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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/10/20 in all areas

  1. Ce este UndeadZ? UndeadZ este un server de DayZ care are ca ambitie de a aduce un survival horror adevarat in romania si mai ales care nu este 'pay to win' in care jucatorii ata cei care au donat cat si cei care nu au facuto sa poata avea sanse egale, in atle cuvinte un server DayZ cum nu ati mai vazut in romania. De ce sa intri pe serverul nostru? Totul este in ROMANA. Inventar nou, cu imagini.(Poza) Resurse originale. Timp scurt de download ~ 100 MB. Loot imbunatatit! Peste 55 de vehicule imprastiate pe harta! Adaugat Bandito; Altele vor urma; Sistem de nivele infinite! arme, bani, costum zombie/clown/criminal plus multe altele; GPS si Harta bine implementate. Fara VIP-uri OP! Vesnicul radar la Area 51 adaptat la DayZ si tradus. Sistem de echipe cu permisiuni 100% functional. Foarte putine spre deloc buguri. Ce poti face pe server? Click dreapta pe 'Aparat Radio' sau 'GPS' pentu a seta un canal. Puteti avea conversatii private daca detineti un Aparat Radio; Va veti putea vedea pe harta cu playeri care nu sunt in echipa voastra daca detineti un GPS folosind o frecventa/un canal privat; '/unbug' te-ai blocat? Foloseste-l! Te replaseaza fara a pierde itemele; Nu merge in combat; Cortul si Gardul de sarma pot fi miscate in pozitia dorita inainte de a le plasa. 'F1' pentru magazin. Bani se obtin facand misiuni, omorand jucatori/zombii sau donand; 'F2' pentru panoul echipei. Vremea se schimba automat la fiecare 30 de minute. 5 vremii diferite; 'O' pentru inventarul cu iteme speciale. Urmeaza sa fie sters iar Obiectele speciale vor fi implementate direct in inventar; Punctul galben impreuna cu ? de pe mapa formeaza un sistem bine implementat de misiuni. Urmeaza sa fie actualizat; 'F7' panoul de craft! Urmeaza sa fie actualizat! 'L' pentu a te strecura printre zombii. Cateva Imagini? IP: mtasa:// Discord: https://discord.gg/WPezvWD Va asteptam! Credite si multumiri:
    1 point
  2. Hello Community! Today i proudly present you the project I was working on for years: The probably most realistic competitive world war 2 server of all time for MTA! Maybe you remember the Brandenburger Gate image from mtasa.com or moddb? The time has come to live that dream! http://gta-saaw.blogspot.de/?m=1 FEATURES -2 teams, U.S. Army vs. German Wehrmacht -competitive, ticket based gamemode with stealth elements, up to 52 players -different map types: -TDM (small maps, infantry only) -WAR (big maps, everything allowed) -AIRSTRIKE (self explaining) -TANK WAR (large maps with masses of vehicles) -more planned! -22 different vehicles (Tiger tank, B-17G Bomber...) -Level/ability system -custom sounds, skins, effects and what not -shaders en masse, you can enable/disable them -improved physics, improved bullet sync -a lot of synced custom weapons -realistic weaponry for vehicles (Coaxial MGs, bombs...) -realistic damage model (front/rear armor) -supply system (trucks can deliver ammo to vehicles) -different ammo types (armor piercing, High explosive...) -custom mini-maps for radar -cockpit view for armored vehicles and aircraft -detailed LOD system for the big maps -many, many other smaller things More will come soon. A new addition currently in development are Warships - yes, you read that correct:
    1 point
  3. As far I know there are not very advanced AI implementations, at least not how AI decides it's tasks. But there is an ped controller (makes a ped do stuff) with a task sequencer (makes a ped do stuff according to sequence/list of tasks): https://web.archive.org/web/20160727231206/http://crystalmv.net84.net/pages/scripts/npc_hlc.php https://web.archive.org/web/20170123100149/http://crystalmv.net84.net/pages/scripts/npc_tseq.php But how the AI interacts, that is something you have to create on your own.
    1 point
  4. Isso deve resolver: string.format("%.1f", tostring(peso))
    1 point
  5. I don't know wich setting allowed that, I wasn't the server owner and it's been a long time since then (it in 2016 or earlier so I don't remember pricesely to be honest ^^' )
    1 point
  6. Read these pages for some information: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Script_security Now, all you need to do is: - Ensure a good enough script security in your gamemode (and also think about stuff againt abuse or DoS attacks: anti-spam in your commands and buttons, etcetera) - Always keep minclientversion in mtaserver.conf to the latest supported version (as visible at https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver/), preferably by enabling minclientversion_auto_update If you do these basic things, then MTA anti-cheat (which is very strong) will do the rest. Then when a day comes that it can't, which is very unlikely, but yeah nothing is impossible in tech - then you'll still have script security, for instance to not let anyone with an working Lua injector (even though, again, very unlikely due to the strength of AC) deal any damage to your server. You should be able to think about more things to keep abuse out of your server, such as choosing a good, DDoS-protected server host. Besides, there are many topics on the forums where all sorts of methods to protect (to a certain degree) your resources and materials against theft are being discussed
    1 point
  7. بالنسبة لي اشوف معظم القيم مودات الاعبين سحبوا عليها والأغلب تركيزهم رولي بلاي للأسف انصحك تسوي فكرة جديدة محد سواها
    1 point
  8. use something like this in the client side addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(), function() cancelEvent() end )
    0 points
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