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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/07/20 in all areas

  1. No need to bring this not useful 'Lua is :~'(users are :~) topic up from 2 years ago. LOCKED
    2 points
  2. @ IIYAMA successful thanks
    1 point
  3. I think you could try using 3ds Max and import the DFF there. Removing geometry is very easy. In many cases you just have to delete a selection of polygons. In other cases the doors share same polygon as the wall. In which case you would want to use cut modifiers such as booleans, but be careful with boolean operations as they can damage the topology quite easily, especially with geometry that is uneven, or has triangles instead of quads. You'll only need basic knowledge of the program to perform the above actions, so try yourself out with it and see how it goes. I'm moving this to Portuguese language board @oFirezy
    1 point
  4. Nenhum erro aparente. Ou talvez eu tenha deixado algo passar.
    1 point
  5. I think you can use engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture for weapons. For cars it's easy to use setVehicleVariant but for weapons I don't know
    1 point
  6. @erisP You might want to reply at least (, even if you are not going to do anything with it).
    1 point
  7. addEventHandler('onClientMarkerHit',root, function ( HitElement ) if ( HitElement == localPlayer) then if ( source == BankMarkerJ ) then SetPlayerPosition( HitElement ,2543.56, -1305.94, 1025.07 ,2 ,0 ) elseif ( source == BankMarkerQ ) then SetPlayerPosition( HitElement ,593.31, -1245.65, 18.09 ,0 ,0 ) elseif ( source == BankRob1 ) then if ( getPlayerTeam(HitElement) ~= getTeamFromName( 'Police') ) and ( getElementData(BankRob1,'DataB') == true ) then -- [ == ] = [ ~= ] local Random = math.random( 99 ) setElementData(HitElement,'DataN', Random) SetWindowVisible(BankWindow,true,true) else exports['topbarchat']:sendClientMessage ( "* #FFFFFF [Bank Rob] #00EFFFBankrob is not started yet! use: /BankTime", 255, 100, 100, true ) end end end end ) خليته لك للتيمات كلها الا الشرطة .. وصححت لك كم غلط فلكود
    1 point
  8. Bu kısımın ilk paragrafında sorunun neden kaynaklandığını ve nasıl çözüldüğünü anlattım. Yetersiz bulduysan biraz daha açabilirim bu konuyu.
    1 point
  9. All serverside elements are already available on clientside. The only problem is: "how to get the right one?" There are multi ways to get those, including triggerClientEvent as @Patrick said. Server local receiver receiver = getRandomPlayer() -- a random player receiver = root -- all players triggerClientEvent(receiver, "eventName_SEND_THING_OVER", resourceRoot, element) Client addEvent("eventName_SEND_THING_OVER", true) -- enable the event: string eventName, boolean true = able to receive events from serverside addEventHandler("eventName_SEND_THING_OVER", resourceRoot, -- add a handler, that will call the function when the event is triggered function (element) end, false) -- disable propagation There is also a method which I like to use to keep a dynamic list of my elements: Server local collectionElement = createElement("collection", "myVehicles") for i=1, 10 do local vehicle = createVehicle(432, i * 10, 0, 50) setElementParent(vehicle, collectionElement) -- (Note: setElementParent, doesn't work across resources) end Client function getMyVehicles (theType) local collectionElement = getElementByID("myVehicles") if collectionElement then return getElementChildren(collectionElement, theType) -- theType is optional, could be "vehicle" end return false end
    1 point
  10. function DanoBlindado ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) local blindadocar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if (blindadocar) then if getElementModel(blindadocar) == 427 then cancelEvent() setElementHealth(localPlayer, 100) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), DanoBlindado )
    1 point
  11. você pode fazer uma verificação, usando o evento https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientPlayerDamage e https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPedOccupiedVehicle.
    1 point
  12. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetVehicleDamageProof
    1 point
  13. A few months ago i created a horse script in MTA:SA. I decided to publish it, because i haven't got time to work on it. Its not a working script, it needs some work, i just wrote functions. If you find my script useful, you can donate a few dollars to me on PayPal. Thank you! You can find it on GitHub.
    1 point
  14. hello guys i just found this https://github.com/Jabern/Pawn-To-MTA but without any tutorial about how to use this. so please help me. sorry for my english.
    1 point
  15. I'd like to point out that MTA didn't invent Lua. Lua is its own independent language used for a plethora of applications, including MTA. It seems to be that the only thing you're complaining about is that the MTA API is outputting errors into the console to let you know that you write bad code, and you're getting mad at MTA and Lua for it. It's your own fault. I can imagine you dereferencing a null pointer and complaining that you get a memory access violation but you willfully refuse to check whether the pointer is null before attempt to dereference because "it's not my fault the language is bad wah wah," or complaining that math is broken because you can't divide by 0. If you don't like it, you should just go back to PAWN and the only software that uses it - SAMP.
    1 point
  16. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1292
    1 point
  17. SAMP sempre foi mais popular que o MTA e isso faz muita diferença. Sobre scripts que simulam vida real como você disse, SAMP parece ter Gamemodes RP/RPG superiores aos do MTA; não entendi bem "scripts que o mta não consegue processar" que você disse, tenho certeza que na parte do processamento o MTA faz tudo o que tem no Samp e na verdade o MTA precisa lidar muito com isso já que o Mod tem muitos recursos extras são é utilizados. Quanto às linguagens de scripting, Lua > Pawn. Lua é uma linguagem mais famosa e supera fácil a linguagem Pawn. Os demais aspectos eu acho melhor não julgar, desconheço há muito tempo como anda o Samp. Outra coisa também diferencia os 2 Mods é que um suporta lado cliente para scripts e apesar de ter alguns que não curtem esses downloads pra depois jogar, isso proporciona muitos recursos ao MTA, e no Samp acaba ficando mais limitado justamente por isso, aí a solução é a utilização de plugins.
    0 points
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