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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة حبيت اقدم لك وظيفة تساعدكم في التايمرات قد لا تكون مهمة للبعض وتافهة لكن تفيد كثير باذن الله الوظيفة هي كالتالي تقوم بتحويل الايام - الاسابيع - الشهور - السنين الي ميلي سيكوند المستخدم في التايمر بدال ماتحسب وتحوس تختصر عليك بوضع عدد الايام او الاسابيع او الخ aTimerSecondsToMethod سورس الكود : function aTimerSecondsToMethod ( aMethod,aCount ) assert ( type ( aMethod ) == 'string','[1]Argument method is wrong please make sure it is there and its a string with days or wtf.' ) assert ( type ( aCount ) == 'number','[2]Argument method is wrong please make sure it is there and its a number' ) if aMethod == 'Days' then aCountHours = 24; elseif aMethod == 'Weeks' then aCountHours = 168; elseif aMethod == 'Months' then aCountHours = math.ceil ( 730.484398 ); elseif aMethod == 'Years' then aCountHours = math.ceil ( 8765.8127 ); end return aCount*aCountHours*60*60*1000; end; ملاحظة هامة : الحسبة بالنسبة للشهور والسنين ليست دقيقة وسوف تزيد بضع ساعات وقد يكون أكثر مالي خبرة كبيرة في الحسابات او الماث عموماً ماتفرق واجد على المدى البعيد كم ساعه فقط وأتمنى تكون مفيدة واللي مايعرف يستخدمها يطلب بـ رد وأمثل لة عليها وبالله التوفيق4 points
http://www.convertunits.com/from/days/to/millisecond -- تحويل الايام الى ميلي سيكوند اللي هو التايمر او الوقت المستخدم في اللعبه http://www.convertunits.com/from/weeks/to/millisecond -- تحويل الاسابيع الى ميلي سيكوند اللي هو التايمر او الوقت المستخدم في اللعبه http://www.convertunits.com/from/months/to/millisecond -- تحويل الشهور الى ميلي سيكوند اللي هو التايمر او الوقت المستخدم في اللعبه http://www.convertunits.com/from/years/to/millisecond -- تحويل السنين الى ميلي سيكوند اللي هو التايمر او الوقت المستخدم في اللعبه عشان يكون عندك وتحفظها لك وللزمن ومنها تستفيد لابغيتها لاحقاً3 points
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته جبت لكم مود كتابة علي شاشة اللاعبين من تصميمي تحديث جديد مع اضافة كلام dx وحل مشكلة اللاق ( المود يفتح من حرف ظ او من اف 8 اكتب ) Sender المميزات : =================== 1- الوان مختلفه 2- يجي صوت لـ كل اللاعبين لما تكتب رسالة 3- لما تضغط زرار تفعيل الخاصية بيفتحلك الايديت والزرار حق ارسال الرسالة 4 - المود يفتح عن طريق السريال 5- اضافة ميزة الاختصارات 6- تم اضافة ميزة تشغيل الالوان العشوائية واطفائها 7 - تم اضافة لوحة ارسال رسالة في الشات (جديد) َء 8- تم اضافة لوحة ارسال دي اكس مع اصوات وايقونات 9 - تقدر أنك تغير الايقونات والصوت, 10 - رأيكم يهمني Bugs Fixed: تم اصلاح مشكلة ايقاف وتشغيل اللون العشوائي -1 ============================= اذا فيه مشاكل ولا شئ او اي شئ تبغوني اضيفه فـ المود كلموني المود مو مشفر لــعيونكم # لـ فتح اللوحة اضغط حرف ظ او من اف 8 اكتب ( Sender ) ========================================= # تم ازالة الاصدارات القديمة # ======================== تحميل اصدار اضافة dx # تم التحديث وحل مشكلة اللوحة لو تبي تضيف سريالك خش ملف Client وحط سريالك صورة الاصدار الجديد - الاصدار الجديد # التحميل - اصدار اضافة قديم dx http://up.top4top.net/downloadf-416noc9u1-zip.html لتحميل اصدار يشمل dx وجميع المميزات (2018) https://up.top4top.net/downloadf-797qwwrl1-zip.html ======================================= الاضافات: 1 - اضافة لوحة جديدة ( لوحة ارسال رسالة دي اكس )ء 2 - تغيير خلفية المود 3 - اصلاح بعض المشاكل 4 - ازالة التايمر, 5 - حل مشكلة اللاق ====================================== اصدار (2018)ء 1- تم وضع مميزات جديده 2 - تم وضع لوحة تحديثات للمود 3 - تم ازالة اللاق من المود نهائيأ 4 - تم التحديث الي اخر اصدار ,2 points
AVH - Advanced Vehicle Handling, is a new car physics that replaces standart RenderWare physics in GTA SA. Video demonstrating general features: Development history:1 point
That's because that's not a correct for loop in this case it's also useful to use ipairs. Another thing: you will be overwriting cameraTimer In the below code i will be using local variables as they're faster local cameralocations = { { 1483.3354492188, -1719.1064453125, 50.896812438965, 1481.7545166016, -1803.435546875, -2.8257052898407 }, { 1429.7171630859, -1709.8178710938, 20.389394760132, 1345.8790283203, -1666.9763183594, -13.311774253845 }, { 1085.6225585938, -1797.7232666016, 19.463459014893, 1185.4050292969, -1796.0799560547, 25.848203659058 }, { 1199.8775634766, -1324.5711669922, 26.630777359009, 1108.8699951172, -1321.8992919922, -14.72714138031 }, { 1353.8889160156, -1280.1647949219, 19.625982284546, 1446.3851318359, -1283.6138916016, -18.22318649292 }, { 1418.2659912109, -890.18493652344, 85.20630645752, 1403.9643554688, -791.30133056641, 89.388885498047 }, } local cameraTimers = {} function tutorial() for index,location in ipairs(cameralocations) do if isTimer( cameraTimers[index] ) then killTimer(cameraTimers[index]) cameraTimers[index] = nil end cameraTimers[index] = setTimer( setCameraMatrix, 5000, 1, location[1], location[2], location[3], location[4], location[5], location[6] ) end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, tutorial) This should what you wanted to do. Also notice this is completely useless since the timers are going to be executed all after 5s, so actually only the last location will be shown: wait 5s, set camera matrix to loc1, set camera matrix to loc2, ......., set camera matrix to loc6 -> only loc6 landscape will be visible (loc stands for location) If you want to change the location every 5s in a loop then tell us and it will be shown to you. like this: set to loc1, wait 5s, set to loc2, wait 5s, set to loc3, wait5s, ...., set to loc6, wait 5s, restart from loc11 point
The best option and the only option is to make a server browser that doesn't load GTA_SA.exe. If they won't do that I won't see FLA implemented in MTA.1 point
Yes, he's calling setTimer function inside a loop, it will not work. Regarding the loop, I already warned him.1 point
مالقيت اي موقع رسمي للعبة يوفر ملفات سيرفر اللعبة ================================================================== تم اضافة خوادم ويندوز و تغير خطط و اسعار خوادم اللينكس http://tapleto-host.net/ar/vps.php1 point
Come, let's solve this problem quickly. The MTA team, get decided, do not wait years, it doesn't lead to anything. ]1 point
1 point
1 point
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick',day, function ( ) triggerServerEvent ( 'ss',localPlayer,guiGetText(name) ) end,false )1 point
عمل وجميل ورائع الافضل تسوية دي اكس في الاصدار القادم تصميماً أفضل و تضيف لوق للرسائل المرسولة ومن ارسلها ومتى وتسوي كود يمنع السبام وضيف اشياء من عندك أستمر ..1 point
Thanks @lordhenry, for all the suggestions! Some of the stuff you mentioned isn't new to us and we've thought about a lot of it before already. We cannot sync it with the audio unfortunately because the audio is coming from the CEF browser and there's no functions or anything to get or read the audio. I agree with a command to open/close the panel so people can bind it to any key they want and removing the F2 bind and adding a close button. Night time doesn't change the server time, it's set locally, however I agree that it might be problematic on servers where the time matters like on rpg servers. We're looking into a shader currently that will darken the room instead of changing the time. The bug when typing text into the browser was already fixed at the start but I've noticed too that it doesn't work all the time. I will look into this. This is a sweet idea and I've thought about it before as well. Maybe in the far future but don't expect anything to happen. I've always wondered why sometimes some random money spawned outside the cinema... now I know. As for the other suggestions, we will take them into consideration. I'm thinking about replacing the entire panel with a new one but I haven't quite decided on it yet. If I am then I will make sure there's no fixed binds and a command for every action and it will take care of unused settings and custom huds as well. Please note that we're pretty busy and that we can't be working on this resource every day. It might take a long time before we can add in any of the suggested features or they might not make it in at all due to lack of time. Please bear with us! Again, thank you for all the suggestions. We appreciate it a lot!1 point
1 point
تمت إزالة الردود السابقة وتمت مخالفة احد الاعضاء بسبب عدم إحترامه لـ عضو اخر ويرجي من الجميع الإلتزام بقوانين المنتدي لتجنب المخالفات وبالتوفيق للجميع1 point
Compara su posición cada X tiempo, si no cambió lo matas.1 point
You should avoid vortexservers. They have way to many problems. Try evolution host instead. About the same prices but no problems at all.1 point
There is no reason to run MTA with different limit adjustments. Thus, easiest way would be to max out all (necessary) limits and run MTA with this configuration instead of making things more complex than they should be.1 point
We really appreciate your interest in integrating FLA in MTA, but there are a few requirements that have to be met: Only one MTA version (2 versions would lead to fragmentation which is not our intention). The other main problem with a "moddable" version is also that such a version would be very prone to cheating and would lead to frustration due to cheaters on the long term It has to be integrated in a dynamic way. That means: No MTA restarts, but changing the limits on demand via a clientside function (or something similar) Since FLA would require modifications for MTA anyway, I don't see a reason to load FLA via an ASI loader. Instead, it should be merged with the Game SA/Multiplayer SA module. If you are still not deterred by these requirements and think it is affordable, we'd definitely appreciate a pull request on GitHub (and will accept it if the code quality is fine).1 point
System: The ambilights should be sync with audio, not with video. You should add an Exit button, when someone wants to add a commandHandler to open the panel without a bind key. Example: /yt (without the exit button, the player will need to use F8 to use the /yt command because the chat is disabled while the panel is visible.) Remove the F2 bind key, add a commandHandler to open/close the panel. Like /yt. It would be great if remove the option to set night time (and never change the server time) and add the option to enable or disable vehicles inside the cinema. (Like the weapons) There's a bug when the player search for a video using the search bar: When I pressed a binded key (like B) it triggered the resource that it was attached to, but it should not happen, it should be like searching for a resource name on Admin Panel. Add an option to enable/disable HUD while the panel is open. It always bug the non-original HUDs. Remove all "My Options" buttons. None of then works. Remove "M" bindkey, keep only /mute command. Make /proper always enabled by default. Keep all the messages on a XML file, so anyone can translate it without edit the source code. (like the Admin Panel) On a far away future: Staffs can schedule videos to run. Staffs can schedule the cinema to open only from one period of the day to another. Map: Remove the parking machines. When someone destroys them, it leaves money on the ground that can not be collected. Remove the trees on the sidewalk, there's always someone hitting on them. Add a Parking place and put some cars as examples to the players. Keep the perfect job. This is the best cinema of the Universe of GTA.1 point
@Hit+ Hoy me dio por probarlo ya que quería hacer otras cosas también, y, efectivamente, funciona como te dije. El único problema es que el shader debe ser un valor menos de 0.0, es decir, 0.06 está perfecto. Aquí te dejo el código que utilicé y una muestra:1 point
Вам не всё ровно? Как они продают, зачем продают, обманвают ли люедй? Они делают деньги, им плевать на ваше мнение. Нормальные люди делают и нормальное ТЗ и берут к себе нормальных разработчиков. И платят им за проделанную работу, а не за временные куски кода.1 point
guiGetAbsolutePosition(gui gui_element) تقوم الوظيفة بإرجاع الاحداثيات الصحيحة بالنسبة الى الشاشة وليس الالمنت الموجود فيه function guiGetAbsolutePosition(gui_element) if isElement(gui_element) and getElementType(gui_element):find("gui-") then local ax, ay = guiGetPosition(gui_element, false) local cpa = getElementParent(gui_element) while isElement(cpa) do local cpx, cpy = guiGetPosition(cpa, false) ax, ay = ax+cpx, ay+cpy cpa = getElementParent(gui_element) end return ax, ay end return false end1 point