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  3. Taking a look at those milestones really says a lot about the project. It's appears to not in a state of decline per-se, but rather maintenance. I think the world has largely moved on from GTA SA whether we like it or not. There's a tonne of much cooler tech for developers to play with in other mods. There's a tonne of much cooler gameplay mechanics for players in other mods. There's a way more active, motivated and committed teams running those other mods. I think we should be very glad there is still a team here, no matter how small, who still share the passion for the game and want to keep it going. I don't think the excitement or commitment from the MTA Team is the same as what it was 10 years ago. And to be honest, I don't blame them. What do you gain from a roadmap that has a few cool pie-in-the-sky features, but mostly details small improvements, maintenance and platform upkeep? Because to be honest, that's what the roadmap would likely be. Small iterative fixes and improvements are worthy of talking about, I agree. It comes back to this team are doing this in their free time. I would rather they spend their time on MTA on keeping it alive, rather than busywork like updating superfluous roadmaps.
  4. Yesterday
  5. I found the system very good, congratulations! However, there is a problem that makes it unusable... the Youtube API does account verification and this prevents the video from playing, every time you try to play it on the big screen the account verification appears and even if you can enter the account, the system remains unusable, I think there is a way to solve it because there are other less evolved systems that run the video directly to the big screen, there is no account verification, please could you find a solution and update your magnificent project? We would be very grateful, your project is spectacular
  6. Cześć, mam taki problem ze nie umiem wejsc na serwer na laptopie i jest napisane ze mam zablokowany numer seryjny i nie ma podanego powodu. Na innym komputerze moge sie normalnie zalogować wiec bana nie mam i nie wiem o co chodzi. Dodam tylko ze nie używałem żadnego oprogramowania do mta
  7. Last week
  8. ramyarhpr


    Please UnBan Me ! I install trainer For Gtasa ofline
  9. I like it. But it would be cool if the price was lower.
  10. The price is in the main post Thank you!
  11. hola soy una persona MUY nueva en el tema de programar pero decidi igualmente crear todo un server de rol con mi amigo y apenas vi algo de fivem llamado alla como "multi-character" que es basicamente seleccionar entre personajes y que te carguen todos los datos de ese personaje nose si me explico, la cosa es que no tengo ni idea de los pasos de como hacerlo y tal, si alguien me quisiera ayudar se los agradeceria muchisimo la verdad . muchas gracias :3
  12. Testei e está funcionando normalmente. addEventHandler ("onPlayerWeaponFire", root, function (weapon, endX, endY, endZ, hitElement, startX, startY, startZ) createExplosion(endX, endY, endZ, 2, source) iprint("teste") end) No entanto, você deve notar que a explosão não acontece onde o tiro colidiu e sim onde seria o final do tiro. Por exemplo, se você atira numa coisa a explosão normalmente vai acontecer atrás dessa coisa, onde o tiro iria acabar. Se você quer que a explosão aconteça exatamente onde o tiro colidiu (bala explosiva), você deve usar a versão client-side para isso. addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, function (weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ) createExplosion(hitX, hitY, hitZ, 2) end)
  13. kadzuke25

    unreadable chat

    suddenly my chat became unreadable, many ppl says problems with font, but fonts are ok i think so. Pls help
  14. suddenly my chat became unreadable, many ppl says problems with font, but fonts are ok i think so. Pls help
  15. Buenas, estoy haciendo un script que te vende un alimento y quiero que cuando le des click suene un sonido de compra, alguno sabe que puedo usar, porque lo vengo intentando y no funciona, el botón está creado
  16. No puedo jugar en ningún servidor, apenas entro el juego me da time out después de un rato y me desconecta. Puedo jugar tranquilo 25-30 segundos aproximadamente y luego se desconecta, dándome error NETWORK TROUBLE y posteriormente Error CD16. He probado: -servicing.bat -Desconectar el firewall -Crear reglas de entrada y salida para el MTA -Reiniciar el ordenador -Reiniciar el router y nada aún. Y OJO, sólo pasa con mi internet, cuando voy a la casa de mi novia y entro a cualquier servidor de MTA me anda 10/10 Será el router? No sé si hay que hacer algo con respecto a los puertos o que se yo... Por favor, necesito ayuda, estoy haciendo un servidor y no puedo avanzar nada :((
  17. Нікнейм адміністратора:- Особистий нікнейм:Бьяна Литтл Суть скарги:заблокували просто так Доказ видачі покарання (скріншот/відео): https://imgur.com/a/vgLVKPk играю на 02 сервере гта украина Дата походження:06.05.24
  18. Нікнейм адміністратора:- Особистий нікнейм:Бьяна Литтл Суть скарги:заблокували просто так Доказ видачі покарання (скріншот/відео): играю на 0.2 сервере гта украина Дата походження:06.05.24 https://imgur.com/a/vgLVKPk Нікнейм адміністратора:- Особистий нікнейм:Бьяна Литтл Суть скарги:заблокували просто так Доказ видачі покарання (скріншот/відео): играю на 0.2 сервере гта украина Дата походження:06.05.24 https://imgur.com/a/vgLVKPk
  19. Estou tentando executar o seguinte código no server.lua, mais sem sucesso, ao atirar deveria executar esse evento. addEventHandler ("onPlayerWeaponFire", root, function (weapon, endX, endY, endZ, hitElement, startX, startY, startZ) createExplosion(endX, endY, endZ, 2, source); iprint("teste") end )
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