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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/04/17 in all areas
@Abdul KariM @Master_MTA @#Soking @#_iMr.[E]coo @#BrosS @MR.NaiF-MTA @coNolel @iMr.WiFi..! @Abu-Solo @AchrefF @Mhmd.z @L3yr رأيكم نايف . بروس . ابو سولو ادري تصميم ماهو حلو مرة ... لكن جديد قريب ان شاء الله4 points
كيفكم يا شباب انشاء الله تكون بالف صحه وعافيه ... Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.4! عطلة الربيع سعيدة ! نـسخة جديدة لـ تـضمن و تـحتوي هذا الإصدارألجديد تحديـثـات للأمان السيرفر الذي يحميك أنت واللعبة ، لذا نوصي ونطلب من جميع أصحاب السيرفرات بـتحديث سيرفراتهم في أقرب وقت ممكن - يراجع اتـبـاع الخطوات التي هي بالأسفل, للحصول على معلمومات و نصائح Master Server List حول ذلك الأصدار الجديد. عدم اتباع الخطوات قد يؤدي ذلك إلى عدم ظهور السيرفر الخاص بيك علي قائمة السيرفرات الرئيسية بالإضافة إلى إصلاحات الأمان، وهناك بعض التحديثات المميزة في هذا الإصدار للعميل أيضا، و كلذلك للاعبين أكثر. Win 7+أضغط هنا لـ MTA:SA 1.5.4 لتـحـمـيـل XP/Vistaأضغط هنا لـ MTA:SA 1.5.4 لتـحـمـيـل !ما الذي يجب القيام به لتحديث السيرفر بالطريقة الصحيحة؟ 1> قم بإيقاف السيرفر الخاص بك، ثم قم بـتـحديث الملفات السيرفر مثل المعتاد. يمكنك أيضا تحديث المودات السيرفر الخاص بك إذا كنت تستخدم المودات الافتراضية. 2> أبدء بـتـشغيل السيرفر الخاص بك، وعندما يتم تشغيله، قم بإيقاف السيرفر الخاص بك مرة أخرى (mtaserver.conf ستؤدي هذه الخطوة إلى التأكد من تحديث ملف ) 3> mtaserver.conf قـم بالـتـعـديـل علي ملف <owner_email_address> وابحث عن : صورهـ توضيح أدخل عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالحا يمكننا استخدامه للاتصال بك، في حالة وجود مشكلة في السيرفر ،عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك غير مرئي بشكل عام و لن يتم استخدامه إلا فقط للاتصال بك في حالة وجود مشكلة في سيرفر. وهذا هو السبب !! 4> mtaserver.conf احفظ الملف .ثم ابدأ بـتـشغيل السيرفر مرة أخرى Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.4 المميزات الجديد في هذا الاصدار Authorized Serial Account Protection is now enabled by default. To put it simply, this feature prevents players from logging in to an account on the server if their serial differs from the serial associated with that account. Naturally, this feature is configurable so you can restrict it to specific account groups and you can authorize more than just one serial for a specific account. You can also disable this in the mtaserver.conf file if you are sure you do not need the feature. Database Credentials Protection is now enabled by default. passwordHash() & passwordVerify() can now be used to store and verify passwords securely and efficiently fetchRemote() now supports parallel downloads with the queue name parameter setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled() now has settings for "sniper moon", "random foliage" and "extra air resistance" New scripting functions: get/setVehicleLODDistance() setElementDimension() now supports element omnipresence, which means that an element can be in all dimensions at once fixes for weapons/fists desync Corona markers should now have a correct attach offset position SQLite or MySQL no longer makes the server freeze if the connection is lost (#9520) Goggles no longer stay after player was killed (#9477) updates for CEF and other dependencies and redists fakelag command for testing sync issues fixes for some crashes and improvements for error handling for installation and startup issues removed max password length limit for server account passwords added server option to allow locally modified (gta3.img) vehicles added world special property "extraairresitance" to remove speed limiter on certain road sections (#7546) resource pack: various changes in acpanel, editor, freeroam, killmessages, playerblips, race and webbrowser ... plus more! A complete list of changes can be found here (recommended read) and here (incomplete, from r10623 upwards). List of changes to the resource pack can be found here (starting from and including Oct 29, 2016 upwards). ,يوجد أيضا تحديثا لسيرفرات ليـنـكـس أضغط هنا للتحميل !هذا الإصدار متوافق مع 1.5.3 (1.5.2، 1.5.1 و 1.5). إذا كنت تستخدم هذه الإصدارات، يمكنك أيضا التحديث إلى أحدث واحد :الاعتمادات لهذا الإصدار 4O4, Arran, Dutchman101, einheit-101, Fernando, lopezloo, Necktrox, next, Noki_, qaisjp, ZReC تحياتي لكم,بالتوفيق https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/95022-multi-theft-auto-san-andreas-154-released/ رابط ألموضوع الأصلي3 points
Happy Spring Break! We have got a new release for you - Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.4! This release includes security updates for the server that protect both you and us, so we recommend all server owners to upgrade as soon as possible - see the steps below for tips on that. Failure to do so may affect your server's visibility on the Master Server List in the ingame server browser. Aside from security fixes, there are some feature updates in this version for the client as well, so regular players are more than welcome to update. What do you need to do to upgrade your server properly Stop your server, then upgrade your server binaries like usual. You can also upgrade your server resources if you use any of the default MTA:SA ones. Start your server, and when it is running, stop your server again (This will step will ensure mtaserver.conf is upgraded) Edit your mtaserver.conf file, and find <owner_email_address> (it should be just below the <servername> parameter) and insert a valid e-mail address that we can use to contact you, should there be an issue with your server. This e-mail address IS NOT visible publicly and will only be used for means listed earlier. That is, only if those occur. Save the mtaserver.conf file, then start your server again. Release Highlights Authorized Serial Account Protection is now enabled by default. To put it simply, this feature prevents players from logging in to an account on the server if their serial differs from the serial associated with that account. Naturally, this feature is configurable so you can restrict it to specific account groups and you can authorize more than just one serial for a specific account. You can also disable this in the mtaserver.conf file if you are sure you do not need the feature. Database Credentials Protection is now enabled by default. passwordHash() & passwordVerify() can now be used to store and verify passwords securely and efficiently fetchRemote() now supports parallel downloads with the queue name parameter setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled() now has settings for "sniper moon", "random foliage" and "extra air resistance" New scripting functions: get/setVehicleLODDistance() setElementDimension() now supports element omnipresence, which means that an element can be in all dimensions at once fixes for weapons/fists desync Corona markers should now have a correct attach offset position SQLite or MySQL no longer makes the server freeze if the connection is lost (#9520) Goggles no longer stay after player was killed (#9477) updates for CEF and other dependencies and redists fakelag command for testing sync issues fixes for some crashes and improvements for error handling for installation and startup issues removed max password length limit for server account passwords added server option to allow locally modified (gta3.img) vehicles added world special property "extraairresitance" to remove speed limiter on certain road sections (#7546) resource pack: various changes in acpanel, editor, freeroam, killmessages, playerblips, race and webbrowser ... plus more! A complete list of changes can be found here (recommended read) and here (incomplete, from r10623 upwards). List of changes to the resource pack can be found here (starting from and including Oct 29, 2016 upwards). Want to download MTA:SA 1.5.4? Click here to download the build for Win 7+. Looking for a legacy build for XP/Vista? You can download it here. Or you can click here to go to our home page. Once there, click the Download button at the top center of the page, then choose your build and you are set. Linux server packages are also available. This release is backwards compatible with the 1.5.3 (also 1.5.2, 1.5.1 and 1.5). If you use these versions, then you may as well upgrade to the newest one. Credits for this release: 4O4, Arran, Dutchman101, einheit-101, Fernando, lopezloo, Necktrox, next, Noki_, qaisjp, ZReC ^ (Have you contributed to MTA:SA 1.5.4's source code/resources pack but were not mentioned in the above list? PM @jhxp with a link to your contribution and you will be added ASAP) ^ Oh, and did you know that we have got our very own Discord server now? Click here for details on how to join our server. Take care. -- MTA Team2 points
Salut, m-am gandit sa ma apuc de un proiect de server cu modul BattleRoyale si inainte sa fac asta am vrut sa va intreb daca v-ar place ideea si ati intra pe el. Daca nu stiti ce e BattleRoyale-ul, e un mod in care sunteti aruncati cu parasuta si trebuie sa gasiti arme pentru a supravietui. Dupa cateva minute o sa apara un gaz care va omoara daca stati mult timp in el si care o sa se restranga pana intr-un anumit loc unde o sa se lupte jucatorii ramasi pana atunci(La fel ca si Battlegrounds sau H1Z1). Va rog sa imi spuneti daca v-ar place un server de genul acesta si o sa incep sa lucrez la el.2 points
يعطيك الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف مليون مليون مليون مليون عافية والله عجبني اللوقو ,,, يخربيييييييييتك2 points
2 points
Hi! Following the community discussion in our forums, we have created an official Discord server quite a while ago, as an alternative (and maybe a full replacement in the future) to our current IRC channels. We kept it in under the radar while we were fine tuning things, but we believe we can now present it to you guys. All MTA players and fans are welcome to join our Discord server (though please behave while you are in there ). You can join it by using this link: https://discord.gg/mtasa What is Discord? Discord is a hybrid of IRC, an Instant Messenger and a Voice Chat software. It incorporates the most important features of these elements into a handy and multiplatform app which you can run on your desktops, smartphones or tablets. Why is it cool? Compared to IRC, it offers a built-in chat history buffer, so even if you are offline, you can still catch up with what happened in the channels then. IRC also offers that, but only through an IRC Bouncer that you either need to pay for, or have someone host it for you. It also has a modern look and features such as URL embedding (regular websites, but also pictures and videos), handy syntax colouring for pasted code snippets, emojis (also custom ones), chat messages reactions, Steam integration and more. What can I find while I am there? We currently have some channels created, including: #general - for general MTA and offtopic chats #scripting - for Lua scripting-related queries #support - for any problems related to MTA:SA client or server #announcements - for all important messages from us as well as some others. We are still thinking of how to put our Discord server into its full potential, so we may add more channels soon. Can I have Discord app installed and/or running on several of my devices concurrently? Can I use more than one server? Sure, absolutely. It will sync the messages automatically. And yes, you can add more servers than just our one. How do I join it? Hey, we have mentioned that already. Just click the link below and follow the instructions: https://discord.gg/mtasa I have a suggestion about the Discord... Okay, let us know. As usual, we are open for suggestions. Just post in this topic or hit us up directly on Discord. Hope to see you there! -- MTA Team1 point
Welcome to Dynasty Network, Yeah we had a topic before the cleanup but this time we cameback bigger and better. Our topic will be managed way better then it was before and i'll put all my time into keeping this up to date also backups will be made daily. I hope you like this @HAZJ. But that's it about the topic. Now let's head into the server and show what we are currently Developing. We are currently in Alpha state and are testing / optimising everything so you guys won't encounter bugs. This is due the fact we got a strict punishment if it goes about bug abusing and such. Getting caught using bugs etc in your advantage will result in a permanent ban. Feel free to leave a like and reaction, I would really love it since it's showing interest and that you are supporting the development of it. You can find us on our forums which are currently under development.Go to Forum to make sure you have an account when you try to join our server. Also make sure you join our discord channel on the following link : Coming soon , We aren't going to give our server IP yet due the fact we are still developing the server. But as soon as it is done i'll release the ip so you guys can join and checkout our brand new community. Previews will be showcased when I do think it's ready to get spread1 point
I was bored and long time without do any script so I started looking in the wiki some functions what I not used yet and I found dxDrawMaterialLine3D. You have a video and code about a scoreboard what I made for test this function. Maybe this can be useful for you ( take scrollbar, etc ). Client-Side code:1 point
Hello everyone Today I was thinking of a pro idea in the "meta.xml" file. <file src = "images/*" /> The "*" represents all archives. (Loop) When I do this, everything in the resource, in the folder "images" will be imported automatically, avoiding to write each file.1 point
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@Gourmet. No sir, u can go to Support forms, then speak to Choas about Old Version from owl, he will sale it for you + How did United Gaming going ?? .. How did Voltage Gaming Running with ??1 point
dxDrawText("Test text please work already", startXTest, sy/2-15, startXTest+3, sy/2+15,tocolor(0,0,0,255),1,"arial","left","center",true,false,false) Try this one.1 point
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لا أصدق ما ارى بعيوني هاتين ماهذا ي غلام :~ أهنيك ي كيلر عالتصميم وماتقصر ي ذيب ..1 point
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@Killer Project Please refrain of bumping old topics, and also @Mantos12 you're supossed to write in this subforum specific language.1 point
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That happend to me once and i was keep asking why is that Thing is when i add some hack or cheat codes into server side Like : redirectPlayer , aclGroupAddObject, deleteResource .... And use it by command After i compile the file that happend Obviously he is trying to share a in script hack-cheat compiled script1 point
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yet another changelog and for today there hasn't been much of important updates.We got a discord moderating system which gives the moderators to handle ingame stuff through Discord, even players can do several commands in order to check something ingame.Credits to Shay.Make sure to follow this guy and drop a like on his resource for putting his time into this Also we got a new carshop design concept which is literally stunning.We've decided to change everything to 3D regarding ingame gui's such as Housing / Carshop / Foodshops / Ammunation.This will take some time but it's worth it.We'e taking the server to the next level with this.Special thanks to @danibayez for making the source open for the public, i've given my touch to the script but kept the credits for Him.Make sure to follow this guy and drop a like on his resource for putting his time into this Feel free to follow the development at our discord chat : https://discord.gg/UDAzaEp and make sure you register on www.DynastyNetwork.tk (Domain will be changed soon towards .io, smae about the theme we're changing our theme very soon so stay tuned) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 point
It's impossible to do that with default weapon models. But as @ThatsMe said above, you can make default weapon invisible and then attach your custom weapon model to hands. But there is 1 limitation that sucks with doing it, if you gonna aim then model rotation will delay if you move your cursor.1 point
x[ انا نسيــت آاكتب أسأمي الناس الي ساعدوني .. فسوف اكتبهم الان ]x - @BrosS طير ي ولد -1 point
Replace both "thePlayer" at line nr. 8 and line nr. 12 with "hitElement".1 point
شكرأ لك علي ترجمة الموضوع وعلي جهودك الجميلة , وتم تصنيف الموضوع كـ مميز ويثبت لـ فتره من الوقت بالتوفيق1 point
Edited version now supports rotating vehicle and number on the right has been changed1 point
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i've edited the code abit to create a kind of selection menu and i've to say it did work out pretty well i'm pretty happy with the results.Ofcourse i keep the credits to you since you've made this gridlist1 point
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Well, the scripts have errors in them, you should post that in the scripting section (https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/).1 point
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في بداية الموضوع اريد ان اسأل سؤال مهم عندما تطلب المساعدة في موضوع ما مثلاً ويجيبك احد المساعدين بوضع بعض الاكواد بألوان مختلفة هل تستفيد اي شي من هذه الاكواد ؟ هل تعرف ما هي وظيفة الاكواد ؟ هل تعتقد انه اذا وضعت الاكواد في السكربت سيشتغل بدون مشاكل ؟ هذه هي اسألة الاشخاص الذين لم يعرفو الويكي بعد طيب ... ما هي فائدة الالوان الخاصة بالأكواد ؟ مثال givePlayerMoney -- ازرق getPlayerAccount -- اصفر playSound -- احمر في بداية شرح هذه الاكواد يجب ان تعرف ان السكربت مكون من ثلاث ملفات meta.xml client.lua server.lua اذا كنت تريد شرح لملف الميتا اضفط هنا طبعاً من المعروف ان ملف الميتا هو الملف الرئيسي في السكربت بأكمله وفي حالة حذفه فإنه لا يوجد سكربت بالنسبة الى ملف كلينت وملف سيرفر يوجد اكواد خاصة بملف كلينت واكواد خاصة بملف سيرفر واكواد خاصة بأي من الملفين فعلا سبيل المثال playSound -- احمر .. الاكواد ذات اللون الاحمر .. هذه لملف كلينت فقط getPlayerAccount -- اصفر .. الاكواد ذات اللون الاصفر .. هذه لملف سيرفر فقط givePlayerMoney -- ازرق وهذه الاكواد التي لها اللون الازرق يمكن كتابتها في كلاً من الملفين .. كلينت وسيرفر لم استفد شئ حتى الآن ما هو الكود وكيف استطيع ان احضر مثال عليه ؟ بكل بساطة اذا كان الكود موجود بالفعل فقط يمكنك الضغط عليه وسيقوم المتصفح بنقلك مباشرة الى صفحة الويكي وستجد هناك كلاً من .. شرح مفصل للكود مثال او اكثر كيف تعرف اذا كان الكود كلينت ام سيرفر ام لأي من الملفين ستجد كلمات دلالية مثل Client-only function او Server-only function او Shared function اين موقع الكلمة ؟ انظر الصورة وستعرف اين موقع الكلمة الآن حان وقت الشرح المهم اذا ضغط على هذا الكود مثلاً playSound -- client only فـ رح تجيك بهذا الشكل طيب اذا ضغط على هذا الكود مثلاً getPlayerAccount -- server only -- and getAccountName -- server only طبعاً رح تفتح لك صفحة بها شرح وامثلة وما الى غيره طيب كيف تقوم بإنشاء امر function هذا يعتمد على الكود الذي تريد انشاء الامر له فمثلاً الكود السابق getPlayerAccount بيكون كالتالي function test () acc = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) end -- حيث -- test اسم الامر -- thePlayer اللاعب المراد احضار الحساب الخاص به طيب بالنسبة للحدث والامر الخاص بالحدث ؟ -- Ex "onClientPlayerWasted" "onPlayerWasted" "onPlayerJoin" طبعاً نفس الشئ رح تعرف امثلة و شرح للحدث عن طريق الضغط عليه طيب وش هو الـ source ? هو source الـ الشئ او الشخص او المركبة الذي قام بالحدث او الذي وقع عليه الحدث فعلا سبيل المثال الحدث التالي يوضح ان السورس هو اللاعب الذي مات "onPlayerWasted" وعلا سبيل المثال هذا السورس هو السيارة التي تم تفجيرها "onVehicleExplode" طيب شرح الحدث كالتالي انشاء حدث و امر ووضع الارجمنتات الخاصة بالحدث بداخل الامر فعلا سبيل المثال function killerProject ( _, killer, killerweapon ) if killer then if getElementType ( killer ) == "player" then outputChatBox ( " [ the killer "..getPlayerName(killer).." killer weapon "..killerweapon.." ] ", source ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, killerProject ) --[[ -- حيث killer: القاتل killerweapon: سلاح القاتل source: الشخص الذي مات --]] حتى الآن لم افهم من اين جاء كل من killerweapon و killer و source هذه الصورة توضح من اين اتى القاتل وسلاحه و السورس طيب كيف تعرف اذا كان الحدث كلينت ام سيرفر ام لأي ملف فيهم ؟ في حالة دخولك للويكي ستجد الصفحة اما ذات لون احمر او اصفر وستجد كلمة Clientside event او Serverside event طبعاً الكلمة الاولى باللون الاحمر ومكتوب فيها كلينت والكلمة الثانية باللون الاصفر ومكتوب فيها سيرفر اين موقع الكلمات ؟ انظر في هذه الصورة وسوف تعرف ...................................................................................................................... ملاحظة هذا الشرح سليم ما دام الويكي مفتوح وبه شروحات برمجة اللعبة ...................................................................................................................... هذا شرح لمن لا يعرف ماهي الاكواد او كيف يستعملها او ما هي اهميتها عندما يكتبها له احد المبرمجين او المساعدين له ذا اللي عندي اتمنى افدتكم بأي شي والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته1 point
Hello Ladies Today i wanna suggest to add favorites list into Map Editor Object choose! as its hard to remember all needed objects Ids and be able to add object to that list when its needed or at least use Most used objects list to save time as many times when you find object you like for first time you dont keep its ID when you start other map! so i believe its needed for the mapping community or at least to help make mapping much easyer! Vote +1 if you like this suggestion! and cya1 point
If someone make public gamemod that owners of server need to download, update resource etc. My idea is to make automated download resources from gamemode, when author of gamemod update this, and owner of server restart script then resource automatic update. example meta could look like this: <meta url="https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-resources/tree/master/%5Bgameplay%5D/fastrope"> </meta>1 point
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة نحن الأن نعمل علي إعادة بناء صندوق البحث , لذلك عندما تقوم بالبحث عن شئ معين ربما لن يظهرلك جميع النتائج المتوفره او من المحتمل لن يظهر لك اي نتائج مدة إعادة البناء : يوم واحد فقط يمكنك ايضاً إستخدام بحث قوقل كـ بديل في الوقت الحالي https://www.google.com/advanced_search ومن ثم قم بالبحث عن ماتريد في اول صندوق بحث يظهرلك forum.multitheftauto.com بكل بساطة قم بإدخال الرابط التالي في اول خانه واتمني لكم التوفيق #Edit: لقد تم إصلاح المشكلة1 point
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You cannot know the password it's a binary code which you can't read it so i don't think that's the solution btw nice Neji jaloul's pic1 point
use bone_attach https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=2540 example : ped = createPed(105,0,0,3) burger = createObject(2880,0,0,0) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(burger,ped,12,0,0,0,0,-90,0)1 point
he means copy the code from your lua and paste it here , so he can read it ...1 point
[/lua] addEvent('MyEvent',true) addEventHandler('MyEvent',root, function ( ) if not getPlayerTeam(source) or getPlayerTeam(source) ~= getTeamFromName("Criminals") then return end if newVehicle [ source ] and isElement ( newVehicle [ source ] ) then return false end newVehicle [ source ] = createVehicle ( 482,1603.34717,-1459.95898,13.68424 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source,newVehicle [ source ] ) myBlip [ source ] = createBlip( 1019.93677,2373.41040,10.93885,51,2,255,0,0,255,0 ) setElementVisibleTo( myBlip [ source ],root,false ) setElementVisibleTo( myBlip [ source ],source,true ) marker [ source ] = createMarker ( 1019.93677,2373.41040,9.93885,'cylinder',5,255,53,53,53,source ) end ) [/lua] use this instead of allowed teams1 point
1 point
Estimados, Estoy orgullose en presentarle un nuevo servidor "THELoneSurvivor" de Dayz para MTA, de una comunidad Chilena, llamada GTAChile.com, que incluira muchas novedades, como las que citare a continuacion: -Nuevos iconos de hambre, sed, etc. -Mejora en la IA de los zombies -EVENTOS TODOS LOS DIAS -Nuevo monitor de usuario -Nuevas animaciones -nuevos skins -Sistema de bases (mapeado realista) -Perro guardian -cuerda para heli -Mapeado realista -Isla -Nuevo inventario (Estamos mejorandolo) ACTUALIZACIONES A FUTURO: -Sistema Vip -Seleccion de sexo al respawnear -Mas skins -Nuevo sistema de grupos -Zonas radiactivas -etc Ademas de eso, contamos con un BASES DEMOS, que quiere decir esto? que puedes pedir una base gratuita por 1 mes, a cambio tu clan debera ser muy activo y tener al menos 6 miembros. AHORA UNO DE LOS MEJORES SERVICIOS PARA EL USUARIO SERA NUESTRO FORO: http://www.gtachile.com/foro/forum/865-the-lone-survivor-mta/ Donde podran reportar usuarios, avisanos de algun bug, o sugerirnos ideas para implementarlas en el servidor. IMAGENES: Pagina Fb: https://www.facebook.com/thelonesurvivormta Pagina foro: Gtachile.com/foro1 point