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2 points
يب يب نسيت اعدله msg = "Respawn After " timer = 60 enabled = false local scrWidth, scrHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function dxRe() if isTimer(RespTime) then remaining = getTimerDetails ( RespTime ) timer = math.floor(remaining/1000) msg = "Respawn After " else msg = "Respawn " timer = "" enabled = true end dxDrawLine((scrWidth*0.408491947) - 1, (scrHeight*0.73828125) - 1, (scrWidth*0.408491947) - 1, (scrHeight*0.811197917), tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine((scrWidth*0.527818448), (scrHeight*0.73828125) - 1, (scrWidth*0.408491947) - 1, (scrHeight*0.73828125) - 1, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine((scrWidth*0.408491947) - 1, (scrHeight*0.811197917), (scrWidth*0.527818448), (scrHeight*0.811197917), tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine((scrWidth*0.527818448), (scrHeight*0.811197917), (scrWidth*0.527818448), (scrHeight*0.73828125) - 1, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) if not isMouseInPosition((scrWidth*0.408491947), (scrHeight*0.73828125), scrWidth*0.119326501, (scrHeight*0.0729166667)) then dxDrawRectangle((scrWidth*0.408491947), (scrHeight*0.73828125), scrWidth*0.119326501, (scrHeight*0.0729166667), tocolor(87, 87, 87, (enabled == false and 165 or 200)), false) dxDrawText(msg..timer, (scrWidth*0.408491947), (scrHeight*0.740885417), (scrWidth*0.526354319), (scrHeight*0.805989583), tocolor(254, 254, 254, (enabled == false and 165 or 200)), 1.50*(0.408491947), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) else if enabled then dxDrawRectangle((scrWidth*0.408491947), (scrHeight*0.73828125), scrWidth*0.119326501, (scrHeight*0.0729166667), tocolor(87, 87, 87, 255), false) dxDrawText(msg..timer, (scrWidth*0.408491947), (scrHeight*0.740885417), (scrWidth*0.526354319), (scrHeight*0.805989583), tocolor(254, 254, 254, 255), 1.50*(0.408491947), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) else dxDrawRectangle((scrWidth*0.408491947), (scrHeight*0.73828125), scrWidth*0.119326501, (scrHeight*0.0729166667), tocolor(87, 87, 87, (enabled == false and 165 or 200)), false) dxDrawText(msg..timer, (scrWidth*0.408491947), (scrHeight*0.740885417), (scrWidth*0.526354319), (scrHeight*0.805989583), tocolor(254, 254, 254, (enabled == false and 165 or 200)), 1.50*(0.408491947), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end end end local sX,sY = guiGetScreenSize() function isMouseInPosition ( x, y, width, height ) if ( not isCursorShowing ( ) ) then return false end local sx, sy = sX,sY local cx, cy = getCursorPosition ( ) local cx, cy = ( cx * sx ), ( cy * sy ) if ( cx >= x and cx <= x + width ) and ( cy >= y and cy <= y + height ) then return true else return false end end addEvent("fadeCameraOnSpawn", true) addEventHandler("fadeCameraOnSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), function() start = getTickCount() end ) --local bRespawn = nil function showRespawnButton(victimDropItem) showCursor(true) enabled = false addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,dxRe) RespTime = setTimer( function() enabled = true end,60*1000,1) addEventHandler("onClientClick",root, function(b,s) if b == "left" and s == "down" then if enabled == true then if isMouseInPosition((scrWidth*0.408491947), (scrHeight*0.73828125), scrWidth*0.119326501, (scrHeight*0.0729166667)) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,dxRe) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) enabled = false triggerServerEvent("es-system:acceptDeath", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), victimDropItem) showCursor(false) end end end end, false) end function setssaz ( ) --guiSetText(bRespawn,"Respawn") end addEvent("es-system:showRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:showRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),showRespawnButton) function closeRespawnButton() removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,dxRe) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) enabled = false end addEvent("es-system:closeRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:closeRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),closeRespawnButton)2 points
Na verdade elseif sempre vem antes do else. if condition then -- Se for isso, então: --code elseif condition then -- Senão se for isso, então: --code2 else -- Senão: return false end O else sozinho indica uma condição de escape final, se não entrar em nenhuma condição anterior, ele vai entrar obrigatoriamente nesse else pois ele não tem condição. O elseif nada mais é do que um segundo if, que será verificado somente se não entrar no if anterior (ou elseif anterior). Se o if anterior for verdadeiro, ele não vai entrar neste elseif. Também é possível colocar if seguido de outro if, para casos específicos onde você quer que sejam executadas as duas condições simultaneamente. Para fazer isso é necessário fechar o escopo do if anterior para abrir o outro. if condition then --code end if condition then --code2 end Se colocar elseif sem ter um if anterior em aberto, está errado. Se colocar um else sem ter pelo menos um if anterior em aberto, está errado. Pode não ter elseif anterior. Se colocar qualquer condição após um else em aberto, está errado pois ele nunca irá entrar nesta condição. Exceto se a condição estiver dentro do escopo do else. Se colocar condição no else, está errado. Se fechar o escopo de um if antes do elseif ou else, está errado pois eles precisam de um if em aberto para ter else. O if só deve ser fechado após os elses. Os elses são fechados automaticamente ao fechar o primeiro if. Ou seja, apenas um end para todos eles já basta. -------------------------------------------------------- A propósito @Marcos^v7, não use nomes iguais de parâmetros diferentes para funções diferentes. Na sua função de saída, você está chamando o mesmo elemento de entrada, isso pode causar conflito. Substitua o parâmetro pHitElement por pLeaveElement. function saindo (pLeaveElement) if getElementType (pLeaveElement) == 'player' then outputChatBox ("[BOSS] - Você saiu da área BOSS.", pLeaveElement, 145, 0, 0, true) elseif getElementData (pLeaveElement, "zombie") and getElementType (pLeaveElement) == 'ped' then killPed (pLeaveElement) end end2 points
Reporting version 3.321, my dgs edit not rendering got this error ERROR: dgs\client.lua:539: attempt to index local 'eleData' (a nil value) [DUP x72]2 points
I have a problem with the player, look on video and screenshots. I can't give you a ban. The player joining the server on active ban. The player is hacker or chiter idk. At the end of the film you can see that everything works . I know, my english is bad. I use trasnlator. Video: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/B8uNi1 point
I would apperciate it very much if you could give some advice on DGS.1 point
سلام عليكم قبل فترة يمكن 3 شهور سويت مود المعرض والحين الي فضيت عشان اعرضه للبيع , مالكم بالطويلة ذا الفيديو بالنسبة للطريقة الدفع باي بال او تحويل بنكي ( الراجحي ) ء وبالنسبة للسعر بإذن الله مانختلف فيه skype : live:default.4190 وبالتوفيق للجميع ..1 point
1 point
- اهلا, اخ كازوفا ** ان شاءالله مااخطئنا بالاسم ** حاب اقولك اذا تحتاج برمجة من ناس محترفه و لها سمعة كبيرة بالعبة -نقدر نفيدك ببرمجة واسعة - سكربتات وايضا مودات اخرى, سيقوم طاقم نيوكتروس بمساعدتك ببرمجة سكربتات سيرفرك وحل مشاكله الى ساعة الصفر - تواصل معنا عبر الايميل حتى نقدر نتفاهم معك جيدآ [email protected]1 point
https://jseries.net/forums/index.php?/files/file/2-vice-city/ VC Updated open spoiler for updates. https://jseries.net/forums/index.php?/files/file/7-alien-city/ Alien city updated check spoiler for updates. (Performance gain as well as the loading time drop was massive here) https://jseries.net/forums/index.php?/files/file/3-carmageddon/ Carmageddon updated https://jseries.net/forums/index.php?/files/file/5-vehicle-testing-grid/ Grid map updated https://jseries.net/forums/index.php?/files/file/6-transfagarasan-drift-map/ Drift map updated1 point
Esqueceram o x da questão O problema é que você usa uma variável pra criar todos retângulos de colisão num loop, mas oque fica, é a última col da tabela. Apenas coloque resourceRoot, no lugar de 'zona' em onColShapeHit/Leave. E sobre a váriável zona, você pode tirar ela. E pRadarArea deixe local.1 point
1 point
1 point
حياك الله .. تفضل يخوي . local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize () local dxfont = dxCreateFont("مسار ملف الخط", 21) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function () if ( getElementData ( resourceRoot, "Have_" ) == true ) then local Lines = getChatboxLayout ()["chat_lines"] if ( Lines <= 10 ) then Lines = Lines + 1 elseif ( Lines >= 25 ) then Lines = Lines - 1 else Lines = Lines end if ( getElementData ( resourceRoot, "Msg_" ) == "1" ) then setElementData ( resourceRoot, "Have_", false ) else dxDrawText ( "[ ".. getElementData ( resourceRoot, "By_" ) .." ]#FFFFFF : " .. getElementData ( resourceRoot, "Msg_" ).. "", sX * 0.01, sY * 0.03 * Lines , sX, sY, tocolor ( 0,100,255,255,1 ), 1, dxfont, "left", "top", false, false, false, true, false ) end end end) bindKey("n", "down", "chatbox","AdminSay") fileDelete("c.lua")1 point
الله يسعدك يقلبي ماني عارف صراحة ارد لك الجميل ممكن سؤال بسيط لاهنت تعرف زر البوتن مثلآ لمين ابي اغير شكلة زي ماسويت انت ويش الطريقة لاهنت لمين تكون فاضي رد عليي لترد الحين عادي لو بعد سنة1 point
تسلم ماسويت شي يقلبي انا ماسويت لك الا عشانك محترم وتستاهل الخط سطر22+26+30 تلقى 1.50 عدلها1 point
Update/Renew My Post Jupitor #CrosS Rajo justboy oskar Default Abdul KariM NssoR 3NAD UAEpro The Best The Killer ZA7F Mr.Tn6el Al3grab MoDeR2014 TAPL Mr.WiFi Mr.Tn6eL Alw7sH Bssol افضل مبرمجين عرب بالنسبه لي اما للاجانب فأفضل و احد هوا Sniper - Casstillo - #RooTs1 point
1 point
addEvent("fadeCameraOnSpawn", true) addEventHandler("fadeCameraOnSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), function() start = getTickCount() end ) local bRespawn = nil function showRespawnButton(victimDropItem) showCursor(true) local width, height = 201,54 local scrWidth, scrHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x = scrWidth/2 - (width/2) local y = scrHeight/1.1 - (height/2) bRespawn = guiCreateButton(x, y, width, height,"Respawn",false) guiSetEnabled ( bRespawn,false ) RespTime = setTimer ( guiSetEnabled,60*1000,1,bRespawn,true ) setLab = setTimer( function() if isTimer(RespTime) then remaining = getTimerDetails ( RespTime ) guiSetText(bRespawn," Respawn after : "..math.floor(remaining/1000).."") setTimer(setssaz,60000,1) else killTimer(setLab) end end,1000,62) guiSetFont(bRespawn,"sa-header") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bRespawn, function () if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) destroyElement(timlab) bRespawn = nil timlab = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end triggerServerEvent("es-system:acceptDeath", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), victimDropItem) showCursor(false) end, false) end function setssaz ( ) guiSetText(bRespawn,"Respawn") end addEvent("es-system:showRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:showRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),showRespawnButton) function closeRespawnButton() if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) destroyElement(timlab) bRespawn = nil timlab = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end addEvent("es-system:closeRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:closeRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),closeRespawnButton)1 point
addEvent("fadeCameraOnSpawn", true) addEventHandler("fadeCameraOnSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), function() start = getTickCount() end ) local bRespawn = nil function showRespawnButton(victimDropItem) showCursor(true) local width, height = 201,54 local scrWidth, scrHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x = scrWidth/2 - (width/2) local y = scrHeight/1.1 - (height/2) bRespawn = guiCreateButton(x, y, width, height,"Respawn",false) timlab = guiCreateLabel((scrWidth - 117) / 2, (scrHeight - 54) / 2, 117, 54, "Respawn after : 60", false) guiSetEnabled ( bRespawn,false ) RespTime = setTimer ( guiSetEnabled,60*1000,1,bRespawn,true ) setLab = setTimer( function() if isTimer(RespTime) then remaining = getTimerDetails ( RespTime ) guiSetText(timlab," Respawn after : "..math.floor(remaining/1000).."") else killTimer(setLab) end end,1000,62) guiSetFont(bRespawn,"sa-header") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bRespawn, function () if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) destroyElement(timlab) bRespawn = nil timlab = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end triggerServerEvent("es-system:acceptDeath", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), victimDropItem) showCursor(false) end, false) end addEvent("es-system:showRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:showRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),showRespawnButton) function closeRespawnButton() if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) destroyElement(timlab) bRespawn = nil timlab = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end addEvent("es-system:closeRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:closeRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),closeRespawnButton) جيت ولقيته سواها لك .. جرب كذا1 point
@iMrKaZaNoFa جرب ذا يجيك بالنص او لا مو متاكد addEvent("fadeCameraOnSpawn", true) addEventHandler("fadeCameraOnSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), function() start = getTickCount() end ) local bRespawn = nil function showRespawnButton(victimDropItem) showCursor(true) local width, height = 201,54 local scrWidth, scrHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x = scrWidth/2 - (width/2) local y = scrHeight/1.1 - (height/2) bRespawn = guiCreateButton(x, y, width, height,"Respawn",false) timlab = guiCreateLabel((scrWidth - 117) / 2, (scrHeight - 54) / 2, 117, 54, "الوقت المتبقي : 60", false) guiSetEnabled ( bRespawn,false ) RespTime = setTimer ( guiSetEnabled,60*1000,1,bRespawn,true ) setLab = setTimer( function() if isTimer(RespTime) then remaining = getTimerDetails ( RespTime ) guiSetText(timlab,math.floor(remaining/1000).." الوقت المتبقي : ") else killTimer(setLab) end end,1000,62) guiSetFont(bRespawn,"sa-header") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bRespawn, function () if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) destroyElement(timlab) bRespawn = nil timlab = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end triggerServerEvent("es-system:acceptDeath", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), victimDropItem) showCursor(false) end, false) end addEvent("es-system:showRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:showRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),showRespawnButton) function closeRespawnButton() if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) destroyElement(timlab) bRespawn = nil timlab = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end addEvent("es-system:closeRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:closeRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),closeRespawnButton)1 point
مشكلة كانت بسيطه @iMrKaZaNoFa تفضل جرب addEvent("fadeCameraOnSpawn", true) addEventHandler("fadeCameraOnSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), function() start = getTickCount() end ) local bRespawn = nil function showRespawnButton(victimDropItem) showCursor(true) local width, height = 201,54 local scrWidth, scrHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x = scrWidth/2 - (width/2) local y = scrHeight/1.1 - (height/2) bRespawn = guiCreateButton(x, y, width, height,"Respawn",false) timlab = guiCreateLabel(x,y-50,width*4,height,"60",false) guiSetEnabled ( bRespawn,false ) RespTime = setTimer ( guiSetEnabled,60*1000,1,bRespawn,true ) setLab = setTimer( function() if isTimer(RespTime) then remaining = getTimerDetails ( RespTime ) guiSetText(timlab,math.floor(remaining/1000)) else killTimer(setLab) end end,1000,62) guiSetFont(bRespawn,"sa-header") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bRespawn, function () if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) destroyElement(timlab) bRespawn = nil timlab = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end triggerServerEvent("es-system:acceptDeath", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), victimDropItem) showCursor(false) end, false) end addEvent("es-system:showRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:showRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),showRespawnButton) function closeRespawnButton() if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) destroyElement(timlab) bRespawn = nil timlab = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end addEvent("es-system:closeRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:closeRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),closeRespawnButton)1 point
Overwriting table like this is not a good idea, there may not be table functions in your code but there could be some in other parts of the script that is not shown here and since you are doing this as a global, it will affect other files within the resource as well.1 point
fixed ! Thanks for report. This issue caused by some unknown characters in scheme loader, when i rewrite the code in that line, I found the size of file 1 byte smaller than before.1 point
1 point
Yes, enough to change the texture.. or use dxDrawMaterialLine3D https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawMaterialLine3D1 point
addEvent("fadeCameraOnSpawn", true) addEventHandler("fadeCameraOnSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), function() start = getTickCount() end ) local bRespawn = nil function showRespawnButton(victimDropItem) showCursor(true) local width, height = 201,54 local scrWidth, scrHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x = scrWidth/2 - (width/2) local y = scrHeight/1.1 - (height/2) bRespawn = guiCreateButton(x, y, width, height,"Respawn",false) timlab = guiCreateLabel(x,y-50,width*4,height,"60",false) guiSetEnabled ( bRespawn,false ) RespTime = setTimer ( guiSetEnabled,60*1000,1,bRespawn,true ) remaining = getTimerDetails ( RespTime ) setLab = setTimer( function() if isTimer(RespTime) then guiSetText(timlab,tostring(math.floor(remaining/1000))) else killTimer(setLab) end end,1000,62) guiSetFont(bRespawn,"sa-header") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bRespawn, function () if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) destroyElement(timlab) bRespawn = nil timlab = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end triggerServerEvent("es-system:acceptDeath", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), victimDropItem) showCursor(false) end, false) end addEvent("es-system:showRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:showRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),showRespawnButton) function closeRespawnButton() if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) destroyElement(timlab) bRespawn = nil timlab = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end addEvent("es-system:closeRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:closeRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),closeRespawnButton) @iMrKaZaNoFa تفضل جرب1 point
Cara como vc coloca uma elseif se nao tiver uma else antes ?.. If variavel then Code..... Else Code..... End Posso estar viajando. Mais posso dizer que nunca vi isso nos codigos em que andei lendo.... mais a todo caso sempre tem a sua primeira vez.... a todo caso teste assim. Pode funcionar If variavel then Code.. Else Linha em branco Elseif variavel then Code....... End function saindo( pHitElement ) if getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'player' then outputChatBox("[BOSS] - Você saiu da área BOSS.", pHitElement, 145, 0, 0, true) else --linha em branco elseif getElementData(pHitElement,"zombie") and getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'ped' then killPed(pHitElement) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", zona, saindo)1 point
Is admin resource modified? If yes, upload admin resource to https://upload.mtasa.com/ and give link here1 point
Teste assim: local aSavePlaces = { {1587.1513671875, -1152.365234375,245, 160}; -- BOSS LS {2372.2763671875, 1836.701171875,150, 160}; -- BOSS LV {-2140.8330078125, 124.470703125,150, 185}; -- BOSS SF } local aRadarAreaPlaces = { {1587.1513671875, -1152.365234375,245, 160,255,0,0,100}; -- BOSS LS {2372.2763671875, 1836.701171875,150, 160,255,0,0,100}; -- BOSS LV {-2140.8330078125, 124.470703125,150, 185,255,0,0,100}; -- BOSS SF } function criandoareas( ) for _, a in ipairs( aRadarAreaPlaces ) do pRadarArea = createRadarArea ( unpack( a ) ) setElementData( pRadarArea, "zombieProof", true ) end for _, b in ipairs( aSavePlaces ) do zona = createColRectangle ( unpack( b ) ) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot,criandoareas) function entrando( pHitElement ) if getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'player' then outputChatBox("[BOSS] - Você entrou em área BOSS.", pHitElement, 0, 145, 0, true) elseif getElementData(pHitElement,"zombie") and getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'ped' then killPed(pHitElement) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", zona, entrando) function saindo( pHitElement ) if getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'player' then outputChatBox("[BOSS] - Você saiu da área BOSS.", pHitElement, 145, 0, 0, true) elseif getElementData(pHitElement,"zombie") and getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'ped' then killPed(pHitElement) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", zona, saindo)1 point
@iMrKaZaNoFa م جربته لكن شوف ذا لان مامعي رولي بلاي بس جربه addEvent("fadeCameraOnSpawn", true) addEventHandler("fadeCameraOnSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), function() start = getTickCount() end ) local bRespawn = nil function showRespawnButton(victimDropItem) showCursor(true) local width, height = 201,54 local scrWidth, scrHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x = scrWidth/2 - (width/2) local y = scrHeight/1.1 - (height/2) bRespawn = guiCreateButton(x, y, width, height,"Respawn",false) timlab = guiCreateLabel(x,y-50,width*4,height,"60",false) guiSetEnabled ( bRespawn,false ) RespTime = setTimer ( guiSetEnabled,60*1000,1,bRespawn,true ) remaining = getTimerDetails ( RespTime ) setLab = setTimer( function() if isTimer(RespTime) then guiSetText(timlab,math.floor(remaining/1000)) else killTimer(setLab) end end,1000,62) guiSetFont(bRespawn,"sa-header") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bRespawn, function () if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) bRespawn = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end triggerServerEvent("es-system:acceptDeath", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), victimDropItem) showCursor(false) end, false) end addEvent("es-system:showRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:showRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),showRespawnButton) function closeRespawnButton() if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) bRespawn = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end addEvent("es-system:closeRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:closeRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),closeRespawnButton)1 point
لان الفنكشنات هذي مصممة انها تستقبل الزاوية بالراديان اذا عوضت فيها زاوية بالدرجات، راح تطلع لك قيم خاطئة1 point
Those commands are built-in to MTA. If you want to remove the ability for people to use them, you can do so by adding these lines in acl.xml under the Everyone and Default groups: <right name="command.login" access="false"></right> <right name="command.register" access="false"></right> I may be wrong and you only need to add these in one of the aforementioned groups, but to be safe, add them in both.1 point
1 point
اطرح لي اكواد الملف حق الواستد ملف حق لما اللاعب يموت .. وانا اعدل لك عليه واسوي لك الي تبيه . وأعطيه لك دون مقابل .1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
ووووووووووووووووواصل html لغة كويس وفي منها اصدارت كنت بتعلم منها كام درس سهلة وحلوة وتنفع مصمم الويب بالتوفيق لك1 point
You can alternatively update to the latest VS2017 version (15.6) which contains the bugfix.1 point
طبعا كلهم مختارهم عشوائي وكلهم تقريبا اصدقائي واخوياي م عدا عبد الكريم ونصور لاكنهم ساعدوني ببدايتي بالمنتدي MyBestProgrammers = { {"#Soking"}, {"iMr.Wifi"}, {"Ahmed Ly"}, {"Default"}, {"MR.GRAND"}, {"Master_MTA"}, {"Abu-Solo"}, {"!#NssoR"}, {"MR.S3D"}, {"Killer Project"}, {"MR.StoRm"}, {"Abdul KariM"}, {"DTC12"}, {"Jupiter"}, {"xIRock"}, {"DABL"} }1 point
1 point
To start off with some good news: There is already a pretty detailed compile guide: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Compiling_MTASA Also, we started documenting some parts in the past: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Category:Classes_(Blue) https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Coding_guidelines https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Coding_info https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Category:Development And now the bad news: The cost of documenting everything is too high compared to the resulting benefit. For most things, there are enough examples, i.e. when implementing a Lua function just string-search for an existing Lua function and copy&paste that code. This approach works fine for the most high-level code. In the lower-level modules (especially Game SA and Multiplayer SA) the explained approach doesn't work very well. But to be honest with you: We don't understand some parts of that code either due to its lack of documentation without reverse engineering it again. Documenting at least parts of that stuff is absolutely needed, but as it just works atm, our approach is to don't touch the running system. However, I could imagine documenting some "basic patterns" like "How to implement a Lua function" or general guides like "How to learn reverse engineering for MTA".1 point
Винс, лучше бы пример добавил (: Вот мой пример правильно оформленного кода -- настройки local tSAMPSettings = { bAllowGlithes = true, -- разрешить баги игры bLimitFPS = true, -- лимит ФПС bLimitPlayersCount = true -- лимит игроков } -- функция-шутка local function fWelcomeBackToSAMP ( ) -- выход, если настройки не найдены if not tSAMPSettings or type(tSAMPSettings) ~= 'table' then return false end if tSAMPSettings.bAllowGlithes then setGlitchEnabled( "quickreload", true ) setGlitchEnabled( "fastmove", true ) setGlitchEnabled( "fastfire", true ) setGlitchEnabled( "crouchbug", true ) end if tSAMPSettings.bLimitFPS then setFPSLimit(25) end if tSAMPSettings.bLimitPlayersCount then setMaxPlayers(500) end return true end1 point
Sorry, but i can't really understand what you are trying to say.0 points
function Nightmare( ) local hour,minutes = getTime( ) if ( hour >= 6 ) and ( hour < 12 ) then local sound = playSound ( "day.mp3" ) elseif ( hour >= 12 ) and ( hour < 15 ) then local sound = playSound ( "day.mp3" ) elseif ( hour >= 15 ) and ( hour < 20 ) then local sound = playSound ( "night.mp3" ) elseif ( hour >= 20 ) and ( hour < 24 ) then local sound = playSound ( "night.mp3" ) end setTimer(function() if ( isElement ( sound ) ) then destroyElement ( sound ) end end , 3000 , 1 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart" , resourceRoot , Nightmare ) how the sound will start?0 points