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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/05/20 in all areas

  1. ----THIS HAS BEEN RELEASED! CHECK PAGE 12!!---- And his lame pictures™ Short answer: its continuation of original vice city map done by Rockstar games which works on san andreas engine. Whole map concept is to do a stable VC Map including more objects. As an official idea i will be adding GTA V things such as: Radar , Skins , Weapons , Vehicles (but with custom liveries/textures like VCPD Cruiser) etc. Some GTA IV Vehicles or Skins are there too (For example Police Merit or Lycan Bike , its just to add better atmosphere and make it more realistic.) Note: More Screens availible in Other posts
    1 point
  2. NEW/CUSTOM WEAPONS This resource allow you to add weapons, you can add new type of weapons, for while its just for rifles that replace M4 V1.0 8 Weapons ( Rifle ) Different sounds. HOW TO USE F2 open panel, you just need to select the weapon. How to add weapons. Open both scripts client and server Add the name of weapon that you want in table {"AUG",4394} > Name, and Object ID that you will replace it Take the skin of weapon put in models folder and in meta.xml The name of dff and txd must be the same of weapon in table ( without space ) in table you can put space. Make the same with the .wav sound. FUNCTION TO EXPORT giveNewWeapon(player,WEAPONAME) --Example. function givewep(player) giveNewWeapon(player,"M4A1") end DOWNLOAD: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18149
    1 point
  3. Good morning / afternoon or evening respectively, today I am releasing a Panel made with DGS, the panel contains animations and others. If you find a bug or if you want a panel made to order, you can contact me at: Discord: ingen1us#6990 Or you can contact on the Discord of BroothsGames: https://discord.gg/P5wWSt Credits: BroothsGames Video: https://streamable.com/yq8cu4 Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/sezjmpdt350o16c/DGS-Panel.rar/file
    1 point
  4. بالتوفيق لكم وان شاء الله تلاقي مبرمج بالمواصفات دي ☺
    1 point
  5. haveOtherNick sempre retorna true pq ele ta passando o for em todos os players, inclusive o proprio que acabou de setar o nick em si mesmo, pra comparar vc precisa excluir o player que deu trigger, antes faz essa alteração de source pra client, na wiki diz o seguinte: Atenção: vc deve usar a variavel global client no serverside ao invés de passar localPlayer ou por parametro ou source, Senão falsificação de evento (passar outro player invés de localPlayer) poderia ser possível (triggerServerEvent) ps: essa alteração source pra client é só no server, o script client fica igual tava o script server ficaria assim: function haveOtherNick (myName) for i, player in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if player~=client and (getElementData (player, "checknick") and getElementData (player, "checknick") == myName) then return true--se todos os players exceto eu não tem elementdata checknick igual a myName end end return false end function checkNick() local nome = getElementData (client, "checknick") if (nome) then if (haveOtherNick(nome)) then outputChatBox ("Já tem alguém com esse nome online.") removeElementData(client,"checknick")--opcional: remover o elementdata de quem nao foi aprovado pra nao ocupar o checknick em 2+ players else triggerClientEvent("successNick", getRootElement()) setElementData(client, "playername", nome) end end end addEvent("checkNick", true) addEventHandler("checkNick", getRootElement(), checkNick)
    1 point
  6. Boa, tinha esquecido desse detalhe
    1 point
  7. lmao I didn't saw that you are a staff here! thanks so much for your help it took me more than 3 hours without any result... and here you go gave me the answer! thanks again you can close this
    1 point
  8. Sorry, I don't give personal help in PMs for others, but you can join to our discord server, there you can talk with others in the scripting channels. https://discord.com/invite/mtasa
    1 point
  9. It's setElementData and not SetElementData.
    1 point
  10. você pode usar esta função útil DxDrawTextOnElement
    1 point
  11. @Arantes, diante de sua questão eu tentei fazer algo semelhante e assim foi feito: Dados = {} addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted', root, function () if (Dados[source]) then destroyElement(Dados[source].pick) end local pos = Vector3(getElementPosition(source)) Dados[source] = {} Dados[source].pick = createPickup(pos, 3, 1212) Dados[source].money = math.max(0, getPlayerMoney(source)) Dados[Dados[source].pick] = source addEventHandler('onPickupUse', Dados[source].pick, function (p) local oMorto = Dados[source] if (oMorto and Dados[oMorto]) then givePlayerMoney(p, Dados[oMorto].money) destroyElement(Dados[oMorto].pick) Dados[oMorto] = nil Dados[source] = nil end end ) end )
    1 point
  12. Acho que só tinha um erro kk, testa ai
    1 point
  13. function morreu(source) setPlayerMoney(source,0) end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), morreu)
    1 point
  14. I didn't knew about saveMapData either, this was actually what I was looking for so I tried it first, but it produced an xml file with empty object elements, not sure what i messed up ? Patrick's solution worked for me, I got my map. Thank you both!
    1 point
  15. An alternative is to save an specific part of the element tree. Pick the method that works best for you. local file = xmlCreateFile ("map.xml", "map") local baseElement = createElement("temporary") --[[ ]] local element = -- createObject, createVehicle, etc. etc, setElementParent(element, baseElement) --[[ ]] saveMapData ( file, baseElement ) xmlSaveFile ( file ) xmlUnloadFile ( file ) destroyElement(baseElement) -- destroy every element, parent as well as the children thanks to propagation Pro's Flexibility, you do not have to write specific code for other elements. Cons: Serverside only No custom properties with special characters, for example : notations and code comments on the fly. All properties are copied, you do not have fully control which ones are saved.
    1 point
  16. Loop trough all objects, get details and write it to a file, like any .map editor file. You can check the syntax in an existing .map file. Something like that -- CLIENT SIDE local objects = getElementsByType("object") local file = fileCreate("clonedmap.map") fileWrite(file, "<map>\n") for i = 1, #objects do local obj = objects[i] local x, y, z = getElementPosition(obj) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(obj) row = ('\t<object id="something (%d)" breakable="%s" interior="%d" collisions="%s" alpha="%d" model="%d" doublesided="%s" scale="%d" posX="%f" posY="%f" posZ="%f" rotX="%f" rotY="%f" rotZ="%f"></object>\n'):format( i, tostring(isObjectBreakable(obj)), getElementInterior(obj), tostring(getElementCollisionsEnabled(obj)), getElementAlpha(obj), getElementModel(obj), tostring(isElementDoubleSided(obj)), getObjectScale(obj), x, y, z, rx, ry, rz ) fileWrite(file, row) end fileWrite(file, "</map>") fileClose(file) Save file to mta_folder/mods/deathmatch/resources/YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME/clonedmap.map
    1 point
  17. Installing MTA 1.5.6. (as Map Editor) in another folder solves the problem. https://mirror.multitheftauto.com/mtasa/main/mtasa-1.5.6.exe I tried to copy Race and Editor resources from 1.5.6 to 1.5.7 and it didnt help.
    1 point
  18. Tente: -- ID Carro, Posição X, Y, Z; Rotação RX, RY, RZ local carrosasercriado = { {492,2148.7,-1203.6,23.6,0,0,270}, {402,2148.3999,-1199,23.8,0,0,270}, } veics = {} for i=1 ,#carrosasercriado do veics[i] = createVehicle ( carrosasercriado[i][1], carrosasercriado[i][2], carrosasercriado[i][3], carrosasercriado[i] [4],carrosasercriado[i][5], carrosasercriado[i][6], carrosasercriado[i][7]) setTimer(setElementFrozen,1500,1,veics[i], true) setVehicleDamageProof(veics[i], true) setVehicleColor(veics[i], 255, 255, 255, 255 ) end
    1 point
  19. Recomendo assistir essa playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOgWUGOesjtSo8Hx7gucHfY4E3KwtnoZm loop for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_NgkjPyIck&list=
    1 point
  20. Please provide your CPU details including RAM,SSD,Processor, CPU Core etc. 3.9 GHz + will be perfect for gameservers.
    1 point
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