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Hello! I would like to show you my current project I am working on. This is about vehicles getting dirtier while you are driving them (something you can see in GTA IV and GTA V). It is currently in beta, I may release if after I finished it! Here you can see some pictures of the current features of the script: Every vehicle that has the vehiclegrunge256 texture on it is compatible with this script (you can add your own textures in the script you would like to change, for example if the modded vehicle doesn't have the vehiclegrunge256 texture, but has a texture named only grunge, you can add this in a table, so it will work with that one as well). replaceTextures = { {"vehiclegrunge256"}, {"grunge"}, } The script contains car washes (you go into a car wash --> your vehicle gets cleaned). You can enable/disable custom car wash garage maps via script when adding a new car wash. carwashes = { -- x, y, z, rotation (for garage only), garage {2454.51343, -1461.01477, 24.00000, 0, false}, {1911.29041, -1776.22644, 13.38281, 0, false}, {1017.74756, -917.59283, 42.17969, 0, false}, {1574.125, -2350, 13.56247, 90, true}, } When the weather is rainy or you go into water with your vehicle it gets cleaner over time. Every vehicle is affected in this case, for example if there are vehicles parked around on the map with dirt on it and it is raining, they will get cleaner slowly. There are 5 states of dirt level, 1 is fully clean and 5 is the dirtiest. The script currently has 2 export functions which with you can change and get the dirt level of a vehicle (you can also get the dirt level of a vehicle with getElementData, but can't change it with setElementData, I will add dirt level changing with setElementData in further updates). Vehicles will get dirty faster if you drive on grass, sand, dirt, etc. They will get dirty anyways, but it is faster on materials that is not concrete or something similar. I will upload a video soon of the script so you can see it in progress. As I mentioned before, I might release it after it's done. Not much to add/improve, this means it will more likely to happen sooner than later. VIDEO: This is still a beta version! The video doesn't show real values of time and other intervals, everything is because of testing and showing a pre-version of the script. Work is currently in progress regarding this script / project! TO DO: [GREEN] = Done [ORANGE] = In progress [RED] = Need to be done - Fix any appearing bugs, requires a few more testing to make sure there are none [ * ] - Make it compatible with car paint shaders (I don't know yet if it is possible, I will try to do it) [ * ] - Add useful custom events (on[Client]VehicleDirtLevelChange, on[Client]VehicleWashed, etc. everything that is useful for further scripting and for developers) [ * ] - Make a better handler for getting vehicle dirty, right now the script uses onClientRender, there might be another solution that is more client friendly, I don't know, I will play around with possibilities [ * ] WHAT'S NEW: * 2017. 10. 13. - Custom dirt textures - Vehicle streaming optimization - Useful, dynamic debug panel, outputs and values for testing - You can switch between debug mode in game - Fixed syncing bugs / errors between client and server (some things still need to be fixed) - Improved car washes (far from done, still needs improving and adding some extras) - Improved "dirt-add-handling-progress" (can't say it better ) * 2017. 10. 14. - Fixed various present bugs (a few of them can be seen in the video) - Vehicles now store the current dirt progress when they are streamed out and streamed in - Rewritten dirt progress handling, more dynamic and 0 (didn't found any yet) bugs, depending on conditions (is it raining, is vehicle in water, etc.) - Client side event now triggers when server side event is triggered but not the opposite way - Improved debug display - Shortened and more optimized script Client side is about 350 lines (with debug) and server side is about 50 lines (with debug and commands) of code. * 2017. 10. 26. - Fixed a bug where the vehicles' dirt progress wasn't synchronized between players. - More optimized script - Custom functions: * getVehicleDirtLevel (shared) * setVehicleDirtLevel (server) * * getVehicleDirtProgress (shared) * setVehicleDirtProgress (server) * * getNextDirtTime (shared) * setVehicleDirtTime (server) * - Custom events: * onClientVehicleDirtLevelChange (client) * onVehicleDirtLevelChange (server) * * I always like to read suggestions, so feel free to comment your thoughts and what should I add/remove! Thank you for reading, hope you like it! Part of the Advanced Vehicle System project. EDIT: I would appreciate if somebody could tell me a simple but interesting name for the resource, that is not "Vehicles Get Dirty" (it is too long). I was thinking about VGD, but this is not good enough, nobody will know what does that mean if it gets uploaded to the community. Download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/?p=resources&s=details&id=14960 Note that you will have to give up on car paint shaders if you would like to use this resource, unless you know how to make both work, since I couldn't figure it out. But if you know, please let me know as well and I will fix this problem with a quick update on this resource!1 point
----THIS HAS BEEN RELEASED! CHECK PAGE 12!!---- And his lame pictures™ Short answer: its continuation of original vice city map done by Rockstar games which works on san andreas engine. Whole map concept is to do a stable VC Map including more objects. As an official idea i will be adding GTA V things such as: Radar , Skins , Weapons , Vehicles (but with custom liveries/textures like VCPD Cruiser) etc. Some GTA IV Vehicles or Skins are there too (For example Police Merit or Lycan Bike , its just to add better atmosphere and make it more realistic.) Note: More Screens availible in Other posts1 point
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اليوم حابب اقولكم اني بفتح سيرفر وشغال علي السيرفر لي 3 شهور المهم قررت افتح السيرفر بكرا الساعة 7 بتوقيت مصر , والساعة 8 بتوقيت السعودية تنوروني كلكم ان شاء الله1 point
السعر حرية شخصية يضعها صاحب السكربت حسب المجهود الذي بذله، اذا ما عجبك السعر ماهو مطلوب منك تنتقد وتطقطق1 point
client-side addCommandHandler ("discord", function (thePlayer, cmd) local discord = "discord.gg/link_de_convite" setClipboard (discord) outputChatBox ("Link do discord copiado automaticamente use ctrl + v para colar", 0, 255, 0) end)1 point
Faça o seguinte, baixe e instale este voice, e faça o seguinte : 1. Remova outro resource de voice 2. Aperte f8, de refresh, e depois adicione o resource de voice, e depois da outro refresh, e da start voice. 3. Caso persistir, verifique se a outro recurso que tenha a mesma utilização de voice, que possa está interferindo no voice, neste caso, você precisará saber qual resource está interferindo, e então faça, de stop um por um, e deixe apenas o voice ligado, e verifique se o problema vai persistir.1 point
:للفايدة معلومة ممكن كثير مايعرفونها 1.5.7 لكن بعد في تحديث تم إضافة فنكشن clearChatBox https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/ClearChatBox الفنكشن يمسح الشات مسح كأنك توك داخل مو مثل الطريقة القديمة إضافة أكثر من شات من بنفس الوقت1 point
لو دققت بتحصل بعض البقات وواجد لاني ما اتوقع Lua توصل للجافا او السي شارب او السي بلس بلس او اي لغة من اللغات الكبيره ذي1 point
Thanks for your reply. Did it work for at least a selection of trees (e.g ones shown on the mod's showroom) or do every tree appear with leaves? Good news either way though, I found there's a MTA resource which removes leaves too. To install it simply create a new resource folder in your server's resources area, call it removeleaves and drag and drop all of the downloaded file's contents into said folder. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=158631 point
1 point
Hello there! You found Dystopia: The Incident, an original sandbox post-apocalyptic RPG. Keep reading below and you’ll find out more... Test server: mtasa:// Discord: https://discord.gg/Zs5bWSX Current version: alpha 0.75, check out details here DOWNLOAD (0.75 alpha) Key concepts Food and water are scarce and you need to be on the move to stay alive. Inventory size is limited, forcing you to prioritize. Vehicles require constant maintenance. Faction camps, bases, shanty towns and other encounter zones all over San Andreas. Exploration is rewarded. World is densely populated with NPCs and who you choose to kill matters. Environment is harsh and punishes the weak and the dumb. Moral decisions to be made. End goal. Roleplay friendly. Designed to be also enjoyable as a single-player experience. Setting 2000: A series of catastrophic earthquakes smashed the cities and countryside of San Andreas. In the aftermath, the whole state found itself separated from mainland. Fear and selfishness roamed free, pushing society into chaos. In the heart of San Fierro, one of the largest cities of San Andreas, government-sponsored Zombotech Corporation was researching biological weapons in its underground facility. The labs were heavily damaged by the cataclysm and a deadly infectious agent escaped in the streets. While emergency services struggled to contain the disaster and minimize collateral damage, death was spreading unnoticed. 2001: The Establishment evacuated survivors of the outbreak in the barricaded city of Las Venturas but infection spread inside the fence. They nuked the city and placed San Andreas under strict military quarantine. Nobody gets in, nobody gets out. They dubbed the disaster ‘The Incident’ to minimize its amplitude, media soon went silent and survivors were forgotten. 2007: 6 years passed and things have not become better. Regular people picked things up from where the government left them and started to organize. This is a tough new world, populated with the full spectrum of humanity: resilient survivors, vicious bandits, cannibalistic raiders, oppressive military forces and the rest of the loons. No line between good and bad was ever so ill-defined. San Andreas is ruled with an iron hand by Governor Skinner, who took office only six days after the Incident. His armed forces fight to control the territory, herding men into the new Refugee Camp. Resources are scarce and many dropped the last remnants of morality when they faced starvation. Violent clans and factions fight over the remains, establishing turfs or just trying to stay alive. Militias fight for supremacy, idealists work to maintain civilization and everybody else just struggles to survive another day in an increasingly suffocating world. As it became evident that the government has no rescue plan for them, despair started to crumble the minds of the few sane left. All attempts to flee San Andreas are met with airstrikes. But there must be ways to escape this place... What you can experience right now Explore a detailed post-apocalyptic map with many encounter zones. Plenty of NPCs, both friendlies and baddies. Dynamic faction and spawn system. More than 40 missions already in the game. Detailed inventory with more than 100 items to be found and used. Basic needs, stamina, infection, various other modifiers like pain, bleeding, exhaustion or inebriation. Innovative looting mechanic. Four zombie types, with different behavior. Scavenge the world for materials to build settlements or to use simple crafting and cooking. Upgrade and drive rugged vehicles across the wasteland and engage in vehicular combat. Trade, recruit and discover parts of the story by chatting with NPCs. Experience dark humor and some strong themes (16+). Simple interface, consistent graphic style. What still needs to be done The current gamemode version is alpha 0.75. Required for beta: skills and abilities implementation, npc traffic, karma system and map completion (now >90%). Once the project hits beta and the core is completed we’ll start focusing exclusively on the missions and story. Seeking friends for the end of the world Want to jump onboard and take part in the development? Great, join our Discord server using the link on top (the recommended approach) or PM me here. We're always looking for like-minded developers. Wanted: scripters, mappers, storytellers, 3D artists and testers. However, keep in mind that we're not looking to monetize this project in any way. We’ve used the work of many MTA community members and the gamemode will be shared alike with the community when completed. You will gain full credit for your work but no other type of compensation. Share your thoughts We do love suggestions and implement all good fitting ones, so don’t be shy and tell us what you think about this project, using the channels highlighted above. The answer is guaranteed and we'll also give full credit for any original ideas. Media 100+ development screenshots here (I suppose this is what you were looking for from the beginning, instead of reading a wall of text) Thanks for reading! Watch this space for fresh information and media.1 point
Map by : GodFather Textures by : GhostRider aka kamisakea Shaders & scripts by : AngerMAN aka Ren712 RULES: You may not do absolutely nothing with the texture and map files, unless you are given permission by their authors. You can use shaders and scripts with no permission - however, please add a comment regarding their source. download : http://www.dropbox.com/s/h23y56z8w0cq3p ... m.zip?dl=01 point
Is there any Released resource that allows to replace vehicle sounds with custom ones?? By replace i mean adding custom ones using sound files and maybe if possible also to suppress the default one using the following function: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetWorldSoundEnabled Like:- disables engine sound and stuff maybe..1 point
setWorldSoundEnabled(40, false) and then: when the player holds W in a vehicle (bindKey) detect which vehicle he is in and detect the car speed. Then playSound it.1 point