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Is rockstar making a massive online game??

Guest securitywsk

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The mod for vice city my be good for vice city fans but im looking forward to a big online release for GTA (like valve made counter strike). For the huge amount of creativity that rockstar has they will eventually come out w/ it , but my question is WHEN???? The attention is quickly leaving single player games and every1 is going online. Besides rockstar has gone further then any1 ever dreamed for single player games. The only thing they havent conquered yet is the net. :P

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The GTA series has regularily been the top selling game ever. GTA relies on having an exciting and interactive game world that can be explored for ages and a large set of missions and side missions rather than online support. Thats not to say that an mmorpg GTA wouldn't be successful, but it'd be quite a major change of direction for R*.

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(like valve made counter strike)
interesting to recall that Counter Strike was a free, fan-made modification originally :P

There was some talk about GTA4 by the CEO of Rockstar a year or two ago, which I quoted on the forum somewhere (search for it) where he also mentioned their stance in regards to making an online GTA in the future.

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I definitely think R* is going to move towards multiplayer in their next step. Look how they played around with multiplayer in SA, now imagine that on a whole other level.

They've been thinking about making gta multiplayer since gta3, with the hidden Multiplayer menus. (okay, the THREE D gta's, multiplayer)

And since GTA:SA's game engine was basically just a rehash of vice cities with some improvements, it would have been hard for R* to implement net play in SA. They would encounter the same pitfalls that MTA has overcome, even though they would have the source.

I think, GTA's next installment will have a new or redone engine, something to compete with HL2's engine, and

the game will have multiplayer support although still be a initially a single player game, like half-life... it’s a good single player game but also a great online game too...

San Andreas was predictable

in GTA1 the game came with 3 maps, Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas, after the announcement of Vice City, a pattern became obvious, and one day, I typed http://www.gtasanandreas.com and it took me R*'s official site..

My point is, is, now that R* has made a game for each of its original Cities, what’s next? The gta2 city didn’t have a name, as I remember, so then what’s next?

Something big, something unexpected, something fresh.

I noticed that GTA:SA lost popularity rather quickly. Most of my friends were over it, stores stopped displaying it... and I was the first in line for it at my local game store... something's wrong if people aren’t camping out.. or at least getting there earlier than I.

Anyway, hate it or love it, that’s my 2 cents


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It's simpler than that GTAATARI, Rockstar were tied to a contract with sony for the three gta3 based games, gta3, vc, sa. Now they've fulfilled thier contractual obligations they are free to develop for whatever platform they wish, and include multiplayer, develop engines etc. The quote i mentioned in my previous post does touch on gta4 having an entirely new engine.

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  • MTA Team

as far as i know the contracted with Sony has been prolonged for yet another exclusive GTA title. GTA4 is gonna hit the PS3 first and only afterwrds it will come to the PC and maybe the 360.

It is nearly impossible to speculate on multiplayer at this time. One of the main reasons why MP was left out of this trilogy is because it was to difficult to develop a decent mp gameplay on the PS2 and that they were not allowed to make one for the PC version.

The only thing we can do is wait. Wait on an official reaction.

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  s0beit said:
does it seem a little odd that its a bunch of inner city gangs, but they are all white? :lol:

anyways, is this a R* production? or just a solo act kind of thing?..

Probably for those of us who are offended by the racism in San Andreas.

The white man is the most oppressed in the United States, but that's beyond the point of this thread.

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  s0beit said:
and in LA there really isnt any white gangs, belive it or not.

Yeah I know that, so it's not really that big of a deal that everyone is black in San Andreas. But Rockstar does a fairly good job of balancing the game.

It's only a few screenshots so far, so who knows what those people are doing... Plus I imagine you design your own character... ;)

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I havn't read through the two pages , but about MMO's and the GTA style gameplay , I can tell you that one of the persons originally working on the GTA series (I believe he left Rockstar after GTA2) has started a new company called RealTimeWorlds that is working on a game called APB (All Points Bulletin , awful name BTW.) that is supposed to feature a cops&robbers theme in a MMO game.

I can't wait to see how it works out , and I hope it wont be a shame to the gta style (think , Driv3r , Black Monday etc.). I dont think that MTA will go Massive anytime soon tho.


as far as i know the contracted with Sony has been prolonged for yet another exclusive GTA title. GTA4 is gonna hit the PS3 first and only afterwrds it will come to the PC and maybe the 360.

What a total nonsense... As far as I know the XBOX360 is going to be released end 2005 , and the PS3 is going to be released "somewhere" in 2006. Also , the system's specs are very close to eachother http://hardware.gamespot.com/Story-ST-x-1985-x-x-x?tag=boxcar_all_features_image

I think thats real stupid of Rockstar since it's obvious that the new generation of consolles' games will be much more expensive then the current ones , so people will be more likely to wait untill the game comes out on 'their' consolle. I think , release it on all platforms equal. But thats just moi.

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about 53GB if I am correct , but that means that the developers have to make that much content ,too , so a double layer DVD should be enough , and the XBOX360 has been under developement a long time , and yes , they do work fast , I would like it if I could say that from the Windows developement team , too :cry:

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Well they wouldn't be developing the Xbox360 before the Xbox was even out, and the PS2 came out two years before the Xbox (if two years is wrong, replace any number that you fancy). The point is, Sony had 'X' number of years ahead of time to work on the PS3 and Microsoft hasn't had anywhere near that much time.

Unless they started the Xbox360 at the same time or before the Xbox, which would be weird. Why would they backtrack? Oh well, it's Microsoft, they do things like that.

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