wine. Wine should take care of the DX calls by itself.
  7. Like what? As I said before, there really is nothing you can do about it. Every security measure has been cracked. And if you wanna feel better, it wasn't your mailbox that got spammed with about 500 undelivered e-mails for registration forms that used non existing mail adresses. How was I supposed to know that 500 other bots did use a valid activation mailbox?
  8. there are too many of them in each section and why just not making better protection against them? if you delete their topics they are bots they will make them again -.- The problem these days is that they employ cheap labor in e.g. China to figure out how to register on a website. Once the problem has been solved they let their bots register. You can change your defence against them but after a few months your site passes one of those poor guys again and you can start all over.
  9. The webserver is set up to receive up to 5MB, so that should not be the problem. Anyone else could try if they can upload something in the size of let's say 2MB to community?
  10. The source to the netcode will not be released as long as this project is actively developed by the team. If the source gets released anyone would be able to simply compile their own modified net.dll and some would use it to cheat and spoil the fun for everyone who is playing by the rules.
  11. Blokker_1999


    There are so many ways one can influence a connection, i see no point in disallowing tools like hotspotshield which exist for a verry valid reason. Bandwith limitation can also be set up on any decent router with QoS or you could attack your own connection from another machine. Maybe we should even disallow you to play when your sister is watching One Direction on Youtube for example.
  12. The problem is related to SSL but also seems to be OS dependant. While it does not load in Opera under Windows for me, it does work in Opera under Linux for example while Firefox under the same Windows has no problem. I'm investigating.
  13. permanent redirects unfortunatly can NOT be recalled by the server but are stored in your local cache with certain browsers. So giving a permanent redirect is not a smart thing to do if you know that one day you will change it.
  14. I was informed today that logging into the wiki had become a problem due to a mismatch between referral (https) and trusted root (http). This should now be solved.
  15. We have been making some small tweaks the last few weeks to our web infrastructure. The main objective was to give the major subsites a valid ssl certificate. Furthermore we have upgraded our webserver to include support for the new spdy protocol. This protocol is supposed to be faster than the dated HTTP/1.1 protocol and will probably be part of the future HTTP/2.0 standard. SPDY only works on https connections. SPDY is available on recent versions of Chrome/Chromium (including the Android browser), Firefox and Opera. Furthermore, our webservices have been available for some time now on native IPv6. If you are one of the lucky ones out there to have IPv6, you can now visit us without having to touch IPv4. This includes an IPv6 enabled server on the gtanet irc network. The domains with a valid ssl cert are: https://(www.)multitheftauto.com https://(www.)mtasa.com https://forum.multitheftauto.com https://forum.multitheftauto.com https://wiki.multitheftauto.com https://wiki.multitheftauto.com https://bugs.multitheftauto.com https://bugs.mtasa.com https://community.multitheftauto.com https://community.multitheftauto.com Please note that not all third party content is available over https (the moddb pictures on the frontpage for example) or IPv6 (the twitter newsfeed for example). And we made some errors ourselves. Looks like community is also full of hardcoded http images. But good news on that, we have restarted work on the new community. The support for SSL is the first step towards a new account system that will unite all your current MTA accounts (forums, wiki, mantis, community) that should be introduced before the summer. If you feel one of our other subdomains could benefit from SSL protection, please put a motivated request in the comments.
  16. Blokker_1999


    well then, can the webserver access the files you present it with. And is the server able to process php pages all together. Please note that when using lightweight servers (like nginx and lighttpd) it's not only the webserver itself that needs to access the files, but the user that is running php via cgi or fpm also needs access rights.
  17. If it becomes a ghost section, we'll simply demote it to the archive ...
  18. nothing we can do to fix. phpbb wants us to assign a domain to it's cookies and that is set to mtasa.com . Why it does not set the domain by itself is a mysterie to me. I hope our future unified login system will solve this problem for us.
  19. why not disable the ones that cause problems?
  20. please remove all cookies related to community.multitheftauto.com
  21. Not the first time. Some malware scanners flag MTA as malware, this is considered by us a false positive, but unfortunatly a bit inconvenient for our users. Whenever we notice something like this we try to sort it out with the company that flagged it. Sometimes it works, but not always. What program is giving out this warning? If the installer is digitally signed, then it is safe to use. Right click on the exe, select properties and open up the tab Digital Signatures. You should see that it is signed by Hans Roes. If anyone tries to edit the file before redistributing it, the signature will fail and Windows should give you a big warning instead.
  22. of je begint met het bestuderen van eenvoudige voorbeelden waarbij je dan onduidelijkheden gaat opzoeken op de wiki.
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