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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/02/23 in all areas

  1. @SciptNovato dará erro pois tonumber(policiais) não consegue converter true pra número. @wesssley tente isso: function obterPoliciais(thePlayer) local contador = 0 for _, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do -- Para cada jogador conectado no server, faça: local policial = getElementData(player, "TrabalhoPolicia") -- Obtém a data TrabalhoPolicia deste jogador, será false se ele não tiver. if policial then -- Se o jogador tem essa elementData, então: contador = contador + 1 -- Acrescenta +1 na contagem de policiais. end -- Fecha o if end -- Fecha o loop outputChatBox("Existem "..contador.." policiais em serviço.", thePlayer) -- Mostra quantos policiais existem para quem executou o comando end -- Fecha a função addCommandHandler("policiais", obterPoliciais) -- Comando para ativar essa função: /policiais
    2 points
  2. isso me faz feliz, perfeito, é por isso que todo mundo aqui te ama
    1 point
  3. O nome do seu evento está errado. O nome correto é onClientPlayerStealthKill. Faça assim: addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerDamage", root, function () if getElementData(source, "imortal") then cancelEvent() end end) addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerStealthKill", localPlayer, function (targetPlayer) if getElementData (targetPlayer, "imortal") then cancelEvent() end end)
    1 point
  4. pra isso você teria que usar a mesma linha de racíocinio do seu chat function Policiais(thePlayer) for i,players in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do -- loop que pega todos os elementos do tipo player local policiais = getElementData(players, "TrabalhoPolicia") -- filtra o loop para somente quem tem o elementdata if policiais == true then -- se o elementdata for igual a true então... outputChatBox("Existem "..tonumber(policiais).." Em Serviço", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) -- mostra quantos existem para quem executou o comando end -- fecha o if end -- fecha o loop end -- fecha a função addCommandHandler("ptr", Policiais) -- seta o comando ptr na função pode dar algo de errado ja q n testei, n sei ao certo se vai funcionar
    1 point
  5. Hi -- theElement: the element that entered the colshape. -- The source of this event is the colshape that was hit. function take(theElement, matchingDimension) if not (theElement == localPlayer) then -- Checks whether the entering element is the local player return end if not (isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then -- Checks if local player is not in a vehicle return end -- your colshape stuff if getElementData(source, "take") == "+" then -- source = colshape local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local model = getElementModel(veh) if model == 485 then triggerEvent("notiAdd", localPlayer, "success", "Done") else triggerEvent("notiAdd", localPlayer, "error", "Error") end end end addEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit", root, take)
    1 point
  6. de nada meu mano, se poder ta reagindo com um thanks pra ajudar, agradeço demais
    1 point
  7. creio que em vez de "source" você teria que usar o "player", para filtrar o loop para somente as pessoas que tem o element data e o "elseif" aparenta estar fazendo a mesma coisa que o "if" acima então tirei e indentei o codigo ComandoDoChatGlobal = "copom" function adminchat ( thePlayer, _, ... ) local message = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) ) then for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( player ) ) then conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Policial" ) ) then if getElementData(player, "TrabalhoPolicial") == true then outputChatBox("#FF0000[Facção#FF0000]#ffffff "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).. "#FF0000:#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end end setElementData ( thePlayer, "Chat:Avisado", true ) setElementData ( thePlayer, "Chat:Delay1",true ) setTimer ( setElementData, 5000, 1, thePlayer, "Chat:Delay1", false ) end addCommandHandler ( ComandoDoChatGlobal, adminchat ) function isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) local inGroup = false for _, group in ipairs ( { "Policial" } ) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( "Policial" ) ) then inGroup = true break end end return inGroup end
    1 point
  8. Witaj graczu! Szukasz luźnego serwera Role Play Game? To dobrze trafiłeś! Classic RPG właśnie wam to daje. Serwer jest tworzony przez dwie osoby którymi są Fanatyk_Volvo oraz xyzz.y ale nam to nie przeszkadza w robieniu autorskich zasobów, których jest coraz więcej! Uczymy się dopiero w lua, nie każdy od razu pisał wszystko idealnie, zdarzają się pomyłki... Serwer jak nazwa wskazuję, jest prosty i czytelny bez żadnych skomplikowanych systemów, czy to w pracach czy jakiś system ekwipunku. Co u nas znajdziecie: PRACE Między innymi wiele prac z różnymi ulepszeniami dzięki którym przyspieszycie zarabianie na wasze wymarzone pojazdy. Prace co chwilę są ulepszane, dodawane coraz to większe poziomy w nich. Aktualnie praca magazyniera oraz Górnika posiadają poziomy. SPOJLER za niedługo praca lawet otrzyma poziomy Znajdziecie aktualnie 9 prac dorywczych. Frakcje Aktualnie są nieczynne z powodu braku graczy, serwer miał dobry start ale takie małe niedociągnięcia jak lipne skalowanie które poprawiamy dzień w dzień, prawdopodobnie zraziło to część osób. Ale nic nie szkodzi frakcje są przygotowywane na spokojnie aby były do użytku bez błędnie. LIDERZY FRAKCJI POSZUKIWANI!!! TUNING Na serwerze posiadamy warianty, różne modyfikację silnika, turbosprężarkę która dodaje dźwięk turbo. A propo wariantu za niedługo aktualizacja i wleci nasz panel zmiany wariantu w pojeździe. SERWER ORAZ GOSPODARKA Serwer nie odstaje od klimatu GTA:SA jakimiś podmiankami z Realnego życia typu BMW, Audi itp jedynie podrasowane modele pojazdów z GTA:SA z różnorakimi wariantami lub pochodzące z innych części GTA. Na serwerze staramy się aby wszystkie nasze skrypty byływ 100% działające. Próbujemy też jak najwięcej od siebie dodawać typu różnorodne skrypty pisane od zera. Co nie sprawia że uważamy że serwer jest autorski bo NIE JEST! Znajdziecie też u nas unormowaną gospodarkę serwerową na której na pierwsze auto zarobisz w szybki sposób ale już na te lepsze pojazdy lub ich tuning trzeba już trochę poświęcić czasu. Brakuje jedynie Ciebie!! Zamierzasz hejtowac to lepiej nie trać swojego i naszego czasu bo nic to nie zmieni. Masz uwagi, jakieś wskazówki, zauważyłeś błąd? Zapraszamy do kontaktu. Chętnie przyjmiemy cenne porady i postaramy się zmienić. Poszukujemy osób do reklamy, kontakt na discord. • Nazwa serwera: ClassicRPG • Discord: https://discord.gg/5hKcZGQY • Adres IP: mtasa// • Sloty: 30 (Powód, nie spodziewamy się tłumów ale gdy będzie serwer bliski dobicia 30 osób automatycznie zwiększamy ilość) • Gamemode: RPG
    1 point
  9. How would you check this guy's serial number, suspected of using illegal programs?
    1 point
  10. We don't accept reports on players, but we do recommend you remove the players on your servers.
    1 point
  11. local model = Items.Five["vehicle"] createVehicle(model, ...) local objectID = Items.Four.Gate local first = Items.Four.Base["First"] local last = Items.Four.Base["Last"] createObject(ObjectID, ...)
    1 point
  12. U tried Items[1][7] for example where [1] is index of first table and [7] is index for second table?
    1 point
  13. kanka türkçe yazabilirdin türkçe bölümündeyiz, her neyse bir sorun daha olursa yazabilirsin ve yorumma like atabilirmisin
    1 point
  14. To take away some confusion, understand that the changes being announced here are mostly focussed on cutting out the 'community front' of AC team operations, so that we can optimize limited manpower and rebalance expectations for our users to accept there will be periods we can't make waves, if you were able to move yourself into our perspective on how people always want everything solved, fixed, sorted out immediately on their whim, and how persistent they are in that (and in most cases bring something misconceived/invalid, after which they can't even be convinced otherwise or that would take from our time disproportionally), you'd be straight out scared and quickly stressed out. OP was clarified by adding in this segment 1 day after the topic was made: We will continue to bring AC improvements and get rid of emerging cheats and cheaters, but at our own pace, without external pressure or too high community expectations, from now on everything is on a best-effort basis and the point is that there may be periods during which we can't make any waves due to manpower constricts. You can see that this topic intends to lower your expectations and respect the amount of free time we (as volunteers) are able to invest, and get off our backs for things being different compared to some years ago. We're also OK to restrict ban appeals and player reports so we can delegate all of the manpower that's left on our new strategy, breaking cheats (patching them) and just preventing them from working to begin with, instead of permanently banning cheat users and having to deal with them "regretting" in ban appeals. We are also OK to restrict reporting cheaters as our focus shifts to breaking the cheats, and to get the required information to break one, we have our own methods and channels so much that we don't need any sort of reports. Due to the state of anticheat and heuristics, we always have a good picture of abnormalities and what cheats are doing, so the main limiting factor is manpower to get to work with what we have & know. After all, cheating on MTA will not be left alone, and AC team will disrupt it and raise the border even more whenever manpower allows it to do so. Cheaters should realize that their fun may come to an end at any unexpected moment, and that if they're too used to being able to cheat, they will be very upset to have to adapt to playing normally for as long it takes the cheat devs to catch back up to us again.
    1 point
  15. Nice try, don't lie. You know exactly what you tried to run. Temporary bans cannot be appealed
    1 point
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