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Multi Theft Auto 0.5


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  =TR=njr1489 said:
I was talking about getting somesleep yesterday for those of you hoping it would be released in the middle of the night.

If your reffering to me, my post wasnt directed at you. It was directed at all the ppl who have asked when it will be released or why it hasnt been released yet.

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  Scorp said:
It's like you have a camp outside the MTA headquarters. Waiting in line for the doors to open, for the new product to be released. :?

lol like japanese people did with the PSP Z_z

Thats exactly what i'm saying. Why stay up all night if you don't know if its going to be released that night.

  keerfemag said:
  =TR=njr1489 said:
I was talking about getting somesleep yesterday for those of you hoping it would be released in the middle of the night.

If your reffering to me, my post wasnt directed at you. It was directed at all the ppl who have asked when it will be released or why it hasnt been released yet.

My post wan't directed to you either

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Its been about an hor since they stopped working on the bug. I wonder what is going on right now. I kn ow .5 will be released by the end of today. There is nothing else to work on unless they didn't tell us.

And about that quote I thought mad boy said that. Thats a message to people whoare saying release it now.

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-=[30/1/05 19:15:45]=- schreef:

if the community is gonna keep bitching we are gonna set development on a complete freeze. We work as fast as we can this weekend, preparing for a release, fixing the last problems and all we get is people bitching at us because we don't work fast enough.

lol first they bitch off other mods, because they havent released something for a while, and now they even bitch off mta because it takes a few days longer ??? if mta 0.5 was released now, it could contain some extra bugs. lol and gtat was buggy, most of you didnt like it because of some very bad bugs, but do you like a buggy mta 0.5 then?

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I've played GTAT and it is the worst ever. You crash whe you use a certain car and there are other car problems. I will never play that again.

well thanks for the compliment, but its also for free, so respect the GTAT team, and the MTA team. that means you should shut up, and let them do their work.

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Sorry, but if there aren't any good of *something*, then nobody may say that this *something* is bad?

And gtaT is definately not any good right now, because it isn't ready yet. How comes some people say that a thing which does not exist is good or bad. Yes, alpha has been given to public, it gives some idea, what is going to come out of that, but even if the alpha looks amazing the final version might be pretty bad. I am not saying, that it *will* be bad.

You can't say, if a gaming rig which hasn't all component yet, will be good or bad. If it has Athlon FX55 processor, it may still turn out bad. For example if it is going to have 128 mb ram or Ati Radeon 9200 video card (no offense to owners of these hardware pieces).

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  Loendal said:
Actually, "noobs" can fight with it.. All too easily, I might add.. It's very powerful...........If you honestly feel that this program is a piece of shit, please, feel free to go and either make your own or play one of the other attempts out there

noobs dont fight w/ it as well as a veteran player can with a stubby. so what if its powerful, the m60 is also powerful and i dont hear ne body bitch about that. and essentially, the original stubby "glitch" (the .3 glitch that the mta ppl removed for .4) isnt a glitch because it is included in the original version of gta. jumping isnt a glitch at all because its completely synched on everyones screen. i dont feel that mta is a piece of shit, i feel that it is becoming a piece of shit. idk i could be wrong about everything and i could turn out lovin .5, but i doubt it since mta is basically catering all the whining bitches that cant win robber spawn wars. the lowered damage on the stubby is completely gay. and im not saying that i can create a better mod than the mta team, cuz i cant, and i would try gtat or gta c (if it ever comes) if ne body fuckin played em.

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the only real prob with 0.5 i can see is that the stubby crouch glitch is most likely not fixed which is not a big deal because the team has reduced the damage to the stubby so it all works out :D

personally i think the decsion they made to fix up the stubby was a good one aminly because it will force most player to use different weapons and therefore spread out the ppl on the map

when 0.5 comes out i doubt u will see very may robber spawn wars

which i think is for the best ;)

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